android Programming Glossary: executors.newsinglethreadscheduledexecutor
Scheduling recurring task in Android at regular intervals on a background thread. Here is a sample using the latter ScheduledExecutorService scheduler Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate new Runnable public void run call service 0 10 TimeUnit.MINUTES So I preferred ScheduledExecutorService..
Pausing/stopping and starting/resuming Java TimerTask continuously? using the more modern ScheduledExecutorService from Java 5 . Edit The basic construct is ScheduledExecutorService exec Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor exec.scheduleAtFixedRate runnable 0 1000 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDs but looking into it there's no way of cancelling that task.. Alternatively you could encapsulate each task as a separate transient service final ScheduledExecutorService exec Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor Runnable task1 new Runnable public void run a if a 3 exec.shutdown exec Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor exec.scheduleAtFixedRate.. Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor Runnable task1 new Runnable public void run a if a 3 exec.shutdown exec Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor exec.scheduleAtFixedRate task2 0 1000 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS exec.scheduleAtFixedRate task1 0 1000 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS..
How to call a method after a delay package. I'm not sure what limitations Android might impose. private static final ScheduledExecutorService worker Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor void someMethod Runnable task new Runnable public void run Do something worker.schedule task 5 TimeUnit.SECONDS share..
Android long-touch event boolean inc if mUpdater null Log.e getClass .getSimpleName Another executor is still active return mUpdater Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor mUpdater.scheduleAtFixedRate new UpdateCounterTask inc 200 200 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS private void stopUpdating mUpdater.shutdownNow..