android Programming Glossary: profile
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue for these I am using Facebook's Graph API.I am retrieving profile friends information.It is working fine on my device which has..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset headset that is paired and connected using the Phone audio profile. I can use an app called SoundAbout to force Media Audio to.. true return true return false Register a headset profile listener @return false if device does not support bluetooth.. not supports use of SCO for off call or error in getting profile proxy. @TargetApi Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB private boolean..
How to test the performance of an Android application? testing share improve this question If you want to profile your application to find performance bottlenecks you can use..
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] in that it doesn't follow the specification. The profile is supposed to be before the number. It is also needed to determine..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address careful and up front to the user when dealing with account profile and contact data. If you misuse a user's email address or other.. you can get the user's email addresses by accessing their profile. Accessing the user profile is a bit heavyweight as it requires.. addresses by accessing their profile. Accessing the user profile is a bit heavyweight as it requires two permissions more on..
How to convert a Drawable to a Bitmap? c.getString str_url URL url_value new URL name ImageView profile ImageView v.findViewById if profile null Bitmap.. profile ImageView v.findViewById if profile null Bitmap mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeStream url_value.openConnection..
Android REST client, Sample? hypothetical REST API URL http user profile The top layer might look like this Entry point into the API... REST server. @param userName The user name for which the profile is to be requested. @param callback Callback to execute when.. be requested. @param callback Callback to execute when the profile is available. public void getUserProfile String userName final..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException Button findViewById Show options for create profile and forgot password submit.setOnClickListener new Button.OnClickListener..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile import android.content.BroadcastReceiver import android.content.Context.. All the detection and audio connection are done in mHeadsetProfileListener if mBluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy mContext mHeadsetProfileListener.. done in mHeadsetProfileListener if mBluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy mContext mHeadsetProfileListener BluetoothProfile.HEADSET..
Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front current task has been brought to the front public class Profile extends Activity Button button1 CheckBox check1 check2 EditText.. icon android label @string app_name activity android name .Profile android label @string app_name intent filter action android..
How can I get the dreaded WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission for my android app? permissions. For example Extended Controls SwitchPro Profile Flow So how can this be done android permissions gps share..
Sending a File using Bluetooth OBEX Object Push Profile (OPP) a File using Bluetooth OBEX Object Push Profile OPP Is there any way to send a file using the android bluetooth..
Android Contacts - Update Note String.valueOf Website.TYPE_BLOG else if type.equals Profile selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Website.TYPE_PROFILE..
reusing fragments in a fragmentpageradapter have already been created My code is below. public class ProfilePagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter ArrayList Profile mProfiles.. ProfilePagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter ArrayList Profile mProfiles new ArrayList Profile public ProfilePagerAdapter FragmentManager.. extends FragmentPagerAdapter ArrayList Profile mProfiles new ArrayList Profile public ProfilePagerAdapter FragmentManager..
Android Database Transaction statement to insert records to Customer CustomerControl Profile Payment table at that time. When user call SaveCustomer method..
Android REST client, Sample? Choose an appropriate creation strategy. Request a User Profile from the REST server. @param userName The user name for which.. execute when the profile is available. public void getUserProfile String userName final GetResponseCallback callback String restUrl.. callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile userName new GetTask restUrl new RestTaskCallback @Override..
Dealing with different aspect ratios in libgdx should be changed to the new resolution to do the trick. Profile link of the original person who actually resolved my issue ..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue issue I have integrated my application with Facebook for these I am using Facebook's Graph API.I am retrieving profile friends information.It is working fine on my device which has Android version 2.3 but recently my client has faced an issue..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset it doesn't seem to accept voice input from a bluetooth headset that is paired and connected using the Phone audio profile. I can use an app called SoundAbout to force Media Audio to Bluetooth mono SCO . With this app set my voice recognition.. need for audio sco see mBroadcastReceiver mIsStarting true return true return false Register a headset profile listener @return false if device does not support bluetooth or current platform does not supports use of SCO for off call.. device does not support bluetooth or current platform does not supports use of SCO for off call or error in getting profile proxy. @TargetApi Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB private boolean startBluetooth11 Log.d TAG startBluetooth11 NON NLS 1 Device..
How to test the performance of an Android application? provided in Android and how do I use it android performance testing share improve this question If you want to profile your application to find performance bottlenecks you can use the traceview tool . This gives you a graphical view of performance..
OpenGL extensions available on different Android devices [closed] retrieved by gl.glGetString GL10.GL_VERSION It's pretty interesting in that it doesn't follow the specification. The profile is supposed to be before the number. It is also needed to determine capabilities. For example the Droid doesn't report VBO..
