

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:24:57

android Programming Glossary: srcpoint

Adding a custom marker to map - Android


.add srcitemizedOverlay mapController.animateTo srcpoint mapController.setZoom 16 Use the above code in ontouch method..

Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s


drawable2 MapOverlay mapoverlay2 mapoverlay3 GeoPoint srcpoint destpoint Overlay overlayitem public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. R.id.mapview callMap private void callMap srcpoint new GeoPoint int Data.src_lat_date 1E6 int Data.src_long_data.. drawable OverlayItem overlayitem new OverlayItem srcpoint mapoverlay2.addOverlay overlayitem maplistoverlay.add mapoverlay2..

Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview'


srcdrawable getApplicationContext GeoPoint srcpoint new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lat 1E6 int Double.parseDouble.. lng 1E6 OverlayItem srcoverlayitem new OverlayItem srcpoint Hello This is your Location. srcitemizedOverlay.addOverlay srcoverlayitem.. .add srcitemizedOverlay mapController.animateTo srcpoint mapController.setZoom 16 If you want more than one point on..

Adding a custom marker to map - Android


srcoverlayitem mapView.getOverlays .clear mapView.getOverlays .add srcitemizedOverlay mapController.animateTo srcpoint mapController.setZoom 16 Use the above code in ontouch method also use the below CustomItemizedOverlay.java class public..

Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s


Context _context List Overlay maplistoverlay Drawable drawable drawable2 MapOverlay mapoverlay2 mapoverlay3 GeoPoint srcpoint destpoint Overlay overlayitem public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState requestWindowFeature.. RegisterActivities.registerActivity this mapview MapView this.findViewById R.id.mapview callMap private void callMap srcpoint new GeoPoint int Data.src_lat_date 1E6 int Data.src_long_data 1E6 maplistoverlay mapview.getOverlays drawable this.getResources.. .getDrawable R.drawable.green_a mapoverlay2 new MapOverlay drawable OverlayItem overlayitem new OverlayItem srcpoint mapoverlay2.addOverlay overlayitem maplistoverlay.add mapoverlay2 destpoint new GeoPoint int Data.dest_lat_data 1E6 int..

Can't mark while showing the current location in 'mapview'


CustomItemizedOverlay srcitemizedOverlay new CustomItemizedOverlay srcdrawable getApplicationContext GeoPoint srcpoint new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lat 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lng 1E6 OverlayItem srcoverlayitem new OverlayItem srcpoint.. new GeoPoint int Double.parseDouble lat 1E6 int Double.parseDouble lng 1E6 OverlayItem srcoverlayitem new OverlayItem srcpoint Hello This is your Location. srcitemizedOverlay.addOverlay srcoverlayitem mapView.getOverlays .clear mapView.getOverlays.. srcoverlayitem mapView.getOverlays .clear mapView.getOverlays .add srcitemizedOverlay mapController.animateTo srcpoint mapController.setZoom 16 If you want more than one point on map Drawable srcdrawable getApplicationContext .getResources..