android Programming Glossary: imagereflectionratio
Carousel library for android withReflection The image reflection ratio. private float imageReflectionRatio Gets the image height. @return the image height public float.. withReflection Sets the image reflection ratio. @param imageReflectionRatio the new image reflection ratio public void setImageReflectionRatio.. ratio public void setImageReflectionRatio final float imageReflectionRatio this.imageReflectionRatio imageReflectionRatio Gets the image..
Carousel library for android float reflectionGap The with reflection. private boolean withReflection The image reflection ratio. private float imageReflectionRatio Gets the image height. @return the image height public float getImageHeight return imageHeight Sets the image height... final boolean withReflection this.withReflection withReflection Sets the image reflection ratio. @param imageReflectionRatio the new image reflection ratio public void setImageReflectionRatio final float imageReflectionRatio this.imageReflectionRatio.. ratio. @param imageReflectionRatio the new image reflection ratio public void setImageReflectionRatio final float imageReflectionRatio this.imageReflectionRatio imageReflectionRatio Gets the image reflection ratio. @return the image reflection ratio public..