

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:52

android Programming Glossary: openhelper.getwritabledatabase

cannot retrieve the information from sqlite


new OpenHelper DataManipulator.context DataManipulator.db openHelper.getWritableDatabase this.insert DataManipulator.db.compileStatement INSERT public.. OpenHelper openHelper new OpenHelper this.context this.db openHelper.getWritableDatabase if pagetype.equals settings this.insertStmt this.db.compileStatement..

How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs


DESC dh new CallDataHelper this db openHelper.getWritableDatabase startManagingCursor cursor int numberColumnId cursor.getColumnIndex..

Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


selfChange fillList onStop private void fillList db openHelper.getWritableDatabase cdh new CallDataHelper this String lastDate cdh.selectDate Cursor.. OpenHelper openHelper new OpenHelper this.context this.db openHelper.getWritableDatabase public boolean insert Integer cId String cName String numType.. calling from onCreate cdh new CallDataHelper this db openHelper.getWritableDatabase @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy if openHelper..

App Crashes On Startup Due To java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist


OpenHelper openHelper new OpenHelper this.context this.db openHelper.getWritableDatabase this.insertStmt this.db.compileStatement INSERT public long..

cannot retrieve the information from sqlite


DataManipulator.context context OpenHelper openHelper new OpenHelper DataManipulator.context DataManipulator.db openHelper.getWritableDatabase this.insert DataManipulator.db.compileStatement INSERT public long insert String name ContentValues args new ContentValues.. Context context String pagetype this.context context OpenHelper openHelper new OpenHelper this.context this.db openHelper.getWritableDatabase if pagetype.equals settings this.insertStmt this.db.compileStatement INSERT public long insert String source String destination..

How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs


null null null android.provider.CallLog.Calls.DATE DESC dh new CallDataHelper this db openHelper.getWritableDatabase startManagingCursor cursor int numberColumnId cursor.getColumnIndex android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER int durationId..

Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


RatedCallsContentObserver.onChange selfChange super.onChange selfChange fillList onStop private void fillList db openHelper.getWritableDatabase cdh new CallDataHelper this String lastDate cdh.selectDate Cursor cursor getContentResolver .query android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI.. public CallDataHelper Context context this.context context OpenHelper openHelper new OpenHelper this.context this.db openHelper.getWritableDatabase public boolean insert Integer cId String cName String numType String cNum String dur String date String currTime this.db.execSQL.. savedInstanceState registerContentObservers Log.d FILLLIST calling from onCreate cdh new CallDataHelper this db openHelper.getWritableDatabase @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy if openHelper null openHelper.close if cdh null cdh.close @Override protected..

App Crashes On Startup Due To java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column '_id' does not exist


public DataHelper Context context this.context context OpenHelper openHelper new OpenHelper this.context this.db openHelper.getWritableDatabase this.insertStmt this.db.compileStatement INSERT public long insert String name this.insertStmt.bindString 1 name return..