

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:50

android Programming Glossary: typeface.bold

Multiple TypeFace in single TextView


old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if fake Typeface.BOLD 0 paint.setFakeBoldText true if fake Typeface.ITALIC 0 paint.setTextSkewX..

Add text to image in android programmatically


true Typeface tf Typeface.create Helvetica Typeface.BOLD Paint paint new Paint paint.setStyle Style.FILL paint.setColor..

Android 4.2 on Nexus 7: canvas.drawText() not working correctly


size some size paint.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.BOLD paint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER In the logCat 4.2.1 emulator.. size paint.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.BOLD paint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER paint.setLinearText true Here..

Android 4.2.1 wrong character kerning (spacing)


0.125f titlePaint.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.BOLD titlePaint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER titlePaint.setLinearText..

Android how to make button text bold when pressed or focussed


v boolean hasFocus if hasFocus btn_reset.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD else btn_reset.setTypeface null Typeface.NORMAL android ..

Android - How to programmatically set button color


info setText info.getTime setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.BOLD int identifier 0 if info.isAvailable identifier getContext .getResources..

How do you change text to bold in Android?


How can I use TypefaceSpan or StyleSpan with a custom Typeface?


old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if fake Typeface.BOLD 0 paint.setFakeBoldText true if fake Typeface.ITALIC 0 paint.setTextSkewX..

Android SeekBarPreference


18 preferenceText.setTypeface Typeface.SANS_SERIF Typeface.BOLD SeekBar sbar new SeekBar getContext sbar.setId 1 sbar.setMax..

Change clickable TextView's color on focus and click?


title.setText titleLine title.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD title.setClickable true title.setId idLine title.setFocusable..

android set custom font to a paint


question Use this Typeface tf Typeface.create Helvetica Typeface.BOLD Paint paint new Paint paint.setTypeface tf canvas.drawText Sample..

Set TextView style (bold or italic)


share improve this question textView.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC textView.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD textView.setTypeface.. null Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC textView.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD textView.setTypeface null Typeface.ITALIC textView.setTypeface..

How to change the Font styles and face in Android?


Typeface.SERIF and font type Typeface.NORMAL Typeface.BOLD Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC Typeface.ITALIC you can use like as textView.setTypeface.. Typeface.SERIF and font type Typeface.NORMAL Typeface.BOLD Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC Typeface.ITALIC you can use like as textView.setTypeface.. you can use like as textView.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.BOLD and other way is you can download any .ttf file and put it in..

Creating a table/grid with a frozen column and frozen headers


5 0 5 0 if 0 i frozenCell.setTypeface font Typeface.BOLD else frozenCell.setTypeface font Typeface.NORMAL frozenCell.setTextSize.. #FF000000 if 0 i rowCell.setTypeface font Typeface.BOLD else rowCell.setTypeface font Typeface.NORMAL rowCell.setTextSize..

Displaying non-English (specifically Hindi) characters on android device


Multiple TypeFace in single TextView


old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if fake Typeface.BOLD 0 paint.setFakeBoldText true if fake Typeface.ITALIC 0 paint.setTextSkewX 0.25f paint.setTypeface tf Reference share improve..

Add text to image in android programmatically


getResources drawableId .copy Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 true Typeface tf Typeface.create Helvetica Typeface.BOLD Paint paint new Paint paint.setStyle Style.FILL paint.setColor Color.WHITE paint.setTypeface tf paint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER..

Android 4.2 on Nexus 7: canvas.drawText() not working correctly


true paint.setColor color some color paint.setTextSize size some size paint.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.BOLD paint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER In the logCat 4.2.1 emulator I see a lot of 12 18 20 42 21.096 W Trace 276 Unexpected value.. Paint paint.setAntiAlias true paint.setColor color paint.setTextSize size paint.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.BOLD paint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER paint.setLinearText true Here the link that saves my day http gc.codehum.com p android issues..

