

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:52

android Programming Glossary: onupdate

Launching activity from widget


VolumeChangerWidget extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds.. appWidgetId appWidgetId Toast.makeText context Hello from onUpdate Toast.LENGTH_SHORT Log.d Steve After the toast line Intent intent.. It appears it needs to be done in both onEnabled and onUpdated so that when device is powering on your click intent is also..

Android Widget Not Updating


on the home screen. The problem I am experiencing is that onUpdate is only being called once when I install the widget. The configuration.. on onReceive is called then onEnabled then onReceive then onUpdate. After that the widget displays and onUpdate is never called.. then onUpdate. After that the widget displays and onUpdate is never called again. I also inspect the settings of the provder..

How to implement a Button on an Android Widget


receiver in the AndroidManifest.xml which then fires the onUpdate event in the AppWidgetProvider class which in turn then runs..

Processing more than one button click at Android Widget


ActionReceiverAbout @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds..

Is there a way to animate on a Home Widget?


I can probably do the animation on my own with very fast onUpdate calls on the widget but that seems awfully expensive. android..

Clickable widgets in android


extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds..

Programmatically update widget from activity?


of AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID since it seems the onUpdate is only fired on that int ids widgetId intent.putExtra AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS..

How to use a custom typeface in a widget?


Intent UpdateService.ACTION_UPDATE @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds.. AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds super.onUpdate context appWidgetManager appWidgetIds context.startService new..

setTextViewText not updating widget


type public static int index 0 @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds..

Widget for turning on/off camera flashlight in android


You can look at the code below that i have done so far onUpdate method @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager.. i have done so far onUpdate method @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds.. AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds super.onUpdate context appWidgetManager appWidgetIds remoteViews new RemoteViews..

Android: upgrading DB version and adding new table


share improve this question 1. About onCreate and onUpdate onCreate .. is called whenever the app is freshly installed...

Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind


AppWidgetManager.getInstance context ids data else this.onUpdate context AppWidgetManager.getInstance context ids else super.onReceive.. else super.onReceive context intent @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds.. R.id.view_container pendingIntent This code will cause the onUpdate method to be called whenever the widget is clicked on. Notes..

How to create a persistent AlarmManager


minute. To get around the 30 minute update limit on the onUpdate method of AppWidgetProvider we use AlarmManager. It usually..

How do I start an Activity when my Widget is clicked?


else super.onReceive ctxt intent @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds..

Launching activity from widget


important as it doesn't work. Here is the code public class VolumeChangerWidget extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds final int N appWidgetIds.length for int i 0 i N i int.. i N i int appWidgetId appWidgetIds i Log.d Steve Running for appWidgetId appWidgetId Toast.makeText context Hello from onUpdate Toast.LENGTH_SHORT Log.d Steve After the toast line Intent intent new Intent context WidgetTest.class PendingIntent pendingIntent.. manager. here is an example of how to do that in onEnabled. It appears it needs to be done in both onEnabled and onUpdated so that when device is powering on your click intent is also intialized in onUpdated the params already provide the reference..

Android Widget Not Updating


I am trying to implement a simple widget for display on the home screen. The problem I am experiencing is that onUpdate is only being called once when I install the widget. The configuration is below. Note I will not leave update period at.. when I install the widget In my WidgetProvider class on onReceive is called then onEnabled then onReceive then onUpdate. After that the widget displays and onUpdate is never called again. I also inspect the settings of the provder when onUpdate.. class on onReceive is called then onEnabled then onReceive then onUpdate. After that the widget displays and onUpdate is never called again. I also inspect the settings of the provder when onUpdate is called and everything set in XML above..

How to implement a Button on an Android Widget


intent filter with the Broadcast receiver in the AndroidManifest.xml which then fires the onUpdate event in the AppWidgetProvider class which in turn then runs the UpdateService . Broadcast Receiver that will process AppWidget..

Processing more than one button click at Android Widget


ActionReceiverSettings public static String ACTION_WIDGET_ABOUT ActionReceiverAbout @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds RemoteViews remoteViews new RemoteViews context.getPackageName..

Is there a way to animate on a Home Widget?


call. Is there another way this can be done I suppose that I can probably do the animation on my own with very fast onUpdate calls on the widget but that seems awfully expensive. android share improve this question I am currently creating an..

Clickable widgets in android


demos which only creates a static widget public class ExampleAppWidgetProvider extends AppWidgetProvider public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds final int N appWidgetIds.length Perform this loop procedure..

Programmatically update widget from activity?


Use an array and EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS instead of AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID since it seems the onUpdate is only fired on that int ids widgetId intent.putExtra AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_IDS ids sendBroadcast intent share..

How to use a custom typeface in a widget?


context super.onEnabled context context.startService new Intent UpdateService.ACTION_UPDATE @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds super.onUpdate context appWidgetManager appWidgetIds.. @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds super.onUpdate context appWidgetManager appWidgetIds context.startService new Intent UpdateService.ACTION_UPDATE final int Top appWidgetIds.length..

setTextViewText not updating widget


String desc public static String condition public static String type public static int index 0 @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds remoteViews new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.main..

Widget for turning on/off camera flashlight in android


explain me how can i solve my problem Where i am going wrong You can look at the code below that i have done so far onUpdate method @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds super.onUpdate.. Where i am going wrong You can look at the code below that i have done so far onUpdate method @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds super.onUpdate context appWidgetManager appWidgetIds.. method @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds super.onUpdate context appWidgetManager appWidgetIds remoteViews new RemoteViews context.getPackageName R.layout.widgetlayout watchWidget..

Android: upgrading DB version and adding new table


being created. What am I doing wrong android database sqlite share improve this question 1. About onCreate and onUpdate onCreate .. is called whenever the app is freshly installed. onUpgrade is called whenever the app is upgraded and launched..

Android: How do I force the update of all widgets of a particular kind


.getParcelable WIDGET_DATA_KEY this.update context AppWidgetManager.getInstance context ids data else this.onUpdate context AppWidgetManager.getInstance context ids else super.onReceive context intent @Override public void onUpdate Context.. context AppWidgetManager.getInstance context ids else super.onReceive context intent @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds update context appWidgetManager appWidgetIds null This.. views.setOnClickPendingIntent R.id.view_container pendingIntent This code will cause the onUpdate method to be called whenever the widget is clicked on. Notes Any call to updateWidgets will cause all instances of our widget..

How to create a persistent AlarmManager


displays the time. This means we need to update the time every minute. To get around the 30 minute update limit on the onUpdate method of AppWidgetProvider we use AlarmManager. It usually works pretty well but some users have reported the time going..

How do I start an Activity when my Widget is clicked?


null ctxt.startService new Intent ctxt ToggleService.class else super.onReceive ctxt intent @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager int appWidgetIds context.startService new Intent context ToggleService.class..