

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:15:16

android Programming Glossary: imageview

How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners


to make an ImageView to have rounded corners In android an ImageView is a rectangle.. make an ImageView to have rounded corners In android an ImageView is a rectangle by default. How can I make it a rounded rectangle.. all 4 corners of my Bitmap to be rounded rectangles in the ImageView android layout imageview rounded corners share improve this..

How to load an ImageView by URL in Android?


to load an ImageView by URL in Android How do you use an image referenced by URL.. Android How do you use an image referenced by URL in an ImageView android bitmap imageview share improve this question You'll..

How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android?


on photos options in my app. I have a button and an ImageView in my Activity. When I click the button it would redirect to.. to select an image. The selected image would appear in my ImageView. How to do that Any ideas android android image android gallery..

How can I get zoom functionality for images?


and pan the image Until now I found two ways overwriting ImageView that seems a little bit too much for such a common problem... share improve this question UPDATE I've just given TouchImageView a new update. It now includes Double Tap Zoom and Fling in addition.. github project to get the latest code. USAGE Place TouchImageView.java in your project. It can then be used the same as ImageView...

Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling


TextView featureLayout.findViewById R.id.featureheader ImageView image ImageView featureLayout.findViewById R.id.featureimage.. R.id.featureheader ImageView image ImageView featureLayout.findViewById R.id.featureimage TextView title..

How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView


void fetchDrawableOnThread final String urlString final ImageView imageView if drawableMap.containsKey urlString imageView.setImageDrawable..

Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity


import android.widget.Button import android.widget.ImageView public class MyCameraActivity extends Activity private static.. private static final int CAMERA_REQUEST 1888 private ImageView imageView @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. setContentView R.layout.main this.imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 Button photoButton Button..

Android - basic gesture detection


pointers. What I have is a 'GridLayout' that contains 9 ImageViews. The source can be found here Romain Guys's Grid Layout . That.. situation I need only set the onClickListener for each ImageView I add to be the main activity which implements View.OnClickListener.. OnTouchListener ... If I make a custom View like GestureImageView that extends ImageView I don't know how to tell the activity..

Listview click to show image in ImageView


i click the listview item and show the image of flag in imageview android listview imageview share improve this question .. and show the image of flag in imageview android listview imageview share improve this question check below code it may help..

What's LazyList?


List In your getview imageLoader.DisplayImage imageurl imageview ImageLoader Display method public void DisplayImage String url.. void DisplayImage String url ImageView imageView url and imageview as parameters imageViews.put imageView url Bitmap bitmap memoryCache.get.. getView ImageView image ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.imageview imageLoader.displayImage imageurl image options provide imageurl..

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


row item using Tick mark like iphone in android iam using imageview in list_row.xml.when i click the list row item then i show image.. i click the list row item then i show image in row imageview. if getItem position null img.setvisibilty View.Visible else..

How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one?


of the layers have a very small content. android android imageview android animation layer share improve this question this..

Caching images and displaying


with bounty as i was away for two days. android json imageview universal image loader lazylist share improve this question..

How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners


to be rounded rectangles in the ImageView android layout imageview rounded corners share improve this question This is pretty..

How to load an ImageView by URL in Android?


an image referenced by URL in an ImageView android bitmap imageview share improve this question You'll have to download the image..

How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio


yes how can I eliminate that white space android android imageview image scaling share improve this question 1 Yes by default..

How can I get zoom functionality for images?


less control over the overall layout etc. android zoom imageview share improve this question UPDATE I've just given TouchImageView..

overlay two images in android to set an imageview


two images in android to set an imageview I am trying to overlay two images in my app but they seem to..

Custom ImageView with drop shadow


paint canvas.drawBitmap bmp 50 50 null android override imageview dropshadow share improve this question Okay I don't foresee..

replace selector images programmatically


with other images. Thank you in advance android selector imageview drawable share improve this question As far as I've been..

Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out


tried most of the sample but in all that image in the imageview is get Zoom in and Zoom out.I want to Zoom in and Zoom out ImageView.I.. want to Zoom in and Zoom out ImageView.I want to increase imageview width and height while Zoom in and reduce imageview width and.. imageview width and height while Zoom in and reduce imageview width and height while Zoom out.Can any one suggest me android..

how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it?


null else return this Finally to load this image to a imageview logoImage.setImageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray currentAccount.accImage..

ANDROID::Rotate image in imageview by an angle


Rotate image in imageview by an angle I am using the following code to rotate a image.. method available. ImageView iv ImageView findViewById imageviewid TextView tv TextView findViewById txtViewsid Matrix mat new.. mat true iv.setImageBitmap bMapRotate android imageview share improve this question Another simple way to rotate..

Android Image View Pinch Zooming


true And Here how I used it within my activity. ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imgView int hMargin int displayMetrics.widthPixels.. 2 params.leftMargin hMargin params.topMargin vMargin imageView.setLayoutParams params imageView.setImageDrawable drawable Thanks.. params.topMargin vMargin imageView.setLayoutParams params imageView.setImageDrawable drawable Thanks in advance. Thanks and Regards..

What's LazyList?


method public void DisplayImage String url ImageView imageView url and imageview as parameters imageViews.put imageView url.. url ImageView imageView url and imageview as parameters imageViews.put imageView url Bitmap bitmap memoryCache.get url get image.. imageView url and imageview as parameters imageViews.put imageView url Bitmap bitmap memoryCache.get url get image from cache using..

Caching images and displaying


new String TAG_IIMG TAG_MDNAME TAG_UTCOST new int R.id.imageViewUrl R.id.mdname R.id.utcost setListAdapter adapter selecting.. iimg try String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageViewUrl Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. iimg ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageViewUrl Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream InputStream new..

Android - Open resource from @drawable String


.getIdentifier uri null getPackageName ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.myImageView Drawable image getResources.. Drawable image getResources .getDrawable imageResource imageView.setImageDrawable image Else I would recommend you to work with..

Android camera intent


.notifyChange selectedImage null ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.ImageView ContentResolver cr getContentResolver.. .getBitmap cr selectedImage imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap Toast.makeText this selectedImage.toString..

Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask


extends AsyncTask ImageView Void Bitmap ImageView imageView null @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground ImageView..... @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground ImageView... imageViews this.imageView imageViews 0 return download_Image String imageView.getTag.. Bitmap doInBackground ImageView... imageViews this.imageView imageViews 0 return download_Image String imageView.getTag @Override..

How to crop the parsed image in android?


bmd new BitmapDrawable resizedBitmap ImageView imageView new ImageView this set the Drawable on the ImageView imageView.setImageDrawable.. new ImageView this set the Drawable on the ImageView imageView.setImageDrawable bmd center the Image imageView.setScaleType..

How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView


final String urlString final ImageView imageView if drawableMap.containsKey urlString imageView.setImageDrawable.. ImageView imageView if drawableMap.containsKey urlString imageView.setImageDrawable drawableMap.get urlString final Handler handler.. @Override public void handleMessage Message message imageView.setImageDrawable Drawable message.obj Thread thread new Thread..

Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview


layout_height fill_parent ImageView android id @ id imageView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent.. R.layout.main ImageView view ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView view.setOnTouchListener this @Override public boolean onTouch..

Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity


static final int CAMERA_REQUEST 1888 private ImageView imageView @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main this.imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 Button photoButton.. this.imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 Button photoButton Button this.findViewById R.id.button1 photoButton.setOnClickListener..

How to send file from Android device to other device through Bluetooth by code


View v txtContent EditText findViewById R.id.txtContent imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView linearLayout LinearLayout.. R.id.txtContent imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView linearLayout LinearLayout findViewById R.id.linearLayout viewToBeConverted.. linearLayout.setVisibility 1 imageView.setImageBitmap viewBitmap ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream..

Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out


imageView Zoom in and Zoom Out Hi i am new to Android application i want..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


mResource null else view convertView ImageView imageView ImageView view.findViewById R.id.imv TextView textView TextView.. TextView textView TextView view.findViewById R.id.txv imageView.setTag mList.get position tag of imageView path to image new.. R.id.txv imageView.setTag mList.get position tag of imageView path to image new LoadImage .execute imageView textView.setText..

