android Programming Glossary: onpostcreate
remove line between custom option menu items getCurrent return _this public static void setCurrent Activity activity _this activity @Override protected void onPostCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onPostCreate savedInstanceState _this this G.gWidgetMenu.retarget @Override protected void.. void setCurrent Activity activity _this activity @Override protected void onPostCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onPostCreate savedInstanceState _this this G.gWidgetMenu.retarget @Override protected void onResume super.onResume if _this this return..
Navigation Drawer: set as always opened on tablets mDrawerLayout.setDrawerListener mDrawerToggle Here is the example to use it as boolean. @Override protected void onPostCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onPostCreate savedInstanceState if mDrawerLayout null mDrawerToggle.syncState @Override.. Here is the example to use it as boolean. @Override protected void onPostCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onPostCreate savedInstanceState if mDrawerLayout null mDrawerToggle.syncState @Override public void onConfigurationChanged Configuration..
Highlight custom listview item when long click new ArrayAdapter String this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_activated_1 GENRES @Override protected void onPostCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onPostCreate savedInstanceState getActionBar .setSubtitle Long press to start selection.. GENRES @Override protected void onPostCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onPostCreate savedInstanceState getActionBar .setSubtitle Long press to start selection private class ModeCallback implements ListView.MultiChoiceModeListener..
How can I debug a seemingly hardware-dependent issue with my Android app without access to the hardware? but those never triggered indicating that the problem was not with reading the file. I then tried adding checks to onPostCreate and onPostResume but those did not fail either. It seems that the UI thread had not yet actually run at that point though...
Determining the size of an Android view at runtime effect. I have tried calling these methods and inspecting the object in the debugger in my activity's onCreate and in onPostCreate . How can I figure out the exact dimensions of this view at runtime android share improve this question Use the ViewTreeObserver..
Creating a table/grid with a frozen column and frozen headers within the TableRows but as described here this data was inaccessible during onCreate and was also inaccessible within onPostCreate . I have been unable to find a way to get this to work and a solution in this realm would be wonderful as well If you made..