android Programming Glossary: foo
Android - how to receive broadcast intents ACTION_SCREEN_ON/OFF? ... application MyBroadcastReceiver is set just to spit foo to the logs. Does nothing. Any suggestions please Do I need..
Android global variable so set MyApplication this.getApplication .setSomeVariable foo get String s MyApplication this.getApplication .getSomeVariable..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) android http apk res android xmlns foo http apk res com.example android orientation.. match_parent android text @string showingOffTheNewTypeface foo customFont saxmono.ttf com.example.TextViewPlus LinearLayout..
How to load a Java class dynamically on android/dalvik? d Class c defineClass net.webvm.FooImpl data 0 len Foo foo Foo c.newInstance catch IOException e1 TODO Auto generated..
Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML of the same string. p string Then in your code TextView foo TextView findViewById foo.setText Html.fromHtml getString.. Then in your code TextView foo TextView findViewById foo.setText Html.fromHtml getString R.string.nice_html IMHO.. in your code TextView foo TextView findViewById foo.setText Html.fromHtml getString R.string.nice_html IMHO this..
Android Split string the case above I assumed the string has always that syntax foo bar but you may want to check if there are tokens or not using..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? PrinterTask .execute bar bar bar new PrinterTask .execute foo foo foo System.out.println onCreate is done. The output I expect.. .execute bar bar bar new PrinterTask .execute foo foo foo System.out.println onCreate is done. The output I expect.. .execute bar bar bar new PrinterTask .execute foo foo foo System.out.println onCreate is done. The output I expect is..
Populating a ListView using ArrayList? your_array_list new ArrayList String your_array_list.add foo your_array_list.add bar This is the array adapter it takes..
How to save SMS to inbox in android? ContentValues values.put address 123456789 values.put body foo bar getContentResolver .insert Uri.parse content sms sent values.. address 123456789 sendIntent.putExtra sms_body foo bar startActivity sendIntent Edit However the sms content provider..
How to use Parcel in Android? from the file it's coming back as null . public void testFoo final Foo orig new Foo blah blah Wrote orig to a parcel and.. file it's coming back as null . public void testFoo final Foo orig new Foo blah blah Wrote orig to a parcel and then byte.. back as null . public void testFoo final Foo orig new Foo blah blah Wrote orig to a parcel and then byte array final Parcel..
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? web page inside a web browser a la a href myapp mysettings Foo a my app would pop up and run using the params sent in that..
How to load a Java class dynamically on android/dalvik? data in.close DexFile d Class c defineClass net.webvm.FooImpl data 0 len Foo foo Foo c.newInstance catch IOException.. d Class c defineClass net.webvm.FooImpl data 0 len Foo foo Foo c.newInstance catch IOException e1 TODO Auto generated.. Class c defineClass net.webvm.FooImpl data 0 len Foo foo Foo c.newInstance catch IOException e1 TODO Auto generated catch..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code version of this string example Before public class Foo private String mySecret http ... Becomes public.. String mySecret http ... Becomes public class Foo private String encrypted manually created encrypted string private..
Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore? like foo@543Pass so I added all the possible segments foo Foo FOO and so on. Then ran through the items like an odometer...
ListView without ListActivity String listword new String Hello World Foo Bar lv.setAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.list_item..
Android Cursor with ORMLite to use in CursorAdapter like the following code build your query QueryBuilder Foo String qb fooDao.queryBuilder qb.where ... when you are done.. prepare your query and build an iterator CloseableIterator Foo iterator dao.iterator qb.prepare try get the raw results which..
Why are annotations under Android such a performance issue (slow)? void testAndroidAnnotations throws Exception Field field Foo.class.getDeclaredField field MyAnnotation myAnnotation field.getAnnotation.. @interface MyAnnotation String foo private static class Foo @MyAnnotation foo bar String field This results in the following..
Convert list to array in java . java android arrays list arraylist share Either Foo array list.toArray new Foo list.size or Foo array new Foo list.size.. list arraylist share Either Foo array list.toArray new Foo list.size or Foo array new Foo list.size list.toArray array.. share Either Foo array list.toArray new Foo list.size or Foo array new Foo list.size list.toArray array fill the array Note..
Android : Call activity of another application This is called an Action. If I created an Intent called FOO the Bar Activity could pick it up and respond. We have conventions.. to any Intent you make. For example . Simply put this is so that we avoid collisions with other.. ... intent filter action android name category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT intent..
How can I deliver parameters to a test function, that launched using adb shell am Instrumentation command .getExtras if extras null if extras.containsKey foo Log.d FOO extras.getString foo else Log.d FOO no foo here if extras.containsKey.. foo Log.d FOO extras.getString foo else Log.d FOO no foo here if extras.containsKey bert Log.d BERT extras.getString..
Semantics of withValueBackReference? add a new ContentProviderOperation inserting a FOO record with a name and a decscription operations.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert.. intent.getData .withValue FOO.NAME Foo A .withValue FOO.DESCRIPTION A foo of impeccable nature.. intent.getData .withValue FOO.NAME Foo A .withValue FOO.DESCRIPTION A foo of impeccable nature .build let's add another..
Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore? foo@543Pass so I added all the possible segments foo Foo FOO and so on. Then ran through the items like an odometer. Its..
Simplest method to Convert Json to Xml void main String args throws Exception JSON input name FOO bar id 42 String jsonInput name FOO bar id 42 ObjectMapper jsonMapper.. JSON input name FOO bar id 42 String jsonInput name FOO bar id 42 ObjectMapper jsonMapper new ObjectMapper Foo foo jsonMapper.readValue.. xmlMapper.writeValueAsString foo Foo xmlns name FOO name bar id 42 id bar Foo class Bar public int id This demo..
Android - how to receive broadcast intents ACTION_SCREEN_ON/OFF? action intent filter receiver ... application MyBroadcastReceiver is set just to spit foo to the logs. Does nothing. Any suggestions please Do I need to assign any permissions to catch the intent android broadcast..
Android global variable
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android xmlns foo http apk res com.example android orientation vertical android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height.. android layout_height match_parent android layout_width match_parent android text @string showingOffTheNewTypeface foo customFont saxmono.ttf com.example.TextViewPlus LinearLayout You would put saxmono.ttf in the assets folder. UPDATE 8 1..
How to load a Java class dynamically on android/dalvik? .open f.dex len data in.close DexFile d Class c defineClass net.webvm.FooImpl data 0 len Foo foo Foo c.newInstance catch IOException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace catch IllegalAccessException..
Set TextView text from html-formatted string resource in XML b bold b and i italic i text p p This is another paragraph of the same string. p string Then in your code TextView foo TextView findViewById foo.setText Html.fromHtml getString R.string.nice_html IMHO this is several orders of magnitude.. p p This is another paragraph of the same string. p string Then in your code TextView foo TextView findViewById foo.setText Html.fromHtml getString R.string.nice_html IMHO this is several orders of magnitude nicer to work with share.. p This is another paragraph of the same string. p string Then in your code TextView foo TextView findViewById foo.setText Html.fromHtml getString R.string.nice_html IMHO this is several orders of magnitude nicer to work with share improve..
Android Split string
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main new PrinterTask .execute bar bar bar new PrinterTask .execute foo foo foo System.out.println onCreate is done. The output I expect is onCreate is done. bar bar bar foo foo foo bar bar bar.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main new PrinterTask .execute bar bar bar new PrinterTask .execute foo foo foo System.out.println onCreate is done. The output I expect is onCreate is done. bar bar bar foo foo foo bar bar bar foo.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main new PrinterTask .execute bar bar bar new PrinterTask .execute foo foo foo System.out.println onCreate is done. The output I expect is onCreate is done. bar bar bar foo foo foo bar bar bar foo foo..
Populating a ListView using ArrayList? need to do this you already have yours . ArrayList String your_array_list new ArrayList String your_array_list.add foo your_array_list.add bar This is the array adapter it takes the context of the activity as a first parameter the type of..
How to save SMS to inbox in android? to read and write sms messages ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put address 123456789 values.put body foo bar getContentResolver .insert Uri.parse content sms sent values I don't know why you would want to write a message you.. new Intent Intent.ACTION_SENDTO Uri.parse sms sendIntent.putExtra address 123456789 sendIntent.putExtra sms_body foo bar startActivity sendIntent Edit However the sms content provider is not part of the SDK so I strongly recommend not using..
How to use Parcel in Android? a Parcelable . For some reason when I read the object back from the file it's coming back as null . public void testFoo final Foo orig new Foo blah blah Wrote orig to a parcel and then byte array final Parcel p1 Parcel.obtain p1.writeValue.. . For some reason when I read the object back from the file it's coming back as null . public void testFoo final Foo orig new Foo blah blah Wrote orig to a parcel and then byte array final Parcel p1 Parcel.obtain p1.writeValue orig final.. reason when I read the object back from the file it's coming back as null . public void testFoo final Foo orig new Foo blah blah Wrote orig to a parcel and then byte array final Parcel p1 Parcel.obtain p1.writeValue orig final byte bytes p1.marshall..
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? start and when phone user clicks on special button on a web page inside a web browser a la a href myapp mysettings Foo a my app would pop up and run using the params sent in that URL. So how do I do such thing I need a tutorial with code ..
How to load a Java class dynamically on android/dalvik? byte 2048 try in context.getAssets .open f.dex len data in.close DexFile d Class c defineClass net.webvm.FooImpl data 0 len Foo foo Foo c.newInstance catch IOException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace catch.. .open f.dex len data in.close DexFile d Class c defineClass net.webvm.FooImpl data 0 len Foo foo Foo c.newInstance catch IOException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace catch IllegalAccessException.. .open f.dex len data in.close DexFile d Class c defineClass net.webvm.FooImpl data 0 len Foo foo Foo c.newInstance catch IOException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace catch IllegalAccessException e..
hiding strings in Obfuscated code your string using a known key. Convert your code to use a decrypted version of this string example Before public class Foo private String mySecret http ... Becomes public class Foo private String encrypted manually created encrypted.. of this string example Before public class Foo private String mySecret http ... Becomes public class Foo private String encrypted manually created encrypted string private String key key used for encryption private String mySecret..
Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore? It Works on the basis of Password segments. My password was like foo@543Pass so I added all the possible segments foo Foo FOO and so on. Then ran through the items like an odometer. Its crude code but hard coded to work on up to 5 segments. My..
ListView without ListActivity findViewById ListView lv ListView findViewById String listword new String Hello World Foo Bar lv.setAdapter new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.list_item listword and here is list_item.xml xml version 1.0 encoding..
Android Cursor with ORMLite to use in CursorAdapter getCursor method on it to return the Android Cursor . Something like the following code build your query QueryBuilder Foo String qb fooDao.queryBuilder qb.where ... when you are done prepare your query and build an iterator CloseableIterator.. qb fooDao.queryBuilder qb.where ... when you are done prepare your query and build an iterator CloseableIterator Foo iterator dao.iterator qb.prepare try get the raw results which can be cast under Android AndroidDatabaseResults results..
Why are annotations under Android such a performance issue (slow)? we can do to fix annotations under Android Thanks. public void testAndroidAnnotations throws Exception Field field Foo.class.getDeclaredField field MyAnnotation myAnnotation field.getAnnotation MyAnnotation.class long before System.currentTimeMillis.. before ms @Target FIELD @Retention RUNTIME private static @interface MyAnnotation String foo private static class Foo @MyAnnotation foo bar String field This results in the following log output I TestRunner 895 started testAndroidAnnotations..
Convert list to array in java to populate the array tiendas with the values of tiendasList . java android arrays list arraylist share Either Foo array list.toArray new Foo list.size or Foo array new Foo list.size list.toArray array fill the array Note that this works.. with the values of tiendasList . java android arrays list arraylist share Either Foo array list.toArray new Foo list.size or Foo array new Foo list.size list.toArray array fill the array Note that this works only for arrays of reference.. of tiendasList . java android arrays list arraylist share Either Foo array list.toArray new Foo list.size or Foo array new Foo list.size list.toArray array fill the array Note that this works only for arrays of reference types. For arrays..
Android : Call activity of another application Intent to respond to you may literally respond to any Intent. This is called an Action. If I created an Intent called FOO the Bar Activity could pick it up and respond. We have conventions however and the primary of those is to prepend your package.. and the primary of those is to prepend your package name to any Intent you make. For example . Simply put this is so that we avoid collisions with other apps. Every Activity may respond to different events. This is.. in the AndroidManifest.xml. activity android name Activity3 ... intent filter action android name category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT intent filter activity Above we also set the category to DEFAULT so..
How can I deliver parameters to a test function, that launched using adb shell am Instrumentation command then in your code Bundle extras this.getIntent .getExtras if extras null if extras.containsKey foo Log.d FOO extras.getString foo else Log.d FOO no foo here if extras.containsKey bert Log.d BERT extras.getString bert else Log.d BERT.. extras this.getIntent .getExtras if extras null if extras.containsKey foo Log.d FOO extras.getString foo else Log.d FOO no foo here if extras.containsKey bert Log.d BERT extras.getString bert else Log.d BERT Bert is all alone else this.setTitle..
Semantics of withValueBackReference? operations new ArrayList ContentProviderOperation add a new ContentProviderOperation inserting a FOO record with a name and a decscription operations.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert intent.getData .withValue FOO.NAME.. FOO record with a name and a decscription operations.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert intent.getData .withValue FOO.NAME Foo A .withValue FOO.DESCRIPTION A foo of impeccable nature .build let's add another operations.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert.. a decscription operations.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert intent.getData .withValue FOO.NAME Foo A .withValue FOO.DESCRIPTION A foo of impeccable nature .build let's add another operations.add ContentProviderOperation.newInsert intent.getData..
Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore? Works on the basis of Password segments. My password was like foo@543Pass so I added all the possible segments foo Foo FOO and so on. Then ran through the items like an odometer. Its crude code but hard coded to work on up to 5 segments. My attempt..
Simplest method to Convert Json to Xml class Foo public String name public Bar bar public static void main String args throws Exception JSON input name FOO bar id 42 String jsonInput name FOO bar id 42 ObjectMapper jsonMapper new ObjectMapper Foo foo jsonMapper.readValue jsonInput.. Bar bar public static void main String args throws Exception JSON input name FOO bar id 42 String jsonInput name FOO bar id 42 ObjectMapper jsonMapper new ObjectMapper Foo foo jsonMapper.readValue jsonInput Foo.class XmlMapper xmlMapper.. Foo.class XmlMapper xmlMapper new XmlMapper System.out.println xmlMapper.writeValueAsString foo Foo xmlns name FOO name bar id 42 id bar Foo class Bar public int id This demo uses Jackson 1.7.7 the newer 1.7.8 should also work Jackson..