Android 4.2.1 wrong character kerning (spacing)


true titlePaint.setColor 0xffffffff titlePaint.setTextSize 0.125f titlePaint.setTypeface Typeface.defaultFromStyle Typeface.BOLD titlePaint.setTextAlign Align.CENTER titlePaint.setLinearText true If I don't use titlePaint.setLinearText true I get a..

Android how to make button text bold when pressed or focussed


@Override public void onFocusChange View v boolean hasFocus if hasFocus btn_reset.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD else btn_reset.setTypeface null Typeface.NORMAL android share improve this question You could create your own style.xml..

Android - How to programmatically set button color


RachelButton Context context Info info super context this.info info setText info.getTime setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.BOLD int identifier 0 if info.isAvailable identifier getContext .getResources .getIdentifier drawable info_button_ info.getType..

How do you change text to bold in Android?


How can I use TypefaceSpan or StyleSpan with a custom Typeface?


old paint.getTypeface if old null oldStyle 0 else oldStyle old.getStyle int fake oldStyle ~tf.getStyle if fake Typeface.BOLD 0 paint.setFakeBoldText true if fake Typeface.ITALIC 0 paint.setTextSkewX 0.25f paint.setTypeface tf i hope it helps..

Android SeekBarPreference


0 preferenceText.setText getTitle preferenceText.setTextSize 18 preferenceText.setTypeface Typeface.SANS_SERIF Typeface.BOLD SeekBar sbar new SeekBar getContext sbar.setId 1 sbar.setMax maximum sbar.setProgress int this.oldValue sbar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener..

Change clickable TextView's color on focus and click?


LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT title.setTextColor R.color.textcolor title.setText titleLine title.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD title.setClickable true title.setId idLine title.setFocusable true title.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override..

android set custom font to a paint


Thanks. android fonts set paint share improve this question Use this Typeface tf Typeface.create Helvetica Typeface.BOLD Paint paint new Paint paint.setTypeface tf canvas.drawText Sample text in bold Helvetica 0 0 paint This assumes that the..

Set TextView style (bold or italic)


write android textStyle with Java. android android textview share improve this question textView.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC textView.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD textView.setTypeface null Typeface.ITALIC textView.setTypeface null Typeface.NORMAL.. textview share improve this question textView.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC textView.setTypeface null Typeface.BOLD textView.setTypeface null Typeface.ITALIC textView.setTypeface null Typeface.NORMAL Use what you want. share improve this..

How to change the Font styles and face in Android?


face TypeFace Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.MONOSPACE Typeface.SANS_SERIF Typeface.SERIF and font type Typeface.NORMAL Typeface.BOLD Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC Typeface.ITALIC you can use like as textView.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.BOLD and other way.. Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.MONOSPACE Typeface.SANS_SERIF Typeface.SERIF and font type Typeface.NORMAL Typeface.BOLD Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC Typeface.ITALIC you can use like as textView.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.BOLD and other way is you can.. Typeface.BOLD Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC Typeface.ITALIC you can use like as textView.setTypeface Typeface.DEFAULT Typeface.BOLD and other way is you can download any .ttf file and put it in asset folder and use like as this Typeface type Typeface.createFromAsset..

Creating a table/grid with a frozen column and frozen headers


0 frozenCell.setTextColor Color.parseColor #FF000000 frozenCell.setPadding 5 0 5 0 if 0 i frozenCell.setTypeface font Typeface.BOLD else frozenCell.setTypeface font Typeface.NORMAL frozenCell.setTextSize TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP fontSize frozenRow.addView.. 0 0 rowCell.setGravity Gravity.RIGHT rowCell.setTextColor Color.parseColor #FF000000 if 0 i rowCell.setTypeface font Typeface.BOLD else rowCell.setTypeface font Typeface.NORMAL rowCell.setTextSize TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP fontSize row.addView rowCell..

Displaying non-English (specifically Hindi) characters on android device
