

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:52

android Programming Glossary: opendatabase

DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated?


myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH..

SQLite Android . unable to open database file


structure adding some fields it doesn't work public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH..

How can I display Latin words in Android?


e Log.v data e.toString .concat sql public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH..

Is it possible to move the internal DB to the SDCard?


if dbHelper null dbHelper new DBUtil this.context dbHelper.openDataBase SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public void closeDatabase if dbHelper.. checkDB.close return checkDB null true false public void openDataBase int mode throws SQLException try myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase.. DB_FULL_PATH null mode public void openDataBase throws SQLException openDataBase SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE..

What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed]


throw new Error Unable to create database try mDbHelper.openDataBase catch SQLException sqle throw sqle return this Usage from.. myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH..

Updating prepopulated database in Android


Problem copying database from resource file. public void openDataBase throws SQLException String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase..

How can I embed an SQLite database into an application?


checking database and open it if exists if checkDataBase openDataBase else try this.getReadableDatabase copyDataBase this.close.. try this.getReadableDatabase copyDataBase this.close openDataBase catch IOException e throw new Error Error copying database.. myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException String dbPath DATABASE_PATH DATABASE_NAME..

Database not copying from assets


myInput.close Opening the Database public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH..

onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion


myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH..

Android Database Transaction


RetailerOrderKeyActivity.this dbAdapter.openDataBase ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put.. Open the database @throws SQLException public void openDataBase throws SQLException String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase..

How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate]


Open the database so we can query it public boolean openDataBase throws SQLException String mPath DB_PATH DB_NAME Log.v mPath.. TestAdapter open throws SQLException try mDbHelper.openDataBase mDbHelper.close mDb mDbHelper.getReadableDatabase catch SQLException..

Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension


if dbexist System.out.println Database exists opendatabase else System.out.println Database doesn't exist createdatabase.. myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH..

adding your own SQLite database to an android application


if dbexist System.out.println Database exists opendatabase else System.out.println Database doesn't exist createdatabase.. myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH..

Database not copying from assets


if dbexist System.out.println Database exists opendatabase else System.out.println Database doesn't exist createdatabase.. myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH..

how to display SQLite DataBase table?


if dbexist System.out.println Database exists opendatabase else System.out.println Database doesn't exist createdatabase.. myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH..

DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated?


buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE..

SQLite Android . unable to open database file


String DB_NAME mydb.db Open database Before change table structure adding some fields it doesn't work public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY..

How can I display Latin words in Android?


myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close catch IOException e Log.v data e.toString .concat sql public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME vocabDatabase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null..

Is it possible to move the internal DB to the SDCard?


static DBUtil dbHelper null public void openDatabase if dbHelper null dbHelper new DBUtil this.context dbHelper.openDataBase SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public void closeDatabase if dbHelper null dbHelper.close dbHelper null ... and this is the.. e database does't exist yet. if checkDB null checkDB.close return checkDB null true false public void openDataBase int mode throws SQLException try myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null mode catch IllegalStateException.. MyApp.APP Database non closed. Reopening. myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase DB_FULL_PATH null mode public void openDataBase throws SQLException openDataBase SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE public SQLiteDatabase getDb return myDataBase @Override public..

What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed]


try mDbHelper.createDataBase catch IOException ioe throw new Error Unable to create database try mDbHelper.openDataBase catch SQLException sqle throw sqle return this Usage from outside AnyDBAdapter dba new AnyDBAdapter contextObject in my.. 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DATABASE_NAME mDb SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null ..

Updating prepopulated database in Android


iStream.close catch IOException ioe throw new Error Problem copying database from resource file. public void openDataBase throws SQLException String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE..

How can I embed an SQLite database into an application?


this.dbContext context DATABASE_NAME DBActivity.DatabaseName checking database and open it if exists if checkDataBase openDataBase else try this.getReadableDatabase copyDataBase this.close openDataBase catch IOException e throw new Error Error copying.. and open it if exists if checkDataBase openDataBase else try this.getReadableDatabase copyDataBase this.close openDataBase catch IOException e throw new Error Error copying database Toast.makeText context Initial database is created Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. length myInput.read buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException String dbPath DATABASE_PATH DATABASE_NAME dataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase dbPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE..

Database not copying from assets


buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Opening the Database public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY..

onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion


buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close public void openDataBase throws SQLException Open the database String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE..

Android Database Transaction


public void saveCustomer DBAdapter dbAdapter DBAdapter.getDBAdapterInstance RetailerOrderKeyActivity.this dbAdapter.openDataBase ContentValues initialValues new ContentValues initialValues.put CustomerName customer.getName initialValues.put Address.. Close the streams myOutput.flush myOutput.close myInput.close Open the database @throws SQLException public void openDataBase throws SQLException String myPath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase myPath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE..

How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate]


mBuffer 0 mLength mOutput.flush mOutput.close mInput.close Open the database so we can query it public boolean openDataBase throws SQLException String mPath DB_PATH DB_NAME Log.v mPath mPath mDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mPath null SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY.. throw new Error UnableToCreateDatabase return this public TestAdapter open throws SQLException try mDbHelper.openDataBase mDbHelper.close mDb mDbHelper.getReadableDatabase catch SQLException mSQLException Log.e TAG open mSQLException.toString..

Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension


DB_NAME null 1 this.mycontext context boolean dbexist checkdatabase if dbexist System.out.println Database exists opendatabase else System.out.println Database doesn't exist createdatabase public void createdatabase throws IOException boolean dbexist.. buffer 0 myoutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE..

adding your own SQLite database to an android application


DB_NAME null 1 this.mycontext context boolean dbexist checkdatabase if dbexist System.out.println Database exists opendatabase else System.out.println Database doesn't exist createdatabase public void createdatabase throws IOException boolean dbexist.. buffer 0 myoutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE..

Database not copying from assets


DB_NAME null 1 this.mycontext context boolean dbexist checkdatabase if dbexist System.out.println Database exists opendatabase else System.out.println Database doesn't exist createdatabase public void createdatabase throws IOException boolean dbexist.. buffer 0 myoutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE..

how to display SQLite DataBase table?


DB_NAME null 1 this.mycontext context boolean dbexist checkdatabase if dbexist System.out.println Database exists opendatabase else System.out.println Database doesn't exist createdatabase public void createdatabase throws IOException boolean dbexist.. buffer 0 myoutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams myoutput.flush myoutput.close myinput.close public void opendatabase throws SQLException Open the database String mypath DB_PATH DB_NAME myDataBase SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase mypath null SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE..