android Programming Glossary: imagepath
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload intent.getSerializableExtra location String imagePath intent.getStringExtra imagePath String date intent.getStringExtra.. location String imagePath intent.getStringExtra imagePath String date intent.getStringExtra date imageView.setImageBitmap.. list.add new BasicNameValuePair image imagePath list.add new BasicNameValuePair comment comment list.add new..
Android - How to set the wallpaper image? [duplicate] if You have Image path. is new FileInputStream new File imagePath bis new BufferedInputStream is Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream.. parent.getWidth parent.getHeight true bitmap.recycle if imagePath null System.out.println Hi I am try to open Bit map wallpaperManager..
android image exif reader 3rd party api for brevity public static Date extractExifDateTime String imagePath Log.d exif Attempting to extract EXIF date time from image at.. exif Attempting to extract EXIF date time from image at imagePath Date datetime new Date 0 or initialize to null if you prefer.. Metadata metadata JpegMetadataReader.readMetadata new File imagePath Directory exifDirectory metadata.getDirectory ExifDirectory.class..
Picture orientation from gallery/camera intent Context context Uri imageUri String imagePath int rotate 0 try context.getContentResolver .notifyChange imageUri.. .notifyChange imageUri null File imageFile new File imagePath ExifInterface exif new ExifInterface imageFile.getAbsolutePath..
Load the image saved in sdcard in webview .getAbsolutePath .toString String imagePath base test.jpg mWebView.loadUrl imagePath the image is not loading.. .toString String imagePath base test.jpg mWebView.loadUrl imagePath the image is not loading ... also tried mWebView WebView findViewById.. .getAbsolutePath .toString String imagePath base test.jpg String html html head head body img src imagePath..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_DATE String imagePath c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_IMG int.. item_image.setVisibility ImageView.INVISIBLE if imagePath null imagePath.length 0 item_image null item_image.setVisibility.. ImageView.INVISIBLE if imagePath null imagePath.length 0 item_image null item_image.setVisibility ImageView.VISIBLE..
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size bm null SoftReference Bitmap reference drawbaleM.get imagePath if reference null bm reference.get if bm null return bm..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card if requestCode TAKE_PHOTO_CODE resultCode RESULT_OK Uri imagePath getImageUri doSomething Get the uri of the captured file @return..
problem sending an email with an attachment programmatically HTML BODY b IMG SRC data image jpeg base64 imagepath alt pleaseview this image b BODY HTML i can successfully attach..
Save image in local storage phonegap function function capturePhoto sessionStorage.removeItem 'imagepath' Take picture using device camera and retrieve image as base64.. the complete path function successMove entry Store imagepath in session for future use like to store it in database sessionStorage.setItem.. use like to store it in database sessionStorage.setItem 'imagepath' entry.fullPath function resOnError error alert error.code What..
Android - How to set the wallpaper image? [duplicate] wallpaperManager.getDrawable mImageView.setImageURI imagepath Let me know if there is any issue . share improve this answer..
Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview Bitmap image2 private Bitmap bm public static String imagepath public static int x 1 private RdmsDbAdapter dbHelper @Override.. IncidentFormActivity.incident_id l2.addView img imagepath sdcard RDMS incident_ID x .png File file new File imagepath.. sdcard RDMS incident_ID x .png File file new File imagepath try bm Bitmap.createScaledBitmap image2 400 300 true file.createNewFile..
How can I store images using sharedpreference in android? this Editor edit shre.edit edit.putString imagepath sdcard imh.jpeg edit.commit and then fetch image from sdcard..
ProgressBar in asynctask is not showing on upload comment intent.getStringExtra comment locationListener MyLocationListener intent.getSerializableExtra location String imagePath intent.getStringExtra imagePath String date intent.getStringExtra date imageView.setImageBitmap image tvComment.setText.. locationListener MyLocationListener intent.getSerializableExtra location String imagePath intent.getStringExtra imagePath String date intent.getStringExtra date imageView.setImageBitmap image tvComment.setText comment tvComment.append n locationListener.latitude.. tvComment.append n locationListener.latitude n locationListener.longitude list.add new BasicNameValuePair image imagePath list.add new BasicNameValuePair comment comment list.add new BasicNameValuePair longitude Double.toString locationListener.longitude..
