

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:21:57

android Programming Glossary: r.drawable.icon

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?


object. final Notification notif new Notification R.drawable.icon tickerText System.currentTimeMillis final RemoteViews contentView.. contentView.setImageViewResource R.id.image R.drawable.icon contentView.setTextViewText R.id.text tickerText contentView.setProgressBar..

How to add image in expandable List in parent in android?


NAME Child i map.put IMAGE getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.icon i 2 0 group1data group2data .add map setListAdapter new SimpleExpandableListAdapter..

How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android?


background of this button thisbutton.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.icon after let's say 1 second I need to go back to the previous stade.. public void onClick View v my_button.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.icon SLEEP 2 SECONDS HERE ... Handler handler new Handler handler.postDelayed..

How can I get clickable hyperlinks in AlertDialog from a string resource?


.setPositiveButton android.R.string.ok null .setIcon R.drawable.icon .show I'd like to avoid using a WebView to just display a text..

ListView is blank while using getFilter function


y meaning strMeaning y rowsArray.add new SetRows R.drawable.icon name meaning adapter new SetRowsCustomAdapter MainActivity.this..

Android - Open resource from @drawable String


void showImage String uri drawable icon int imageResource R.drawable.icon int imageResource getResources .getIdentifier uri null getPackageName.. you to work with R. references like this int imageResource R.drawable.icon Drawable image getResources .getDrawable imageResource share..

How can I setup multiple alarms in Android?


Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon text System.currentTimeMillis Intent newIntent new Intent newIntent.setAction..

Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging


and timestamp Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon text System.currentTimeMillis The PendingIntent to launch our..

Android, getting resource ID from string?


the string. How should I best achieve this For example R.drawable.icon I need to get the integer ID of this but I also need access..

read data from sdcard in android


position else new AlertDialog.Builder this .setIcon R.drawable.icon .setTitle file.getName folder can't be read .setPositiveButton.. stub .show else new AlertDialog.Builder this .setIcon R.drawable.icon .setTitle file.getName .setPositiveButton OK new DialogInterface.OnClickListener.. position else new AlertDialog.Builder this .setIcon R.drawable.icon .setTitle file.getName folder can't be read .setPositiveButton..

Android create shortcuts on the home screen


icon Intent.ShortcutIconResource.fromContext this R.drawable.icon Intent intent new Intent Intent launchIntent new Intent this..

How to set Alarm in Android?


context Alarm worked. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show int icon R.drawable.icon CharSequence tickerText Hello you have to take medicine I am.. when Notification notification1 new Notification R.drawable.icon Wake up alarm System.currentTimeMillis notification.setLatestEventInfo..

Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out


R.drawable.j image context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.icon setFocusable true @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas..

how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+


0 notifyintent 0 Notification notif new Notification R.drawable.icon Please take your Recive message System.currentTimeMillis notif.setLatestEventInfo..

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?


my service that creates the Notification construct the Notification object. final Notification notif new Notification R.drawable.icon tickerText System.currentTimeMillis final RemoteViews contentView new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout.. new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.custom_notification_layout contentView.setImageViewResource R.id.image R.drawable.icon contentView.setTextViewText R.id.text tickerText contentView.setProgressBar R.id.progress 100 0 false notif.contentView..

How to add image in expandable List in parent in android?


final HashMap String Object map new HashMap String Object map.put NAME Child i map.put IMAGE getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.icon i 2 0 group1data group2data .add map setListAdapter new SimpleExpandableListAdapter this headerData android.R.layout.simple_expandable_list_item_1..

How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android?


a button a card in fact and I show it by changing the background of this button thisbutton.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.icon after let's say 1 second I need to go back to the previous stade of the button by changing back its background thisbutton.setBackgroundResource.. Timer and using the Handler's postDelayed method @Override public void onClick View v my_button.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.icon SLEEP 2 SECONDS HERE ... Handler handler new Handler handler.postDelayed new Runnable public void run my_button.setBackgroundResource..

How can I get clickable hyperlinks in AlertDialog from a string resource?


.setMessage getResources .getText R.string.about .setPositiveButton android.R.string.ok null .setIcon R.drawable.icon .show I'd like to avoid using a WebView to just display a text snippet so any advice how to get this working is much appreciated..

ListView is blank while using getFilter function


R.id.lvFiles for int y 0 y strNames.length y name strNamesOfAllah y meaning strMeaning y rowsArray.add new SetRows R.drawable.icon name meaning adapter new SetRowsCustomAdapter MainActivity.this R.layout.customlist rowsArray dataList.setAdapter adapter..

Android - Open resource from @drawable String


need to work with a string try something like this private void showImage String uri drawable icon int imageResource R.drawable.icon int imageResource getResources .getIdentifier uri null getPackageName ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.myImageView..

How can I setup multiple alarms in Android?


notification CharSequence text itemName reminderOrAlarmMessage Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon text System.currentTimeMillis Intent newIntent new Intent newIntent.setAction activityToTrigg newIntent.putExtra item_id..

Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging


getText R.string.service_started Set the icon scrolling text and timestamp Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon text System.currentTimeMillis The PendingIntent to launch our activity if the user selects this notification PendingIntent..

Android, getting resource ID from string?


use both the id that the reference points to and also it needs the string. How should I best achieve this For example R.drawable.icon I need to get the integer ID of this but I also need access to the string icon . It would be preferable if all I had to..

read data from sdcard in android


position if file.isDirectory if file.canRead getDir path.get position else new AlertDialog.Builder this .setIcon R.drawable.icon .setTitle file.getName folder can't be read .setPositiveButton OK new DialogInterface.OnClickListener @Override public void.. DialogInterface dialog int which TODO Auto generated method stub .show else new AlertDialog.Builder this .setIcon R.drawable.icon .setTitle file.getName .setPositiveButton OK new DialogInterface.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick DialogInterface.. position if file.isDirectory if file.canRead getDir path.get position else new AlertDialog.Builder this .setIcon R.drawable.icon .setTitle file.getName folder can't be read .setPositiveButton OK new DialogInterface.OnClickListener public void onClick..

Android create shortcuts on the home screen


activity result. create shortcut if requested ShortcutIconResource icon Intent.ShortcutIconResource.fromContext this R.drawable.icon Intent intent new Intent Intent launchIntent new Intent this ActivityToLaunch.class intent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_SHORTCUT_INTENT..

How to set Alarm in Android?


Intent intent TODO Auto generated method stub Toast.makeText context Alarm worked. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show int icon R.drawable.icon CharSequence tickerText Hello you have to take medicine I am Nitin Sharma long when System.currentTimeMillis Notification.. 0 Notification notification new Notification icon tickerText when Notification notification1 new Notification R.drawable.icon Wake up alarm System.currentTimeMillis notification.setLatestEventInfo context contentTitle contentText contentIntent notification.flags..

Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out


context super context image context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.j image context.getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.icon setFocusable true @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas TODO Auto generated method stub super.onDraw canvas here..

how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+


PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context 0 notifyintent 0 Notification notif new Notification R.drawable.icon Please take your Recive message System.currentTimeMillis notif.setLatestEventInfo context from message contentIntent nm.notify..