ANDROID::Rotate image in imageview by an angle


improve this question Another simple way to rotate an imageView Matrix matrix new Matrix imageView.setScaleType ScaleType.MATRIX.. simple way to rotate an imageView Matrix matrix new Matrix imageView.setScaleType ScaleType.MATRIX required matrix.postRotate float.. required matrix.postRotate float angle pivX pivY imageView.setImageMatrix matrix This method does not require creating..

Inflate ListView row from OnClickListener in Android?


@drawable play_button selector 1.Create a global variable Imageview previous in your Custom Adapter and Initialize it in the constructor.. method you will probably have a onclickListener for your Imageview do like this imagPlay.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener..

remove padding around action bar left icon on Android 4.0+


view According to sources the icon is shown in the Imageview with id android.R.id.home . The onLayout method reported above..

Android - Set ImageView to URL


Set ImageView to URL I am trying to set an Imageview to a URL. Below is my code protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..

Making Overlaid image transparent on touch in Android?


2 layers. Down layer is for content and upper layer is an Imageview for erasing. I need erase the upper layer when user touch and..

Android: Scrolling an Imageview


Scrolling an Imageview I have an ImageView that is twice the height of a normale screen.. I have tried various combinations of ScrollView and Imageviews without any success. I have also thinkered with the isScrollContainer..

Android - Capture photo


on that Button Snaps should be clicked and display it into Imageview of another activity. I know that the following approach is used..

How To Display Border To Imageview?


To Display Border To Imageview Friends How To Display Border To Imageview I Want To Result.. Border To Imageview Friends How To Display Border To Imageview I Want To Result Like Mobile gallery all image display with..

Set Imageview to show image in sdcard?


Imageview to show image in sdcard I have a image stored in SD card of..

Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview?


if anyone can suggest me pinch zoom functionality for Imageview. android imageview pinch share improve this question try..

How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database?


How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out?


covers ImageView Zooom in out double tap Bounding image in Imageview when its zoomed In short is exactly like the default Gallery..

How to save the image to SD card on button Click android [closed]


to SD card on button Click android closed I am using an Imageview and a Button in 1 XML and I am retriving the images as URL from..

How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners


to make an ImageView to have rounded corners In android an ImageView is a rectangle by default. How can I make it a rounded rectangle clip off.. to make an ImageView to have rounded corners In android an ImageView is a rectangle by default. How can I make it a rounded rectangle clip off all 4 corners of my Bitmap to be rounded rectangles.. by default. How can I make it a rounded rectangle clip off all 4 corners of my Bitmap to be rounded rectangles in the ImageView android layout imageview rounded corners share improve this question This is pretty late in response but for anyone..

How to load an ImageView by URL in Android?


to load an ImageView by URL in Android How do you use an image referenced by URL in an ImageView android bitmap imageview share improve this.. to load an ImageView by URL in Android How do you use an image referenced by URL in an ImageView android bitmap imageview share improve this question You'll have to download the image firstly public static Bitmap..

How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android?


This question was originally asked for Android 1.6. I am working on photos options in my app. I have a button and an ImageView in my Activity. When I click the button it would redirect to gallery and I would be able to select an image. The selected.. the button it would redirect to gallery and I would be able to select an image. The selected image would appear in my ImageView. How to do that Any ideas android android image android gallery share improve this question The other answers explained..

How can I get zoom functionality for images?


to show a big image and enable the user to zoom in and out and pan the image Until now I found two ways overwriting ImageView that seems a little bit too much for such a common problem. using a webview but with less control over the overall layout.. over the overall layout etc. android zoom imageview share improve this question UPDATE I've just given TouchImageView a new update. It now includes Double Tap Zoom and Fling in addition to Panning and Pinch Zoom. The code below is very dated... Zoom. The code below is very dated. You can check out the github project to get the latest code. USAGE Place TouchImageView.java in your project. It can then be used the same as ImageView. Example TouchImageView img TouchImageView findViewById..

Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling


this.getContext R.layout.homefeature null TextView header TextView featureLayout.findViewById R.id.featureheader ImageView image ImageView featureLayout.findViewById R.id.featureimage TextView title TextView featureLayout.findViewById R.id.featuretitle.. R.layout.homefeature null TextView header TextView featureLayout.findViewById R.id.featureheader ImageView image ImageView featureLayout.findViewById R.id.featureimage TextView title TextView featureLayout.findViewById R.id.featuretitle title.setTag..

How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView


.getSimpleName fetchDrawable failed e return null public void fetchDrawableOnThread final String urlString final ImageView imageView if drawableMap.containsKey urlString imageView.setImageDrawable drawableMap.get urlString final Handler handler..

Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity


import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View import android.widget.Button import android.widget.ImageView public class MyCameraActivity extends Activity private static final int CAMERA_REQUEST 1888 private ImageView imageView.. public class MyCameraActivity extends Activity private static final int CAMERA_REQUEST 1888 private ImageView imageView @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main this.imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 Button photoButton Button this.findViewById R.id.button1 photoButton.setOnClickListener..

Android - basic gesture detection


Nothing has worked for me so far and I was hoping for some pointers. What I have is a 'GridLayout' that contains 9 ImageViews. The source can be found here Romain Guys's Grid Layout . That file is take from Romain Guy's Photostream application and.. and has only been slightly adapted. For the simple click situation I need only set the onClickListener for each ImageView I add to be the main activity which implements View.OnClickListener . It seems infinitely more complicated to implement.. extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener OnTouchListener ... If I make a custom View like GestureImageView that extends ImageView I don't know how to tell the activity that a fling has occurred from the view. In any case I tried..

Listview click to show image in ImageView


text in listview from http json data . and I wonder how can i click the listview item and show the image of flag in imageview android listview imageview share improve this question check below code it may help you for click on listview Items... json data . and I wonder how can i click the listview item and show the image of flag in imageview android listview imageview share improve this question check below code it may help you for click on listview Items. i check this link . and i..

What's LazyList?


display images offline. https github.com thest1 LazyList . Lazy List In your getview imageLoader.DisplayImage imageurl imageview ImageLoader Display method public void DisplayImage String url ImageView imageView url and imageview as parameters imageViews.put.. imageurl imageview ImageLoader Display method public void DisplayImage String url ImageView imageView url and imageview as parameters imageViews.put imageView url Bitmap bitmap memoryCache.get url get image from cache using url as key if bitmap.. .displayer new RoundedBitmapDisplayer 20 .build In your getView ImageView image ImageView vi.findViewById R.id.imageview imageLoader.displayImage imageurl image options provide imageurl imageview and options You can configure with other options..

customised listview using arrayadapter class in android


listview using arrayadapter class in android how to select row item using Tick mark like iphone in android iam using imageview in list_row.xml.when i click the list row item then i show image in row imageview. if getItem position null img.setvisibilty.. like iphone in android iam using imageview in list_row.xml.when i click the list row item then i show image in row imageview. if getItem position null img.setvisibilty View.Visible else System.out.println imagenull iam using this but image display..

How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one?


or dragging views. It would be a huge waste if some of the layers have a very small content. android android imageview android animation layer share improve this question this is a class that displays an image with additional layers import..

Caching images and displaying


loading. My apologies for not being able to reward an answer with bounty as i was away for two days. android json imageview universal image loader lazylist share improve this question Lazy loading using Universal Imageloader. Replace the hardcoded..

How to make an ImageView to have rounded corners


it a rounded rectangle clip off all 4 corners of my Bitmap to be rounded rectangles in the ImageView android layout imageview rounded corners share improve this question This is pretty late in response but for anyone else that is looking for this..

How to load an ImageView by URL in Android?


to load an ImageView by URL in Android How do you use an image referenced by URL in an ImageView android bitmap imageview share improve this question You'll have to download the image firstly public static Bitmap loadBitmap String url Bitmap..

How to scale an Image in ImageView to keep the aspect ratio


image which is bigger than the ImageView . Is that true If yes how can I eliminate that white space android android imageview image scaling share improve this question 1 Yes by default Android will scale your image down to fit the ImageView maintaining..

