android Programming Glossary: excluded
Google Maps API v2 shows blank map name android value Excluded this for now application And This Is My Activity Where I Load..
What kind of pitfals exist for the Android APK signing Included org.codehaus.plexus plexus utils jar 1.5.15 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven plugin api jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven.. Excluded org.apache.maven maven plugin api jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven project jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven.. Excluded org.apache.maven maven project jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven settings jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? to developers. When you add a device to the Manually Excluded Devices list your app will not be available to that excluded..
Determine addAction click for Android notifications button was clicked. This is the code of AddAction I've excluded the rest of the notification as it's working well Yes intent..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? only. And UI part which was used in this tutorial will be excluded from AndroidStudio. So if you have your own project which uses..
How to delete a project in Android Studio improve this question First you will have to mark it as excluded. Then on right click you will be able to delete the project...
Disable activity slide-in animation when launching new activity? 0 0 after calling finish and the next animation will be excluded. This also works on the in animation if you call overridePendingTransition..
How to fix “Error generating final archive: duplicate entry: AndroidManifest.xml” in my instance was to rebuild the JAR file making sure it excluded its own version of AndroidManifest.xml then to re include the..
Android: how to add a custom button state actual package name of your application application name excluded . If it is a library you must use http apk..
Was PreferenceFragment intentionally excluded from the compatibility package? PreferenceFragment intentionally excluded from the compatibility package I'm looking to write preferences.. I have to jump through hoops If it wasn't intentionally excluded can we expect a new release of the compatibility package Or.. as in this sample project . If it wasn't intentionally excluded can we expect a new release of the compatibility package You..
Using serviceloader on android this question The META INF folder is deliberately excluded from the APK by ApkBuilder the only comment in
Error when building apk - “Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/ads/Ad” the bin folder I've made sure that the bin folder is excluded build path. Nothing's worked. If anyone could help me I would..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? Devices list your app will not be available to that excluded device in Market. This is primarily intended to help developers..
Google Maps API v2 shows blank map android screenOrientation landscape activity meta data android name android value Excluded this for now application And This Is My Activity Where I Load The Map package com.stullich.tim.woistmeinphoto import android.os.Bundle..
What kind of pitfals exist for the Android APK signing plugin jar 1.2 DEBUG Included junit junit jar 3.8.1 DEBUG Included org.codehaus.plexus plexus utils jar 1.5.15 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven plugin api jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven project jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven.. Included org.codehaus.plexus plexus utils jar 1.5.15 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven plugin api jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven project jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven settings jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven.. Excluded org.apache.maven maven plugin api jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven project jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven settings jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven maven profile jar 2.0.6 DEBUG Excluded org.apache.maven..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? This feature provides a device specific administration option to developers. When you add a device to the Manually Excluded Devices list your app will not be available to that excluded device in Market. This is primarily intended to help developers..
Determine addAction click for Android notifications to catch the clicks but I don't know how to tell which button was clicked. This is the code of AddAction I've excluded the rest of the notification as it's working well Yes intent Intent yesReceive new Intent yesReceive.setAction CUSTOM_INTENT..
How can I create an Android application in Android Studio that uses the Google Maps Api v2? this method is going to work for non gradle based projects only. And UI part which was used in this tutorial will be excluded from AndroidStudio. So if you have your own project which uses Gradle build system you need to manually modify build.gradle..
How to delete a project in Android Studio
Disable activity slide-in animation when launching new activity? right to left instead you can call overridePendingTransition 0 0 after calling finish and the next animation will be excluded. This also works on the in animation if you call overridePendingTransition 0 0 after calling startActivity ... . share..
How to fix “Error generating final archive: duplicate entry: AndroidManifest.xml” with my own project's AndroidManifest.xml file. The solution in my instance was to rebuild the JAR file making sure it excluded its own version of AndroidManifest.xml then to re include the new version of the JAR file into my project. You might need..
Android: how to add a custom button state it is an application replace com.mydomain.mypackage with the actual package name of your application application name excluded . If it is a library you must use http apk res auto and be using Tools R17 or later or you will get..
Was PreferenceFragment intentionally excluded from the compatibility package? PreferenceFragment intentionally excluded from the compatibility package I'm looking to write preferences that can be applied to both 3.0 and pre 3.0 devices. Discovering.. I easily target a range of devices i.e. 3.0 and 3.0 or will I have to jump through hoops If it wasn't intentionally excluded can we expect a new release of the compatibility package Or is there another workaround that is safe to use Cheers James.. Or have a single PreferenceActivity that handles both cases as in this sample project . If it wasn't intentionally excluded can we expect a new release of the compatibility package You will find out when the rest of us find out which is to say..
Using serviceloader on android on the apk java android meta inf serviceloader share improve this question The META INF folder is deliberately excluded from the APK by ApkBuilder the only comment in is we need to exclude some other folder like META INF but..
Error when building apk - “Multiple dex files define Lcom/google/ads/Ad” nothing has seemed to help. I've cleaned and rebuilt I've delete the bin folder I've made sure that the bin folder is excluded build path. Nothing's worked. If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it. java android eclipse dex share improve..
How to restrict android app to specific device make? to developers. When you add a device to the Manually Excluded Devices list your app will not be available to that excluded device in Market. This is primarily intended to help developers provide the best user experience possible by helping developers..