android Programming Glossary: thinking
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView that the setChildrenCursor call is exhibiting I am thinking there is a problem with how the group child CursorLoaders are..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps be on the map which I just don't like. At this point I was thinking about some other solution. I realized that I actually don't..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) is not a part of the official Android SDK but I was thinking someone may have been able to implement this. Any help is greatly..
Implementations of Emoji (Emoticon) View/Keyboard Layouts Unicode sequences but rather just local image assets. I am thinking that this type of keyboard can only be useful within this app..
Retrieve incoming call's phone number in Android class. What am I my missing here Is my thinking correct receiver android name .CustomBroadcastReceiver intent..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off hidden API in android to turn screen off I'm thinking about using a hidden api to turn the screen off in my app. setScreenState..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts Hero for device testing Android 1.5 . At this point I'm thinking the only way around this is to somehow avoid using BitmapFactory..
Android - Service wont stop? Log.d Stop_Scan_Button Service should stop Am I right in thinking that when stopService is used it calls the onDestroy method..
Android Camera without Preview it seems that the architects of the platform was not thinking about 3rd party video streaming applications at all. even for..
Android WebView progress bar 2dip ProgressBar This is how i did it in my app. i was thinking of doing it in a different way using progressbarLarge but i..
Android: automatically choose debug/release Maps api key? sign with release one before sending app to Market. I was thinking about detecting my particular device or whether debugger is..
Is there a way to automatically update application on Android? Google Play won't notify users about an update. I was thinking about as suggested here trying to contact my site periodically..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? It just takes me to some locations and that's it. I was thinking of changing listener class. Currently it looks like that private..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity SDK 2.3 emulators are still failing to connect. If you are thinking of investigating this problem please backup your earlier SDK..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client location update i was so pissed off until i walked around thinking of what to do now ^^ 2. you need a correct implementation of..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] available and how well they work in practice. I've been thinking about web applications perhaps using jQuery Mobile or Titanium..
Store orientation to an array - and compare f yaw f attitude.pitch attitude.roll attitude.yaw I'm thinking that I could store these values into an array if the user is..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup area or not at all depending on the zoom scale. My initial thinking was that when an individual child view's invalidate is being..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android do not know I just did above after seen the error message thinking something is wrong with the build paths. Edit Later on it was..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView B expanding group A is expanded. Can anyone explain the behavior that the setChildrenCursor call is exhibiting I am thinking there is a problem with how the group child CursorLoaders are instantiated in onCreateLoader . For the group CursorLoader..
Google maps api v2 custom infowindow like in original android google maps PopupWindow will always be a step behind where it should be on the map which I just don't like. At this point I was thinking about some other solution. I realized that I actually don't really need that much freedom to show my custom views with all..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) this to work Also I am aware that the SMS MMS ContentProvider is not a part of the official Android SDK but I was thinking someone may have been able to implement this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Update I have added a BroadcastReceiver to..
Implementations of Emoji (Emoticon) View/Keyboard Layouts very useful Emoticon Keyboard . This keyboard is not using Unicode sequences but rather just local image assets. I am thinking that this type of keyboard can only be useful within this app and not with other apps or Operating Systems. So instead I..
Retrieve incoming call's phone number in Android but the log message never get's printed out from the CustomPhoneStateListener class. What am I my missing here Is my thinking correct receiver android name .CustomBroadcastReceiver intent filter action android name android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off hidden API in android to turn screen off I'm thinking about using a hidden api to turn the screen off in my app. setScreenState from http p platform frameworks..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts so that my app is the only thing running. I'm using an HTC Hero for device testing Android 1.5 . At this point I'm thinking the only way around this is to somehow avoid using BitmapFactory . Anyone have any ideas on this or an explanation as to..
Android - Service wont stop? Service service.toString stopService service Log.d Stop_Scan_Button Service should stop Am I right in thinking that when stopService is used it calls the onDestroy method of the Service When I press my stop scan button the onDestroy..
Android Camera without Preview platform can't stream video until it given valid preview surface. it seems that the architects of the platform was not thinking about 3rd party video streaming applications at all. even for augmented reality case the picture can be presented as some..
Android WebView progress bar wrap_content android layout_centerVertical true android padding 2dip ProgressBar This is how i did it in my app. i was thinking of doing it in a different way using progressbarLarge but i couldn't because i was missing something there i don't know...
Android: automatically choose debug/release Maps api key? I'm using debug certificate on emulator and my device then sign with release one before sending app to Market. I was thinking about detecting my particular device or whether debugger is connected but it is not perfect. Maybe some file marking need..
Is there a way to automatically update application on Android? instances that are not downloaded through Google Play since Google Play won't notify users about an update. I was thinking about as suggested here trying to contact my site periodically and when update is available download it. Is there a way..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? the same thing with android google map it doesn't do that. It just takes me to some locations and that's it. I was thinking of changing listener class. Currently it looks like that private class MyLocationListener implements LocationListener @Override..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity to work OK with SDK 2.1 although code completion was slow . SDK 2.3 emulators are still failing to connect. If you are thinking of investigating this problem please backup your earlier SDK and plugin else you might end up with a useless development..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client you have sometimes to walk a bit to make your device get a location update i was so pissed off until i walked around thinking of what to do now ^^ 2. you need a correct implementation of ItemizedOverlay with an correct OverlayItem . i wrote my own..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] I was wondering on what cross platform solutions there are available and how well they work in practice. I've been thinking about web applications perhaps using jQuery Mobile or Titanium or Adobe Flash Flex Air. I also don't yet have a Mac which..
Store orientation to an array - and compare error CMAttitude attitude motion.attitude NSLog @ pitch f roll f yaw f attitude.pitch attitude.roll attitude.yaw I'm thinking that I could store these values into an array if the user is in record mode. And when the user tries to replicate that movement..
Extending RelativeLayout, and overriding dispatchDraw() to create a zoomable ViewGroup views are only seen to update in a portion of their viewing area or not at all depending on the zoom scale. My initial thinking was that when an individual child view's invalidate is being called then it's possibly being redrawn individually by the..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android Properties sometimes it might be doing the same thing. I do not know I just did above after seen the error message thinking something is wrong with the build paths. Edit Later on it was not sufficient I was getting the error again. Then I checked..