

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:02

android Programming Glossary: r.id.bottom_control_bar

Android: list.getCheckedItemPositions() always returns null


R.id.btitle if markedItem.isChecked markedItem.setChecked true show bottom control panel findViewById R.id.bottom_control_bar .setVisibility LinearLayout.VISIBLE else markedItem.setChecked false SparseBooleanArray lala ListView parent .getCheckedItemPositions.. ListView parent .getCheckedItemPositions if no checkbox is checked hide bottom control panel if lala null findViewById R.id.bottom_control_bar .setVisibility LinearLayout.INVISIBLE view.refreshDrawableState showSortBtn markedItem This is how I bind the listView.. .getCheckedItemPositions is null. why is it null if there are still other checkboxes checked if I switch findViewById R.id.bottom_control_bar .setVisibility LinearLayout.INVISIBLE to findViewById R.id.bottom_control_bar .setVisibility LinearLayout.GONE like I want..