android Programming Glossary: modules
Send message from a basic server to a specific client from a basic server to a specific client I have two wifi modules M1 and M2 that connect to my access point. I have an android.. I have a socket server on my android phone and the two modules join to the server as clients. Now my question is is it possible..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app is added as a module within the variant project. In the modules list click over the Variant project to select it. On the right.. OK to finish configuring the project. You should see 2 modules with the library's resources and classes available and recognized..
Deserialize JSON object sent from Android app to WCF webservice true system.serviceModel system.webServer modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests true To browse web app root..
android device id confusion using the same API. Android devices without telephony modules for example many tablets and TV devices do not have an IMEI..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock Seems there's a lot of general issues on importing modules to Android Studio not just ActionBarSherlock this answer might..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? With AndroidStudio v0.1.1 release UI part responsible for modules dependencies has been eliminated so for now we need to update..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? if typeof dojoConfig undefined var dojoConfig function var modules dojo name dojo location http localhost 53514 dojoLib Acc AccordFintech.. else for var i 0 i dojoConfig.packages.length i delete modules dojoConfig.packages i .name if dojoConfig.packages.push for.. i .name if dojoConfig.packages.push for var module in modules dojoConfig.packages.push modules module script script data..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY If you want control over which modules to compile when you run ndk build you can create create a file in the same directory as and list all the modules as in the following example APP_MODULES module_name_1 module_name_2..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile is statically analyzed to find references to Titanium modules Localization strings strings.xml App metadata tiapp.xml and..
How to make apk Secure. Protecting from Decompile to native codes or they can also convert only key modules. If just convert key part of the modules it will need JNI technology.. convert only key modules. If just convert key part of the modules it will need JNI technology to call when Java programs are using.. JNI technology to call when Java programs are using these modules. It abandoned Java's cross platform feature when using this..
Using MessagePack with Android repos asf harmony enhanced java trunk classlib modules beans src main java . Copy these packages into your MessagePack..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? seem to be very nice for separetion of UI logic into some modules. But along with ViewPager it's lifecycle is still misty for..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app Open the variant project bring up Project Settings select Modules Add a module Select œImport existing module li Browse to the..
IntelliJ and support GridLayout library in IntelliJ Project Structure Modules in Project Settings pane New Module Create module from scratch.. Project' Add dependancy to project in IntelliJ Select Modules in Project Settings pane Select the project in which you wish..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment Sources Next Next Next Next Finish File Project Structure Modules YourApp Module Dependency Google play services_lib The button..
How do I add a library project to the Android Studio? share improve this question File Project Structure Modules I started using it today. It is a bit different. For Sherlock..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? library. Going to View Open Module Settings 5 On the Modules tab click button and select Import Module and import your GooglePlayServices..
How to build an android library with Android Studio and gradle? error. Continuing from above Click File Project Structure Modules MyApp MyApp Switch to Dependencies Tab Click Module Dependency..
How to add into intelliJidea? .jar libraries. Select File Project Structure select the Modules project settings and select your project in the picture below..
Android Studio Project Structure (v.s. Eclipse Project Structure) Land . This is much welcomed simplification IMHO. Note on Modules Modules are like Eclipse Land projects. Here the idea is that.. This is much welcomed simplification IMHO. Note on Modules Modules are like Eclipse Land projects. Here the idea is that you have.. in the list above and several library projects as separate Modules under the global project folder #1 in the above list which the..
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12 We use IntelliJ IDEA. Things I know I know how to import Modules Libraries add Dependencies etc. in IntelliJ. I also know that.. kbd in order to open project structure window . 2 Select Modules from left panel then hit button or N then select import module.. services_lib. By doing this this project will be added to Modules alongside with your project. Don't close this window or open..
using facebook sdk in android studio should appear. Open the Project Structure dialog. Choose Modules from the left hand list click on your application ™s module click..
