android Programming Glossary: excludefromrecents
How to always start from a startup activity on Android? flag it solves case #1. I know about about flag excludeFromRecents it solves case #2 may be not the most user friendly solution..
USB device access pop-up supression? @style Theme.Transparent android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity com.example.taskAffinityUsbEventReceiver..
Android - How to display a dialog over a native screen? PopupActivity android launchMode singleInstance android excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity android theme @android style Theme.Dialog.. and return to the previous activity of your application. excludeFromRecents true to avoid your popup to appear in recent tasks long press..
How to remove application from recent application list?
What is the correct way of creating a login screen/activity in Android? label @string app_name android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true activity Setting noHistory and excludeFromRecents to true.. excludeFromRecents true activity Setting noHistory and excludeFromRecents to true for LoginActivity means that the user cant return to..
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android taskAffinity com.antonc.phone_schedule.Dummy android excludeFromRecents true android theme @style EmptyActivity activity A little explanation.. would bring up my main activity. android excludeFromRecents true makes this activity not available in the list of recently..
How to always start from a startup activity on Android? which bring us back to our app. I know about flag clearTaskOnLaunch flag it solves case #1. I know about about flag excludeFromRecents it solves case #2 may be not the most user friendly solution but it works . What about case #3 I have a workaround right..
USB device access pop-up supression? NAME This appears in the permission popup android theme @style Theme.Transparent android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity com.example.taskAffinityUsbEventReceiver android process UsbEventReceiverActivityProcess android..
Android - How to display a dialog over a native screen? declare the theme in the manifest file activity android name PopupActivity android launchMode singleInstance android excludeFromRecents true android taskAffinity android theme @android style Theme.Dialog use launcheMode singleInstance and taskAffinity if your.. main application. Otherwise user may click the back button and return to the previous activity of your application. excludeFromRecents true to avoid your popup to appear in recent tasks long press home theme @android style Theme.Dialog to set the Dialog theme...
How to remove application from recent application list?
What is the correct way of creating a login screen/activity in Android? in the manifest file activity android name LoginScreen android label @string app_name android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true activity Setting noHistory and excludeFromRecents to true for LoginActivity means that the user cant return to this.. android label @string app_name android noHistory true android excludeFromRecents true activity Setting noHistory and excludeFromRecents to true for LoginActivity means that the user cant return to this activity using back button. share improve this answer..
Changing the Screen Brightness System Setting Android name com.antonc.phone_schedule.DummyBrightnessActivity android taskAffinity com.antonc.phone_schedule.Dummy android excludeFromRecents true android theme @style EmptyActivity activity A little explanation about what's what. android taskAffinity must be different.. that may be. Until i included this line closing DummyBrightnessActivity would bring up my main activity. android excludeFromRecents true makes this activity not available in the list of recently launched apps which you definetely want. android theme @style..