

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:01

android Programming Glossary: r.drawable.splash

Making TextView Scrollable in Android


TextView tv new TextView this tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash tv.setTypeface face tv.setTextSize 18 tv.setTextColor R.color.BROWN..

how to change images with timer


R.splash.ImageView splashImage.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash splashAnimation AnimationDrawable splashImage.getBackground..

How add an Application Pre-loader/Startup screen/Splash Screen to My PhoneGap Android App


savedInstanceState super.setIntegerProperty splashscreen R.drawable.splash Displays the splash screen for android super.loadUrl file android_asset..

How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android?


GalleryPage extends Activity private Integer mImageIds R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash.. Activity private Integer mImageIds R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash.. Integer mImageIds R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash..

phonegap - splash screen for Android app


another. First add super.setIntegerProperty splashscreen R.drawable.splash this line should show up under super.onCreate but before super.loadUrl..

Making TextView Scrollable in Android


TextView scrollable. How can i do that Here is the code final TextView tv new TextView this tv.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.splash tv.setTypeface face tv.setTextSize 18 tv.setTextColor R.color.BROWN tv.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL..

how to change images with timer


How add an Application Pre-loader/Startup screen/Splash Screen to My PhoneGap Android App


public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState super.setIntegerProperty splashscreen R.drawable.splash Displays the splash screen for android super.loadUrl file android_asset www index.html 3000 Second parameter is duration..

How to implement Image Gallery in Gridview in android?


FrameLayout Activity File GalleryPage.java public class GalleryPage extends Activity private Integer mImageIds R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash private static.. Activity File GalleryPage.java public class GalleryPage extends Activity private Integer mImageIds R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash private static Uri mUrls null.. public class GalleryPage extends Activity private Integer mImageIds R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash R.drawable.splash private static Uri mUrls null private static String..

phonegap - splash screen for Android app


that extends DroidGap you'll need to add one line and modify another. First add super.setIntegerProperty splashscreen R.drawable.splash this line should show up under super.onCreate but before super.loadUrl . Then you'll need to modify your loadUrl method..