IntelliJ IDEA with Junit 4.7 “!!! JUnit version 3.8 or later expected:” runner. The solution is simple open the Project Structure Modules Dependencies and move the junit 4.7.jar up so that it comes..
Java 7 language features with Android compliance even up to Java 8 with File Project Structure Modules pick the module at the 2nd pane Language level choose 7.0 Diamonds..
IntelliJ adding android sourcepath doesn't work fully the Android source code via File Project Structure Modules Dependencies double click the Android Platform source path...
Send message from a basic server to a specific client message from a basic server to a specific client I have two wifi modules M1 and M2 that connect to my access point. I have an android phone that connects to the same access point. I have a socket.. I have an android phone that connects to the same access point. I have a socket server on my android phone and the two modules join to the server as clients. Now my question is is it possible to send a string message from my phone to module M1 without..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app IntelliJ project source file Click Finish. The library project is added as a module within the variant project. In the modules list click over the Variant project to select it. On the right hand side select the Dependencies tab. Click Add Choose Module..
Deserialize JSON object sent from Android app to WCF webservice aspNetCompatibilityEnabled true multipleSiteBindingsEnabled true system.serviceModel system.webServer modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests true To browse web app root directory during debugging set the value below to true...
android device id confusion are different lengths and formats even though it is retrieved using the same API. Android devices without telephony modules for example many tablets and TV devices do not have an IMEI . As Schlangi commented some devices that do not have a telephony..
Problems importing project into Android Studio regarding ActionBarSherlock actionbarsherlock android studio share improve this question Seems there's a lot of general issues on importing modules to Android Studio not just ActionBarSherlock this answer might also address those. However the last steps relating to junit..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? file since Android Studio UI doesn't affect it. EDIT2 With AndroidStudio v0.1.1 release UI part responsible for modules dependencies has been eliminated so for now we need to update dependencies manually through build.gradle file. UI for changing..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? type text javascript script script type text javascript if typeof dojoConfig undefined var dojoConfig function var modules dojo name dojo location http localhost 53514 dojoLib Acc AccordFintech android dojo dijit name dijit location http localhost.. android dojox if dojoConfig.packages dojoConfig.packages else for var i 0 i dojoConfig.packages.length i delete modules dojoConfig.packages i .name if dojoConfig.packages.push for var module in modules dojoConfig.packages.push modules module.. i delete modules dojoConfig.packages i .name if dojoConfig.packages.push for var module in modules dojoConfig.packages.push modules module script script data dojo config isDebug false async true parseOnLoad true mblHideAddressBar..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? header_files_path LOCAL_SRC_FILES hello jni.c include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY If you want control over which modules to compile when you run ndk build you can create create a file in the same directory as and list..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile on the platform but generally it breaks up like this Source is statically analyzed to find references to Titanium modules Localization strings strings.xml App metadata tiapp.xml and density specific images all generate platform specific analogs...
How to make apk Secure. Protecting from Decompile to be decompiled. Developers can convert the entire application to native codes or they can also convert only key modules. If just convert key part of the modules it will need JNI technology to call when Java programs are using these modules... the entire application to native codes or they can also convert only key modules. If just convert key part of the modules it will need JNI technology to call when Java programs are using these modules. It abandoned Java's cross platform feature.. If just convert key part of the modules it will need JNI technology to call when Java programs are using these modules. It abandoned Java's cross platform feature when using this mothod to protect Java programs. For different platforms we..
Using MessagePack with Android Harmony source for the relevant packages from http repos asf harmony enhanced java trunk classlib modules beans src main java . Copy these packages into your MessagePack project's src main java folder java.beans java.beans.beancontext..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? what's the right way to store fragment's state Fragments seem to be very nice for separetion of UI logic into some modules. But along with ViewPager it's lifecycle is still misty for me. So Guru thoughts are badly needed Edit See dumb solution..
