android Programming Glossary: mode_in_call
Android - Play audio from earpiece a file into the phone's earpiece or headset of that is connected using the android MediaPlayer . I tried using the MODE_IN_CALL hack as suggested in this thread Android Getting audio to play through earpiece but that did not help. The app also has.. m_amAudioManager AudioManager getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE m_amAudioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL m_amAudioManager.setSpeakerphoneOn false A call to setMode AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL on the MediaPlayer did not help.. posted here Android Getting audio to play through earpiece does not work consistently across devices. In fact using MODE_IN_CALL ensures that your audio will never play on certain devices. Note You will need to re prepare the media player to change..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset mBroadcastReceiver new IntentFilter AudioManager.ACTION_SCO_AUDIO_STATE_CHANGED Need to set audio mode to MODE_IN_CALL for call to startBluetoothSco to succeed. mAudioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL mIsCountDownOn true mCountDown.. Need to set audio mode to MODE_IN_CALL for call to startBluetoothSco to succeed. mAudioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL mIsCountDownOn true mCountDown repeatedly tries to start bluetooth Sco audio connection. mCountDown.start need for audio.. why a count down timer is implemented to call startBluetoothSco in the onTick. mAudioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL mIsCountDownOn true mCountDown.start override this if you want to do other thing when the device is connected. onHeadsetConnected..
Android - can I mute currently playing audio applications? is done. I can tell you that this works but I can't remember offhand whether you need to also set the audio mode to MODE_IN_CALL when using the voice call stream like this AudioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL . If you find that is required.. also set the audio mode to MODE_IN_CALL when using the voice call stream like this AudioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL . If you find that is required then you need to make sure you return the mode to MODE_NORMAL once playback completes otherwise..
Routing audio to Bluetooth Headset (non-A2DP) on Android AudioManager getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE amanager.setBluetoothScoOn true amanager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL mPlayer new MediaPlayer try mPlayer.setDataSource new FileInputStream sdcard sample.mp3 .getFD mPlayer.setAudioStreamType.. setAudioStreamType STREAM_VOICE_CALL using AudioManager's setBluetoothScoOn true using AudioManager's setMode MODE_IN_CALL But none of the above worked. If I remove the AudioManager calls in the above code the audio plays from speaker and if I..
How does setMicrophoneMute() work? spIn AutoMutex lock mLock if mMicMute state mMicMute state in call mute is handled by RIL if mMode AudioSystem MODE_IN_CALL spIn getActiveInput_l if spIn 0 spIn standby return NO_ERROR Based on this example we may wrap up with a discussion of..