How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address ways to do this shown below. As a friendly warning be careful and up front to the user when dealing with account profile and contact data. If you misuse a user's email address or other personal information bad things can happen. Method A. Use.. API level 14 As of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich you can get the user's email addresses by accessing their profile. Accessing the user profile is a bit heavyweight as it requires two permissions more on that below but email addresses are.. Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich you can get the user's email addresses by accessing their profile. Accessing the user profile is a bit heavyweight as it requires two permissions more on that below but email addresses are fairly sensitive pieces of..
How to convert a Drawable to a Bitmap? Here a version where the image gets downloaded. String name c.getString str_url URL url_value new URL name ImageView profile ImageView v.findViewById if profile null Bitmap mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeStream url_value.openConnection.. String name c.getString str_url URL url_value new URL name ImageView profile ImageView v.findViewById if profile null Bitmap mIcon1 BitmapFactory.decodeStream url_value.openConnection .getInputStream profile.setImageBitmap mIcon1 share..
Android REST client, Sample? app. Enough of text. Let's see some code now. Lets take a hypothetical REST API URL http user profile The top layer might look like this Entry point into the API. public class HypotheticalApi public static HypotheticalApi.. creation strategy. Request a User Profile from the REST server. @param userName The user name for which the profile is to be requested. @param callback Callback to execute when the profile is available. public void getUserProfile String.. @param userName The user name for which the profile is to be requested. @param callback Callback to execute when the profile is available. public void getUserProfile String userName final GetResponseCallback callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile..
Android - android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException .toString Show button for submit Button submit Button findViewById Show options for create profile and forgot password submit.setOnClickListener new Button.OnClickListener public void onClick View v String email loginEmail.getText..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice import android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset import android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile import android.content.BroadcastReceiver import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import android.content.IntentFilter.. null if mAudioManager.isBluetoothScoAvailableOffCall All the detection and audio connection are done in mHeadsetProfileListener if mBluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy mContext mHeadsetProfileListener BluetoothProfile.HEADSET return true.. All the detection and audio connection are done in mHeadsetProfileListener if mBluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy mContext mHeadsetProfileListener BluetoothProfile.HEADSET return true return false API 11 Unregister broadcast..
Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front online. Can anyone help me Warning Activity not started its current task has been brought to the front public class Profile extends Activity Button button1 CheckBox check1 check2 EditText text1 Called when the activity is first created. @Override.. android versionName 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .Profile android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER..
How can I get the dreaded WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission for my android app? but there are a bunch more that have the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permissions. For example Extended Controls SwitchPro Profile Flow So how can this be done android permissions gps share improve this question I need to be able to toggle the GPS..
Sending a File using Bluetooth OBEX Object Push Profile (OPP) a File using Bluetooth OBEX Object Push Profile OPP Is there any way to send a file using the android bluetooth API using OBEX I need to send a file to a printer that..
Android Contacts - Update Note else if type.equals Blog selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Website.TYPE_BLOG else if type.equals Profile selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Website.TYPE_PROFILE else if type.equals Home selectArgs2 new String contactId..
reusing fragments in a fragmentpageradapter the listAdapter that will enable me to reuse fragments that have already been created My code is below. public class ProfilePagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter ArrayList Profile mProfiles new ArrayList Profile public ProfilePagerAdapter FragmentManager.. have already been created My code is below. public class ProfilePagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter ArrayList Profile mProfiles new ArrayList Profile public ProfilePagerAdapter FragmentManager fm super fm Adding a new profile object created.. been created My code is below. public class ProfilePagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter ArrayList Profile mProfiles new ArrayList Profile public ProfilePagerAdapter FragmentManager fm super fm Adding a new profile object created a new..
Android Database Transaction want to do the Transaction. SaveCustomer contain more than one statement to insert records to Customer CustomerControl Profile Payment table at that time. When user call SaveCustomer method then that data will go to these 4 How can i do the..
Android REST client, Sample? HypotheticalApi public static HypotheticalApi getInstance Choose an appropriate creation strategy. Request a User Profile from the REST server. @param userName The user name for which the profile is to be requested. @param callback Callback to.. the profile is to be requested. @param callback Callback to execute when the profile is available. public void getUserProfile String userName final GetResponseCallback callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile userName new GetTask.. public void getUserProfile String userName final GetResponseCallback callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile userName new GetTask restUrl new RestTaskCallback @Override public void onTaskComplete String response Profile profile..
Dealing with different aspect ratios in libgdx