

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:05

android Programming Glossary: r.id.container

How to apply 3d transition between two activities in android?


this activity ActivitySwitcher.animationIn findViewById R.id.container getWindowManager super.onResume private void animatedStartActivity.. ActivitySwitcher.animationOut findViewById R.id.container getWindowManager new ActivitySwitcher.AnimationFinishedListener.. this activity ActivitySwitcher.animationIn findViewById R.id.container getWindowManager super.onResume private void animatedStartActivity..

How can I test fragments with Robolectric?


activity ViewGroup activity.findViewById R.id.container null myFragment.onAttach activity myFragment.onActivityCreated..

MapFragment in Action Bar Tabs


like this getFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace R.id.container fragment .commit . Create a fragment that holds the map Create..

Replace ListFragment with Fragment inside ViewPager with Tabs


getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace R.id.container details .addToBackStack null .commit getChildFragmentManager.. .commit getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add R.id.container list .commit @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater..

Auto-fit TextView for Android


final ViewGroup container ViewGroup findViewById R.id.container findViewById R.id.button1 .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener.. final ViewGroup container ViewGroup findViewById R.id.container findViewById R.id.button1 .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener..

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments


FragmentTransaction ft fm.beginTransaction ft.add R.id.container fragment1 frag1 ft.add R.id.fragment_container fragment2 frag2.. onTabSelected Tab tab FragmentTransaction ft ft.replace R.id.container fragment public void onTabUnselected Tab tab FragmentTransaction..

android: quality of the images resized in runtime


LinearLayout container LinearLayout findViewById R.id.container container.addView new View this @Override protected void onDraw..

I want to set an image saved on sd card in main layout background through my application


bd new BitmapDrawable res bitmap View view findViewById R.id.container view.setBackgroundDrawable bd Regards Ziteng Chen share improve..

ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state?


getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add R.id.container fragment customtag .commit ... When using a FragmentPagerAdapter..

swap fragment in an activity via animation


fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.container new FragB fragmentTransaction.commit Looking for some clue...

How to apply 3d transition between two activities in android?


@Override protected void onResume animateIn this activity ActivitySwitcher.animationIn findViewById R.id.container getWindowManager super.onResume private void animatedStartActivity we only animateOut this activity here. The new activity.. animation for new intent intent.addFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION ActivitySwitcher.animationOut findViewById R.id.container getWindowManager new ActivitySwitcher.AnimationFinishedListener @Override public void onAnimationFinished startActivity.. @Override protected void onResume animateIn this activity ActivitySwitcher.animationIn findViewById R.id.container getWindowManager super.onResume private void animatedStartActivity we only animateOut this activity here. The new activity..

How can I test fragments with Robolectric?


work. myFragment new MyFragment myFragment.onCreateView LayoutInflater.from activity ViewGroup activity.findViewById R.id.container null myFragment.onAttach activity myFragment.onActivityCreated null I'm working with API level 13 Honeycomb . Thanks. android..

MapFragment in Action Bar Tabs


set the fragment to a new instance using the FragmentManager like this getFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace R.id.container fragment .commit . Create a fragment that holds the map Create a class that extends Fragment to use as your tab's fragment...

Replace ListFragment with Fragment inside ViewPager with Tabs


based on clicked item's position Fragment details new Fragment getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction .replace R.id.container details .addToBackStack null .commit getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add R.id.container list .commit @Override.. .replace R.id.container details .addToBackStack null .commit getChildFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add R.id.container list .commit @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle savedInstanceState There..

Auto-fit TextView for Android


savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main final ViewGroup container ViewGroup findViewById R.id.container findViewById R.id.button1 .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick final View v container.removeAllViews.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main final ViewGroup container ViewGroup findViewById R.id.container findViewById R.id.button1 .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick final View v container.removeAllViews..

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments


getSupportFragmentManager setActionBar fragment2 new Fragment2 FragmentTransaction ft fm.beginTransaction ft.add R.id.container fragment1 frag1 ft.add R.id.fragment_container fragment2 frag2 ft.commit private void setActionBar ActionBar actionBar.. Fragment fragment this.fragment fragment public void onTabSelected Tab tab FragmentTransaction ft ft.replace R.id.container fragment public void onTabUnselected Tab tab FragmentTransaction ft FragmentManager fm getSupportFragmentManager ft fm.beginTransaction..

android: quality of the images resized in runtime


super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main LinearLayout container LinearLayout findViewById R.id.container container.addView new View this @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas Bitmap unscaledBitmap try InputStream..

I want to set an image saved on sd card in main layout background through my application


ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state?


.findFragmentByTag customtag else fragment new CustomFragment getSupportFragmentManager .beginTransaction .add R.id.container fragment customtag .commit ... When using a FragmentPagerAdapter we relinquish fragment management to the adapter and do..

swap fragment in an activity via animation


FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction fragmentManager.beginTransaction fragmentTransaction.replace R.id.container new FragB fragmentTransaction.commit Looking for some clue. Thanks in advance. android share improve this question ..