

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:52

android Programming Glossary: operationcontract

passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0


number2 Integer.parseInt value.toString break default break service code ServiceContract _ Public Interface IService1 OperationContract _ Function ksoapAdd ByVal num1 As testadd As Integer OperationContract _ Function addParam ByVal num1 As Integer ByVal num2.. ServiceContract _ Public Interface IService1 OperationContract _ Function ksoapAdd ByVal num1 As testadd As Integer OperationContract _ Function addParam ByVal num1 As Integer ByVal num2 As Integer As Integer End Interface DataContract _ Public Class testadd..

Deserialize JSON object sent from Android app to WCF webservice


json var result wc.UploadString http localhost 8080 Test Hello jsonString ServiceContract public class TestService OperationContract WebInvoke RequestFormat WebMessageFormat.Json ResponseFormat WebMessageFormat.Json BodyStyle WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped..

How to Consume WCF Service with Android


string Login string username string password with appropriate App.config settings and Interface with appropriate OperationContract signature in order to read these two parameters from client and reply with session string. Thanks .net android wcf rest.. bindings. The easiest HTTP binding to get working is basicHttpBinding . Here is an example of what the ServiceContract OperationContract might look like for your login service ServiceContract Namespace http mycompany.com LoginService public interface ILoginService.. like for your login service ServiceContract Namespace http mycompany.com LoginService public interface ILoginService OperationContract string Login string username string password The implementation of the service could look like this public class LoginService..