android Programming Glossary: font_medium
How to use Front Facing Camera on Samsung Galaxy S
Android: application-wide font-size preference attributes for set of font sizes declare styleable name FontStyle attr name font_small format dimension attr name font_medium format dimension attr name font_large format dimension attr name font_xlarge format dimension declare styleable Then in.. few sets of font sizes style name FontStyle style style name FontStyle.Small item name font_small 14sp item item name font_medium 16sp item item name font_large 18sp item item name font_xlarge 20sp item style style name FontStyle.Medium item name font_small.. 18sp item item name font_xlarge 20sp item style style name FontStyle.Medium item name font_small 18sp item item name font_medium 20sp item item name font_large 22sp item item name font_xlarge 24sp item style style name FontStyle.Large item name font_small..