How can I get zoom functionality for images?


too much for such a common problem. using a webview but with less control over the overall layout etc. android zoom imageview share improve this question UPDATE I've just given TouchImageView a new update. It now includes Double Tap Zoom and Fling..

overlay two images in android to set an imageview


two images in android to set an imageview I am trying to overlay two images in my app but they seem to crash at my canvas.setbitmap line. what am I doing wrong private..

Custom ImageView with drop shadow


canvas.drawRect 50 50 50 bmp.getWidth 50 bmp.getHeight paint canvas.drawBitmap bmp 50 50 null android override imageview dropshadow share improve this question Okay I don't foresee any more answers on this one so what I ended up going with..

replace selector images programmatically


I want to be able to replace btn_icon_hl and btn_icon with other images. Thank you in advance android selector imageview drawable share improve this question As far as I've been able to find I've tried doing something similar myself there's..

Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out


Android application i want to Zoom in and Zoom out ImageView.I tried most of the sample but in all that image in the imageview is get Zoom in and Zoom out.I want to Zoom in and Zoom out ImageView.I want to increase imageview width and height while.. that image in the imageview is get Zoom in and Zoom out.I want to Zoom in and Zoom out ImageView.I want to increase imageview width and height while Zoom in and reduce imageview width and height while Zoom out.Can any one suggest me android share.. out.I want to Zoom in and Zoom out ImageView.I want to increase imageview width and height while Zoom in and reduce imageview width and height while Zoom out.Can any one suggest me android share improve this question Make two java classes Zoom..

how to store Image as blob in Sqlite & how to retrieve it?


cursor.close db.close if cursor.getCount 0 return null else return this Finally to load this image to a imageview logoImage.setImageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray currentAccount.accImage 0 currentAccount.accImage.length share..

ANDROID::Rotate image in imageview by an angle


Rotate image in imageview by an angle I am using the following code to rotate a image in ImageView by an angle. Is there any simpler and less complex.. in ImageView by an angle. Is there any simpler and less complex method available. ImageView iv ImageView findViewById imageviewid TextView tv TextView findViewById txtViewsid Matrix mat new Matrix Bitmap bMap BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources.. bMapRotate Bitmap.createBitmap bMap 0 0 bMap.getWidth bMap.getHeight mat true iv.setImageBitmap bMapRotate android imageview share improve this question Another simple way to rotate an imageView Matrix matrix new Matrix imageView.setScaleType..

Android Image View Pinch Zooming


mScaleFactor Math.max 0.05f mScaleFactor invalidate return true And Here how I used it within my activity. ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imgView int hMargin int displayMetrics.widthPixels .10 int vMargin int displayMetrics.heightPixels.. 2 int displayMetrics.heightPixels btnCamera.getHeight vMargin 2 params.leftMargin hMargin params.topMargin vMargin imageView.setLayoutParams params imageView.setImageDrawable drawable Thanks in advance. Thanks and Regards Anish android android.. btnCamera.getHeight vMargin 2 params.leftMargin hMargin params.topMargin vMargin imageView.setLayoutParams params imageView.setImageDrawable drawable Thanks in advance. Thanks and Regards Anish android android layout android intent android widget..

What's LazyList?


imageLoader.DisplayImage imageurl imageview ImageLoader Display method public void DisplayImage String url ImageView imageView url and imageview as parameters imageViews.put imageView url Bitmap bitmap memoryCache.get url get image from cache using.. ImageLoader Display method public void DisplayImage String url ImageView imageView url and imageview as parameters imageViews.put imageView url Bitmap bitmap memoryCache.get url get image from cache using url as key if bitmap null if image exists.. Display method public void DisplayImage String url ImageView imageView url and imageview as parameters imageViews.put imageView url Bitmap bitmap memoryCache.get url get image from cache using url as key if bitmap null if image exists imageView.setImageBitmap..

