

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:20:48

android Programming Glossary: onnewintent

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?


the activity and then in the activity class implement onNewIntent Intent intent event handler that way you can access the new..

How to stop an activity in android using intent?


true execute your code here @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent keep intent.getExtras.. @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent keep intent.getExtras .getBoolean keep if keep false.. false and hence B terminates itself from withing the onNewIntent function. Hope that helps P.S You can close Activity B from..

Android “single top” launch mode and onNewIntent method


&ldquo single top&rdquo launch mode and onNewIntent method I read in the Android documentation that by setting.. a single Activity instance and give me the Intent in the onNewIntent callback. I did both of these things and onNewIntent never fires.. the onNewIntent callback. I did both of these things and onNewIntent never fires and onCreate fires every time. The docs also say..

how to disable home button in android?


super.onKeyDown keyCode event @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent if Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals.. @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent if Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals intent.getAction Log.i MyLauncher.. intent.getAction Log.i MyLauncher onNewIntent HOME Key android share improve this question You cannot..

Android: new Intent() starts new instance with android:launchMode=“singleTop”


it creates a new instance it goes to onCreate instead of onNewIntent . This is not the expected behavior right android activity..

Closing several android activities simultaneously


either receive the new intent you are starting here in its onNewIntent method or be itself finished and restarted with the new intent... this Intent will be delivered to the current instance's onNewIntent . This launch mode can also be used to good effect in conjunction..

How do I pass data from a BroadcastReceiver through to an Activity being started?


values. You have to catch them in another method called onNewIntent in YourActivity. public class YourActivity extends Activity.. your thing... End of onCreate @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent Log.d YourActivity onNewIntent is called memberFieldString.. void onNewIntent Intent intent Log.d YourActivity onNewIntent is called memberFieldString intent.getStringExtra KEY super.onNewIntent..

onActivityResult do not fire if launch mode of activity is singleInstance


the intent to existing instance through a call to its onNewIntent method rather than creating a new one. singleInstance Same as..

Posting LinkedIn message from Android application


p.getFirstName .execute @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent finishAuthenticate intent.getData share improve..

Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android


well as consumer key and secret . @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent Uri uri intent.getData.. . @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent Uri uri intent.getData if uri null uri.toString .startsWith..

Remove or close your own Activity window from a Status Bar Notification Intent


so I cannot just use an Intent with some data that the onNewIntent function will run and close the Activity itself. I need to find.. removing all activities except that one and then on onNewIntent finish the last one. I dunno if it works solution I also found..

How to send parameters from a notification-click to an activity?


Add FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP flag to the Intent when launching the activity and then in the activity class implement onNewIntent Intent intent event handler that way you can access the new intent that was called for the activity which is not the same..

How to stop an activity in android using intent?


keep brightnessIntent.getExtras .getBoolean keep if keep true execute your code here @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent keep intent.getExtras .getBoolean keep if keep false B.this.finish Explanation.. .getBoolean keep if keep true execute your code here @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent keep intent.getExtras .getBoolean keep if keep false B.this.finish Explanation What this basically does is when.. is verified in B. If unchecked the Activity A will be passing false and hence B terminates itself from withing the onNewIntent function. Hope that helps P.S You can close Activity B from another Activity too. Just use If the other activity is C Intent..

Android “single top” launch mode and onNewIntent method


&ldquo single top&rdquo launch mode and onNewIntent method I read in the Android documentation that by setting my Activity's launchMode property to singleTop OR by adding.. to my Intent that calling startActivity intent would reuse a single Activity instance and give me the Intent in the onNewIntent callback. I did both of these things and onNewIntent never fires and onCreate fires every time. The docs also say that this.getIntent.. reuse a single Activity instance and give me the Intent in the onNewIntent callback. I did both of these things and onNewIntent never fires and onCreate fires every time. The docs also say that this.getIntent returns the intent that was first passed..

how to disable home button in android?


the home button Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return false return super.onKeyDown keyCode event @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent if Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals intent.getAction Log.i MyLauncher onNewIntent HOME Key.. .show return false return super.onKeyDown keyCode event @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent if Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals intent.getAction Log.i MyLauncher onNewIntent HOME Key android share improve this.. void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent if Intent.ACTION_MAIN.equals intent.getAction Log.i MyLauncher onNewIntent HOME Key android share improve this question You cannot disable home button. There is no way to intercept the home..

Android: new Intent() starts new instance with android:launchMode=“singleTop”


to the already existing instance A of my MainActivity.class it creates a new instance it goes to onCreate instead of onNewIntent . This is not the expected behavior right android activity android intent share improve this question This should do..

Closing several android activities simultaneously


running instance of activity B in the above example will either receive the new intent you are starting here in its onNewIntent method or be itself finished and restarted with the new intent. If it has declared its launch mode to be multiple the default.. other launch modes or if FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP is set then this Intent will be delivered to the current instance's onNewIntent . This launch mode can also be used to good effect in conjunction with FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK if used to start the root..

How do I pass data from a BroadcastReceiver through to an Activity being started?


the first place is re used and it will NOT contain the extra values. You have to catch them in another method called onNewIntent in YourActivity. public class YourActivity extends Activity private String memberFieldString @Override public void onCreate.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Code doing your thing... End of onCreate @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent Log.d YourActivity onNewIntent is called memberFieldString intent.getStringExtra KEY super.onNewIntent intent.. Code doing your thing... End of onCreate @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent Log.d YourActivity onNewIntent is called memberFieldString intent.getStringExtra KEY super.onNewIntent intent End of onNewIntent Intent intent @Override..

onActivityResult do not fire if launch mode of activity is singleInstance


if an instance of the activity already exists the system routes the intent to existing instance through a call to its onNewIntent method rather than creating a new one. singleInstance Same as singleTask except that the system doesn't launch any other..

Posting LinkedIn message from Android application


Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android


token and token_secret and feed them to twitter4j as well as consumer key and secret . @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent Uri uri intent.getData if uri null uri.toString .startsWith CALLBACK_URL String.. feed them to twitter4j as well as consumer key and secret . @Override protected void onNewIntent Intent intent super.onNewIntent intent Uri uri intent.getData if uri null uri.toString .startsWith CALLBACK_URL String verifier uri .getQueryParameter..

Remove or close your own Activity window from a Status Bar Notification Intent


Task activity multiple activity windows can be created at once so I cannot just use an Intent with some data that the onNewIntent function will run and close the Activity itself. I need to find a way to kill the alarm window from outside of the Activity... activity of the stack if it's always the same with FLAG CLEAR_TOP removing all activities except that one and then on onNewIntent finish the last one. I dunno if it works solution I also found this http stackoverflow.com a 6403577 327011 but i never..