

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:50

android Programming Glossary: types

Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically


you do in an adapter for a ListView or other AdapterView types. One last thing just because FragmentPagerAdapter doesn't destroy..

declaring mime type for a “custom file” that is to be sent via bluetooth


Is it required Please help android android manifest mime types intentfilter share improve this question Try to put the..

How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address


names on the device. Fortunately for certain account types including com.google the account names are email addresses...

Android: How can I validate EditText input?


to trigger the validation after the user types into each one but this doesn't behave as desired for the last..

Detect network connection type on Android


to meet your demands you have to handle all the network types returned by getSubType . It took me an hour or two to research..

Defining custom attrs


implicitly defined You can set the format to multiple types by using e.g. format reference color . enum attributes can be..

How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically?


So the scenario Android App startup. register SMS message types X Y and Z messages P Q X Y Z stream in over the course of time..

Update UI from Thread


UI thread. An asynchronous task is defined by 3 generic types called Params Progress and Result and 4 steps called begin doInBackground..

Android Listview with different layout for each row


share improve this question Since you know how many types of layout you would have it's possible to use those methods... getViewTypeCount this methods returns information how many types of rows do you have in your list getItemViewType int position..

How to open or simulate a click on an android Preference, created with XML, programatically?


comments your answer. This can be done with any preference types that have a protected showDialog method. share improve this..

Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime


It needs a compiled ninepatch image. There are two types of ninepatch file formats in the Android world source and compiled..

How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data


I have an editText where I am getting string whatever user types. Then with the help of myEditText.getText .toString . I am getting..

getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter


question These handle the case where you want different types of view for different rows. For instance in a contacts application.. has the same layout you don't need to worry about view types. In fact BaseAdapter.java provides a default behavior for all..

How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary?


tree setting the summaries of all preferences of the types you desire to their toString representation share improve this..

Passing a Bundle on startActivity()?


Bundles have get and put methods for all the primitive types Parcelables and Serializables. I just used Strings for demonstrational..

Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”?


If you want you can view a list of all the different types of config changes . Edit More importantly though as hackbod..

Admob Error in Eclipse for android:configChanges


activity the error is error Error String types not allowed at 'configChanges' with value 'keyboard keyboardHidden..

MuPdf Reader integrate in project


mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec os_types.h 53 from home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9.. mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec os_types.h 47 note previous declaration of 'int8_t' was here The solution.. you can simply comment the lines of the definition of types in the file thirdparty jbig2dec os_types.h After that you will..

Android ViewPager - can't update dynamically


You don't have to put all the update code inside getItem like you do in an adapter for a ListView or other AdapterView types. One last thing just because FragmentPagerAdapter doesn't destroy a fragment doesn't mean that getItemPosition is completely..

declaring mime type for a “custom file” that is to be sent via bluetooth


will be required to send my file to be sent via Blue tooth Is it required Please help android android manifest mime types intentfilter share improve this question Try to put the file in the bluetooth directory it worked for me. String root..

How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address


or AccountManager.getAccountsByType to get a list of all account names on the device. Fortunately for certain account types including com.google the account names are email addresses. Example snippet below. Pattern emailPattern Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS..

Android: How can I validate EditText input?


input validation on a series of EditTexts. I'm using OnFocusChangeListeners to trigger the validation after the user types into each one but this doesn't behave as desired for the last EditText. If I click on the Done button while typing into..

Detect network connection type on Android


find whether the phone's network is connected and fast enough to meet your demands you have to handle all the network types returned by getSubType . It took me an hour or two to research and write this class to do just exactly that and I thought..

Defining custom attrs


string fraction enum normally implicitly defined flag normally implicitly defined You can set the format to multiple types by using e.g. format reference color . enum attributes can be defined as follows attr name my_enum_attr enum name value1..

How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically?


messages from the Android inbox don't seem to be pressing. So the scenario Android App startup. register SMS message types X Y and Z messages P Q X Y Z stream in over the course of time all deposited in inbox Android application detects receipt..

Update UI from Thread


on a background thread and whose result is published on the UI thread. An asynchronous task is defined by 3 generic types called Params Progress and Result and 4 steps called begin doInBackground processProgress and end. The 4 steps When an asynchronous..

Android Listview with different layout for each row


listview support many different row styles android listview share improve this question Since you know how many types of layout you would have it's possible to use those methods. getViewTypeCount this methods returns information how many.. layout you would have it's possible to use those methods. getViewTypeCount this methods returns information how many types of rows do you have in your list getItemViewType int position returns information which layout type you should use based..

How to open or simulate a click on an android Preference, created with XML, programatically?


Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime


It returned null because you were giving Bitmap a source ninepatch. It needs a compiled ninepatch image. There are two types of ninepatch file formats in the Android world source and compiled . The source version is where you add the 1px transparency..

How to use putExtra() and getExtra() for string data


to pass from one screen to the other is dynamic. That is I have an editText where I am getting string whatever user types. Then with the help of myEditText.getText .toString . I am getting the entered value as a string then I have to pass this..

getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter


methods of ArrayAdapter android share improve this question These handle the case where you want different types of view for different rows. For instance in a contacts application you may want even rows to have pictures on the left side.. get ones with pictures on the right. If every row in your list has the same layout you don't need to worry about view types. In fact BaseAdapter.java provides a default behavior for all adapters public int getItemViewType int position return 0..

How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary?


Passing a Bundle on startActivity()?


Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”?


be restarted in the same way it does by an orientation change. If you want you can view a list of all the different types of config changes . Edit More importantly though as hackbod points out in the comments your activity will also be restarted..

Admob Error in Eclipse for android:configChanges


keyboardHidden orientation screenLayout uiMode screenSize smallestScreenSize activity the error is error Error String types not allowed at 'configChanges' with value 'keyboard keyboardHidden orientation screenLayout uiMode screenSize smallestScreenSize'..

MuPdf Reader integrate in project


In file included from home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec os_types.h 53 from home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec jbig2.c 22 home yury.. of typedef 'int8_t' home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec os_types.h 47 note previous declaration of 'int8_t' was here The solution is explained here mupdf for android ndk build problem error.. ndk build problem error redefinition of typedef.... However you can simply comment the lines of the definition of types in the file thirdparty jbig2dec os_types.h After that you will receive two libraries one static and one shared for your..