Caching images and displaying


new SimpleAdapter context jsonlist R.layout.activity_toolsitem new String TAG_IIMG TAG_MDNAME TAG_UTCOST new int R.id.imageViewUrl R.id.mdname R.id.utcost setListAdapter adapter selecting single ListView item lv getListView protected Boolean doInBackground.. the image to be shown in the list view String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg try String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageViewUrl Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream InputStream new URL imageUrl .getContent.. String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg try String imageUrl My_App_URL iimg ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageViewUrl Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream InputStream new URL imageUrl .getContent imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap ..

Android - Open resource from @drawable String


icon int imageResource R.drawable.icon int imageResource getResources .getIdentifier uri null getPackageName ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.myImageView Drawable image getResources .getDrawable imageResource imageView.setImageDrawable.. ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.myImageView Drawable image getResources .getDrawable imageResource imageView.setImageDrawable image Else I would recommend you to work with R. references like this int imageResource R.drawable.icon..

Android camera intent


Activity.RESULT_OK Uri selectedImage imageUri getContentResolver .notifyChange selectedImage null ImageView imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.ImageView ContentResolver cr getContentResolver Bitmap bitmap try bitmap android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media.. getContentResolver Bitmap bitmap try bitmap android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media .getBitmap cr selectedImage imageView.setImageBitmap bitmap Toast.makeText this selectedImage.toString Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch Exception e Toast.makeText..

Android : Loading an image from the Web with Asynctask


mChart The Task class public class DownloadImagesTask extends AsyncTask ImageView Void Bitmap ImageView imageView null @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground ImageView... imageViews this.imageView imageViews 0 return download_Image.. AsyncTask ImageView Void Bitmap ImageView imageView null @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground ImageView... imageViews this.imageView imageViews 0 return download_Image String imageView.getTag @Override protected void onPostExecute Bitmap.. ImageView Void Bitmap ImageView imageView null @Override protected Bitmap doInBackground ImageView... imageViews this.imageView imageViews 0 return download_Image String imageView.getTag @Override protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result imageView.setImageBitmap..

How to crop the parsed image in android?


set the BitMap to the ImageView ImageButton or what ever BitmapDrawable bmd new BitmapDrawable resizedBitmap ImageView imageView new ImageView this set the Drawable on the ImageView imageView.setImageDrawable bmd center the Image imageView.setScaleType..

How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView


fetchDrawable failed e return null public void fetchDrawableOnThread final String urlString final ImageView imageView if drawableMap.containsKey urlString imageView.setImageDrawable drawableMap.get urlString final Handler handler new Handler.. void fetchDrawableOnThread final String urlString final ImageView imageView if drawableMap.containsKey urlString imageView.setImageDrawable drawableMap.get urlString final Handler handler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message.. drawableMap.get urlString final Handler handler new Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message message imageView.setImageDrawable Drawable message.obj Thread thread new Thread @Override public void run TODO set imageView to a pending..

Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview


apk res android android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent ImageView android id @ id imageView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android src @drawable csf6a4_flipped android scaleType.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main ImageView view ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView view.setOnTouchListener this @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event ImageView view ImageView v int rotation..

Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity


public class MyCameraActivity extends Activity private static final int CAMERA_REQUEST 1888 private ImageView imageView @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main.. public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main this.imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 Button photoButton Button this.findViewById R.id.button1 photoButton.setOnClickListener.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main this.imageView ImageView this.findViewById R.id.imageView1 Button photoButton Button this.findViewById R.id.button1 photoButton.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override..

How to send file from Android device to other device through Bluetooth by code


new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v txtContent EditText findViewById R.id.txtContent imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView linearLayout LinearLayout findViewById R.id.linearLayout viewToBeConverted TextView.. public void onClick View v txtContent EditText findViewById R.id.txtContent imageView ImageView findViewById R.id.imageView linearLayout LinearLayout findViewById R.id.linearLayout viewToBeConverted TextView findViewById R.id.hello linearLayout.setDrawingCacheEnabled.. .show txtContent.setText Bitmap viewBitmap linearLayout.getDrawingCache linearLayout.setVisibility 1 imageView.setImageBitmap viewBitmap ByteArrayOutputStream baos new ByteArrayOutputStream viewBitmap.compress Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG..

Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out


imageView Zoom in and Zoom Out Hi i am new to Android application i want to Zoom in and Zoom out ImageView.I tried most of the sample..

Using AsyncTask to load Images in ListView


parent View view if convertView null view mInflater.inflate mResource null else view convertView ImageView imageView ImageView view.findViewById R.id.imv TextView textView TextView view.findViewById R.id.txv imageView.setTag mList.get position.. ImageView imageView ImageView view.findViewById R.id.imv TextView textView TextView view.findViewById R.id.txv imageView.setTag mList.get position tag of imageView path to image new LoadImage .execute imageView textView.setText mList.get position.. R.id.imv TextView textView TextView view.findViewById R.id.txv imageView.setTag mList.get position tag of imageView path to image new LoadImage .execute imageView textView.setText mList.get position .toString return view class LoadImage..

ANDROID::Rotate image in imageview by an angle


true iv.setImageBitmap bMapRotate android imageview share improve this question Another simple way to rotate an imageView Matrix matrix new Matrix imageView.setScaleType ScaleType.MATRIX required matrix.postRotate float angle pivX pivY imageView.setImageMatrix.. android imageview share improve this question Another simple way to rotate an imageView Matrix matrix new Matrix imageView.setScaleType ScaleType.MATRIX required matrix.postRotate float angle pivX pivY imageView.setImageMatrix matrix This method..

Inflate ListView row from OnClickListener in Android?


android state_selected true item android drawable @drawable play_button selector 1.Create a global variable Imageview previous in your Custom Adapter and Initialize it in the constructor where you'll get the content previous new ImageView.. previous new ImageView context Add in your adapter getView method you will probably have a onclickListener for your Imageview do like this imagPlay.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v ImageView current..

remove padding around action bar left icon on Android 4.0+


center android adjustViewBounds true android scaleType fitCenter view According to sources the icon is shown in the Imageview with id android.R.id.home . The onLayout method reported above takes account of the ImageView margins defined in the layout..

Android - Set ImageView to URL


Set ImageView to URL I am trying to set an Imageview to a URL. Below is my code protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState TODO Auto generated method stub super.onCreate..

Making Overlaid image transparent on touch in Android?


erasing it. For this I am using frame layout to load 2 layers. Down layer is for content and upper layer is an Imageview for erasing. I need erase the upper layer when user touch and move his finger on it. I am not getting how to make it transparent...

Android: Scrolling an Imageview


Scrolling an Imageview I have an ImageView that is twice the height of a normale screen 960 dip . I would like to scroll it nicely up and down.. on the screen. The bottom of the screen should contain a button. I have tried various combinations of ScrollView and Imageviews without any success. I have also thinkered with the isScrollContainer attribute without results. Anyone knows how to do..

Android - Capture photo


the screen Camera preview should be viewed..When user click on that Button Snaps should be clicked and display it into Imageview of another activity. I know that the following approach is used Intent intent new Intent android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE..

How To Display Border To Imageview?


To Display Border To Imageview Friends How To Display Border To Imageview I Want To Result Like Mobile gallery all image display with border. plz give.. To Display Border To Imageview Friends How To Display Border To Imageview I Want To Result Like Mobile gallery all image display with border. plz give me ans thanks for advance.... android image..

Set Imageview to show image in sdcard?


Imageview to show image in sdcard I have a image stored in SD card of my phone. I want to show it in a image view. I know the location..

Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview?


in which i have to zoom in and zoom out images on pinch.. Please if anyone can suggest me pinch zoom functionality for Imageview. android imageview pinch share improve this question try this import android.content.Context import android.graphics.Canvas..

How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database?


How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out?


answer might be not exactly specific to your problem but it covers ImageView Zooom in out double tap Bounding image in Imageview when its zoomed In short is exactly like the default Gallery app of Android http blog.sephiroth.it 2011 04 04 imageview..

How to save the image to SD card on button Click android [closed]


to save the image to SD card on button Click android closed I am using an Imageview and a Button in 1 XML and I am retriving the images as URL from webServer and displaying it on the ImageView. Now if the..