android Programming Glossary: fontfamily
How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android to change fontFamily of TextView in Android So I like to change the android fontFamily.. of TextView in Android So I like to change the android fontFamily in Android but I don't see any pre defined fonts in Android... android text CallerBlocker android textSize 40dp android fontFamily Arial It seems what I did up there won't really work BTW android..
Use Roboto font in app with minimum API level 14 can use Roboto natively from Android 4.1 like this android fontFamily sans serif roboto regular android fontFamily sans serif light.. this android fontFamily sans serif roboto regular android fontFamily sans serif light roboto light android fontFamily sans serif.. android fontFamily sans serif light roboto light android fontFamily sans serif condensed roboto condensed share improve this answer..
How to set default font family for entire Android app font in my app. To set the font I've to add the android fontFamily sans serif light to every view. Is there any way to declare.. style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item name android fontFamily sans serif light item style android android fonts share improve.. parent android Widget.TextView item name android fontFamily sans serif light item style style name RobotoButtonStyle parent..
How to change fontFamily of TextView in Android to change fontFamily of TextView in Android So I like to change the android fontFamily in Android but I don't see any pre defined fonts in Android... to change fontFamily of TextView in Android So I like to change the android fontFamily in Android but I don't see any pre defined fonts in Android. How to select one of the pre defined ones I don't really need.. true android layout_marginTop 52dp android gravity center android text CallerBlocker android textSize 40dp android fontFamily Arial It seems what I did up there won't really work BTW android fontFamily Arial was a stupid attempt android typeface..
Use Roboto font in app with minimum API level 14 txt TextView_Roboto findViewById Edit You can use Roboto natively from Android 4.1 like this android fontFamily sans serif roboto regular android fontFamily sans serif light roboto light android fontFamily sans serif condensed roboto..
How to set default font family for entire Android app font family for entire Android app I'm using the Roboto light font in my app. To set the font I've to add the android fontFamily sans serif light to every view. Is there any way to declare the Roboto font as default font family to entire app I've tried.. style name AppBaseTheme parent android Theme.Light style style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item name android fontFamily sans serif light item style android android fonts share improve this question The answer is yes. Global Roboto light.. @style RobotoButtonStyle item style style name RobotoTextViewStyle parent android Widget.TextView item name android fontFamily sans serif light item style style name RobotoButtonStyle parent android Widget.Holo.Button item name android fontFamily..