

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:48

android Programming Glossary: onperformsync

Gingerbread emulator instance is much more sluggish than Froyo and below. Why?


Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync?


where the real sync logic itself is stored. It gets called onPerformSync gets called when it's time to sync. I figure you already have..

How to know when sync is finished?


10903 Sync status changed 4 D MYAPP 10981 DataSyncAdapter.onPerformSync D MYAPP 10981 DataSyncAdapter.onPerformSync D MYAPP 10903 Sync.. D MYAPP 10981 DataSyncAdapter.onPerformSync D MYAPP 10903 Sync status changed 4 So it seems that I could.. Basically add this in the sync adapter at the end of onPerformSync Intent i new Intent SYNC_FINISHED sendBroadcast i And this in..

How to handle RESTful update of remote server with SyncAdapter


recommendations in the Google I O talk . My SyncAdapter.onPerformSync is called and does a REST call to update the remote data. Remote.. android supportsUploading true will cause my SyncAdapter's onPerformSync to be called. Great but inside onPerformSync how do I tell what.. SyncAdapter's onPerformSync to be called. Great but inside onPerformSync how do I tell what URI I should sync I don't want to simply..

How to Use the GWT-RequestFactory in Android SyncAdapter (always getting ValidationTool-Error)


by calling manually calling setContextClassLoader in the onPerformSync method before creating a requestfactory instance @Override public.. creating a requestfactory instance @Override public void onPerformSync final Account account Bundle extras String authority final ContentProviderClient..

Gingerbread emulator instance is much more sluggish than Froyo and below. Why?


Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync?


SyncAdapter to actually perform the sync. mySyncAdapter is where the real sync logic itself is stored. It gets called onPerformSync gets called when it's time to sync. I figure you already have this in place. 4. Establish a binding between an Account type..

How to know when sync is finished?


status changed 2 D MYAPP 10903 Sync status changed 2 D MYAPP 10903 Sync status changed 4 D MYAPP 10981 DataSyncAdapter.onPerformSync D MYAPP 10981 DataSyncAdapter.onPerformSync D MYAPP 10903 Sync status changed 4 So it seems that I could rely on the second.. 2 D MYAPP 10903 Sync status changed 4 D MYAPP 10981 DataSyncAdapter.onPerformSync D MYAPP 10981 DataSyncAdapter.onPerformSync D MYAPP 10903 Sync status changed 4 So it seems that I could rely on the second SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_ACTIVE 4 status change.. the ContentResolver completely and implement my own broadcast. Basically add this in the sync adapter at the end of onPerformSync Intent i new Intent SYNC_FINISHED sendBroadcast i And this in the activity @Override protected void onResume super.onResume..

How to handle RESTful update of remote server with SyncAdapter


the app's local Sqlite database and requests a Sync as per recommendations in the Google I O talk . My SyncAdapter.onPerformSync is called and does a REST call to update the remote data. Remote server responds with ERROR Invalid Phone Number for instance.. within my ContentProvider's update method. true along with android supportsUploading true will cause my SyncAdapter's onPerformSync to be called. Great but inside onPerformSync how do I tell what URI I should sync I don't want to simply refresh my entire.. along with android supportsUploading true will cause my SyncAdapter's onPerformSync to be called. Great but inside onPerformSync how do I tell what URI I should sync I don't want to simply refresh my entire DB every time I get a Sync request. But you..

How to Use the GWT-RequestFactory in Android SyncAdapter (always getting ValidationTool-Error)


created by the System not by your application. I solved this by calling manually calling setContextClassLoader in the onPerformSync method before creating a requestfactory instance @Override public void onPerformSync final Account account Bundle extras.. setContextClassLoader in the onPerformSync method before creating a requestfactory instance @Override public void onPerformSync final Account account Bundle extras String authority final ContentProviderClient provider final SyncResult syncResult Thread.currentThread..