android Programming Glossary: srcrect
Android Tile Bitmap in my view to display a bitmap canvas.drawBitmap bitmap srcRect destRect null I essentially want to use this bitmap as a background..
Crop-to-fit image in Android Canvas canvas new Canvas croppedImage Rect srcRect mCrop.getCropRect Rect dstRect new Rect 0 0 mOutputX mOutputY.. Rect dstRect new Rect 0 0 mOutputX mOutputY int dx srcRect.width dstRect.width 2 int dy srcRect.height dstRect.height 2.. mOutputY int dx srcRect.width dstRect.width 2 int dy srcRect.height dstRect.height 2 If the srcRect is too big use the center..
How to crop image in android Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 Canvas canvas new Canvas b Rect srcRect mCrop.getCropRect RectF dstRect new RectF 0 0 mOutputX mOutputY.. RectF dstRect new RectF 0 0 mOutputX mOutputY int dx int srcRect.width dstRect.width 2 int dy int srcRect.height dstRect.height.. int dx int srcRect.width dstRect.width 2 int dy int srcRect.height dstRect.height 2 If the srcRect is too big use the center..
Android Bitmap/Canvas offset after scale I draw a Bitmap like this canvas.drawBitmap bmLargeImage srcRect destRect paint and I scale the bitmap canvas.scale 1.5f 1.5f..
Android Tile Bitmap which I want to tile. I'm currently using the following in my view to display a bitmap canvas.drawBitmap bitmap srcRect destRect null I essentially want to use this bitmap as a background image in my app and would like to repeat the bitmap..
Crop-to-fit image in Android D croppedImage Bitmap.createBitmap mOutputX mOutputY Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 Canvas canvas new Canvas croppedImage Rect srcRect mCrop.getCropRect Rect dstRect new Rect 0 0 mOutputX mOutputY int dx srcRect.width dstRect.width 2 int dy srcRect.height.. canvas new Canvas croppedImage Rect srcRect mCrop.getCropRect Rect dstRect new Rect 0 0 mOutputX mOutputY int dx srcRect.width dstRect.width 2 int dy srcRect.height dstRect.height 2 If the srcRect is too big use the center part of it. srcRect.inset.. Rect srcRect mCrop.getCropRect Rect dstRect new Rect 0 0 mOutputX mOutputY int dx srcRect.width dstRect.width 2 int dy srcRect.height dstRect.height 2 If the srcRect is too big use the center part of it. srcRect.inset Math.max 0 dx Math.max 0 dy If..
How to crop image in android dimension Bitmap b Bitmap.createBitmap mOutputX mOutputY Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 Canvas canvas new Canvas b Rect srcRect mCrop.getCropRect RectF dstRect new RectF 0 0 mOutputX mOutputY int dx int srcRect.width dstRect.width 2 int dy int srcRect.height.. Canvas canvas new Canvas b Rect srcRect mCrop.getCropRect RectF dstRect new RectF 0 0 mOutputX mOutputY int dx int srcRect.width dstRect.width 2 int dy int srcRect.height dstRect.height 2 If the srcRect is too big use the center part of it. srcRect.inset.. mCrop.getCropRect RectF dstRect new RectF 0 0 mOutputX mOutputY int dx int srcRect.width dstRect.width 2 int dy int srcRect.height dstRect.height 2 If the srcRect is too big use the center part of it. srcRect.inset Math.max 0 dx Math.max 0 dy If..
Android Bitmap/Canvas offset after scale Bitmap Canvas offset after scale If I have a canvas on which I draw a Bitmap like this canvas.drawBitmap bmLargeImage srcRect destRect paint and I scale the bitmap canvas.scale 1.5f 1.5f 450 250 I want to get the position of the Bitmap after the..