Android - How to set the wallpaper image? [duplicate] share improve this question Hi you can use this code if You have Image path. is new FileInputStream new File imagePath bis new BufferedInputStream is Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream bis Bitmap useThisBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap.. bis Bitmap useThisBitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bitmap parent.getWidth parent.getHeight true bitmap.recycle if imagePath null System.out.println Hi I am try to open Bit map wallpaperManager WallpaperManager.getInstance this wallpaperDrawable..
android image exif reader 3rd party api other imports and class definition removed for brevity public static Date extractExifDateTime String imagePath Log.d exif Attempting to extract EXIF date time from image at imagePath Date datetime new Date 0 or initialize to null if.. public static Date extractExifDateTime String imagePath Log.d exif Attempting to extract EXIF date time from image at imagePath Date datetime new Date 0 or initialize to null if you prefer try Metadata metadata JpegMetadataReader.readMetadata new.. new Date 0 or initialize to null if you prefer try Metadata metadata JpegMetadataReader.readMetadata new File imagePath Directory exifDirectory metadata.getDirectory ExifDirectory.class these are listed in order of preference int datetimeTags..
Picture orientation from gallery/camera intent work. Hope this helps anybody. Code public static int getCameraPhotoOrientation Context context Uri imageUri String imagePath int rotate 0 try context.getContentResolver .notifyChange imageUri null File imageFile new File imagePath ExifInterface.. String imagePath int rotate 0 try context.getContentResolver .notifyChange imageUri null File imageFile new File imagePath ExifInterface exif new ExifInterface imageFile.getAbsolutePath int orientation exif.getAttributeInt ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION..
Load the image saved in sdcard in webview .setJavaScriptEnabled true String base Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath .toString String imagePath base test.jpg mWebView.loadUrl imagePath the image is not loading ... also tried mWebView WebView findViewById Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath .toString String imagePath base test.jpg mWebView.loadUrl imagePath the image is not loading ... also tried mWebView WebView findViewById mWebView.getSettings .setAllowFileAccess.. .setBuiltInZoomControls true String base Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .getAbsolutePath .toString String imagePath base test.jpg String html html head head body img src imagePath body html mWebView.loadData html text html utf 8 Please..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? ItemDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE String date c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_DATE String imagePath c.getString c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_IMG int deletion c.getInt c.getColumnIndexOrThrow ItemDbAdapter.KEY_DELETION.. ImageView item_image ImageView v.findViewById item_image.setVisibility ImageView.INVISIBLE if imagePath null imagePath.length 0 item_image null item_image.setVisibility ImageView.VISIBLE Decide if we should display the deletion.. ImageView v.findViewById item_image.setVisibility ImageView.INVISIBLE if imagePath null imagePath.length 0 item_image null item_image.setVisibility ImageView.VISIBLE Decide if we should display the deletion indicator..
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size fetchBitmap final String sURL if sURL.length 0 return null Bitmap bm null SoftReference Bitmap reference drawbaleM.get imagePath if reference null bm reference.get if bm null return bm byte imageData ThumbImg sURL if imageData null return null..
How to capture the image and save it in sd card Intent data super.onActivityResult requestCode resultCode data if requestCode TAKE_PHOTO_CODE resultCode RESULT_OK Uri imagePath getImageUri doSomething Get the uri of the captured file @return A Uri which path is the path of an image file stored on..
problem sending an email with an attachment programmatically 2 Sending the image as body content sendIntent.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_TEXT HTML BODY b IMG SRC data image jpeg base64 imagepath alt pleaseview this image b BODY HTML i can successfully attach the image manually but when i tried to attach and send it..
Save image in local storage phonegap function on button click event. A button will call this function function capturePhoto sessionStorage.removeItem 'imagepath' Take picture using device camera and retrieve image as base64 encoded string onPhotoDataSuccess.. function when the file has been moved successfully inserting the complete path function successMove entry Store imagepath in session for future use like to store it in database sessionStorage.setItem 'imagepath' entry.fullPath function resOnError.. successMove entry Store imagepath in session for future use like to store it in database sessionStorage.setItem 'imagepath' entry.fullPath function resOnError error alert error.code What this code does is Captures image and stores it in MyAppFolder..
Android - How to set the wallpaper image? [duplicate]
Android: Overlay on Android Camera Preview private static final int CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST 2500 private Bitmap image2 private Bitmap bm public static String imagepath public static int x 1 private RdmsDbAdapter dbHelper @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. .get data img.setImageBitmap image2 String incident_ID IncidentFormActivity.incident_id l2.addView img imagepath sdcard RDMS incident_ID x .png File file new File imagepath try bm Bitmap.createScaledBitmap image2 400 300 true file.createNewFile.. IncidentFormActivity.incident_id l2.addView img imagepath sdcard RDMS incident_ID x .png File file new File imagepath try bm Bitmap.createScaledBitmap image2 400 300 true file.createNewFile FileOutputStream ostream new FileOutputStream..
How can I store images using sharedpreference in android?