android Programming Glossary: imagedownloader
How to download and save an image in Android pb private EditText etUrl private TextView percent private ImageDownloader mDownloader private static Bitmap bmp private FileOutputStream.. be entered if etUrl.getText .toString .trim .length 0 bmp ImageDownloader.getBitmapFromURL etUrl .getText .toString .trim img.setImageBitmap.. downloader passing it required components mDownloader new ImageDownloader etUrl.getText .toString .trim pb save img percent MainActivity.this..
Android - Set ImageView to URL .getStatusCode if statusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK Log.w ImageDownloader Error statusCode while retrieving bitmap from url return null.. error message for IOException getRequest.abort Log.e ImageDownloader Something went wrong while retrieving bitmap from url e.toString..
Gesture detection and ScrollView issue private int num_products private Produit produit private ImageDownloader mImageLoader private ViewFlipper product_viewflipper private.. gallery.removeAllViews mImageLoader new ImageDownloader res BitmapDrawable res.getDrawable R.drawable.default_row_pic..
How to download and save an image in Android downloadBG save private ImageView img private ProgressBar pb private EditText etUrl private TextView percent private ImageDownloader mDownloader private static Bitmap bmp private FileOutputStream fos @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. we use trim to remove whitespaces which could be entered if etUrl.getText .toString .trim .length 0 bmp ImageDownloader.getBitmapFromURL etUrl .getText .toString .trim img.setImageBitmap bmp save.setEnabled true break case if etUrl.getText .toString .trim .length 0 instantiate our downloader passing it required components mDownloader new ImageDownloader etUrl.getText .toString .trim pb save img percent MainActivity.this bmp new ImageLoaderListener @Override public void..
Android - Set ImageView to URL 200 OK for success final int statusCode response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if statusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK Log.w ImageDownloader Error statusCode while retrieving bitmap from url return null final HttpEntity entity response.getEntity if entity null..
Gesture detection and ScrollView issue Resources res float density private int position parent_id private int num_products private Produit produit private ImageDownloader mImageLoader private ViewFlipper product_viewflipper private ScrollView current_product_layout Animation next_product_out.. gallery ViewFlipper current_product_layout.findViewById gallery.removeAllViews mImageLoader new ImageDownloader res BitmapDrawable res.getDrawable R.drawable.default_row_pic .getBitmap 1 final ViewFlipper.LayoutParams params_vf new..