Android ??multiple custom versions of the same app select your Facet and check Is Library Project and save. Open the variant project bring up Project Settings select Modules Add a module Select œImport existing module li Browse to the Original directory myOrigApp and select its .iml file IntelliJ..
IntelliJ and v7 gridlayout folder to your project libs folder Set up support GridLayout library in IntelliJ Project Structure Modules in Project Settings pane New Module Create module from scratch Next Name the project browse to your libs gridlayout folder.. Project Settings pane Select your new module Check 'Is Library Project' Add dependancy to project in IntelliJ Select Modules in Project Settings pane Select the project in which you wish to use the support GridLayout Select Dependancies tab click..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment google play services_lib Create Module from Existing Sources Next Next Next Next Finish File Project Structure Modules YourApp Module Dependency Google play services_lib The button is in the top right corner of the dialog. Jars or directories..
How do I add a library project to the Android Studio? Studio android actionbarsherlock android library android studio share improve this question File Project Structure Modules I started using it today. It is a bit different. For Sherlock maybe you want to delete their test directory or add the junit.jar..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? library 4 Now we need to add Google Play Service as a reference library. Going to View Open Module Settings 5 On the Modules tab click button and select Import Module and import your GooglePlayServices lib. I didn't change anything in the wizards..
How to build an android library with Android Studio and gradle? Adding dependency doesn't seem to have any impact on the error. Continuing from above Click File Project Structure Modules MyApp MyApp Switch to Dependencies Tab Click Module Dependency and pick MyLib Click Apply and OK Click Build Make Project..
How to add into intelliJidea? dependencies to this module for the resources and add the .jar libraries. Select File Project Structure select the Modules project settings and select your project in the picture below testv7 select the Dependencies on the right panel add with..
Android Studio Project Structure (v.s. Eclipse Project Structure) which correspond to the src folder and res folder in Eclipse Land . This is much welcomed simplification IMHO. Note on Modules Modules are like Eclipse Land projects. Here the idea is that you have one application project Module #3 in the list above.. to the src folder and res folder in Eclipse Land . This is much welcomed simplification IMHO. Note on Modules Modules are like Eclipse Land projects. Here the idea is that you have one application project Module #3 in the list above and several.. the idea is that you have one application project Module #3 in the list above and several library projects as separate Modules under the global project folder #1 in the above list which the application project depends on. How these library projects..
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12 All documentation written by google is based upon Eclipse. We use IntelliJ IDEA. Things I know I know how to import Modules Libraries add Dependencies etc. in IntelliJ. I also know that according to the getting started guide at Google you have.. 12 and 13. 1 Select your project from project panel 1 and hit kbd in order to open project structure window . 2 Select Modules from left panel then hit button or N then select import module and navigate to ANDROID SDK extras google google_play_services.. extras google google_play_services libproject google play services_lib. By doing this this project will be added to Modules alongside with your project. Don't close this window or open it again if you did . 3 Still in the modules select your project..
using facebook sdk in android studio button in the toolbar. Once it's done the facebook module should appear. Open the Project Structure dialog. Choose Modules from the left hand list click on your application ™s module click on the Dependencies tab and click on the button to add..
IntelliJ IDEA with Junit 4.7 “!!! JUnit version 3.8 or later expected:” of the new JUnit therefore you get the error from the test runner. The solution is simple open the Project Structure Modules Dependencies and move the junit 4.7.jar up so that it comes before Android 1.6 Platform in the classpath. Now the test runner..
Java 7 language features with Android IDEs supports compiling to Android and you could set the compliance even up to Java 8 with File Project Structure Modules pick the module at the 2nd pane Language level choose 7.0 Diamonds ARM multi catch etc. This only allows Java 7 language..
IntelliJ adding android sourcepath doesn't work fully adding android sourcepath doesn't work fully I've attached the Android source code via File Project Structure Modules Dependencies double click the Android Platform source path. works for the most part but in many classes in the source IntelliJ..