android Programming Glossary: equally
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? invokes the above. In other words it could equally be called setItemActivated . Prior to Honeycomb we had to implement..
not decrypting what I crypted data and it has to be able to crypt decrypt properly and equally. I'd like a proposal on the most light weight solution possible..
Android: How to prevent image from being scaled in ImageView or ImageButton? toolbar at the top of the screen where the buttons are equally spaced but the images inside the buttons keep getting streched..
Linear Layout and weight in Android buttons that are horizontally aligned and share the space equally. The problem is the two buttons don't grow to fill the space...
XML Table layout? Two EQUAL-width rows filled with equally width buttons? Table layout Two EQUAL width rows filled with equally width buttons Hi heres a part from my XML for LAND format TableLayout.. middle of the screen anymore and so the buttons are not equally width... xml android table width share improve this question..
How to use multiple listviews in a single activity on android? are embedded in their own LinearLayouts which are each equally weighted. LinearLayout android layout_weight 1 android layout_height..
is it possible to evenly distribute buttons across the width of an android linearlayout
Ubuntu - Error: Failed to create the SD card Attempting to follow instructions for using mksdcard was equally unproductive I think my basic lack of linux experience may be..
Grid of images inside ScrollView last row. To get the images horizontally centered or in equally spaced columns you'll have to go through even more pain. Maybe..
Position Video Inside a VideoView bottom part of the video instead of the top and the bottom equally. I have a relative layout containing the VideoView with the..
2-column TableLayout with 50% exactly for each column scenarios when I also wanted to distribute the given space equally between two child views but failed to do so since the child..
android: relative layout two buttons occupy all the available horizontal space i want these two buttons to lie adjacent to each other and equally occupy the whole horizontal space available. i tried the following..
How does one create Buttons with Equal Widths? to 0dip on all the buttons causes them to stretch equally to fill the entire screen width. For what I want such buttons..
Compile with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION LocalVariableTable LocalVariableTypeTable and equally keepparameternames if you do obfuscate this by itself might..
Dialog throwing "Unable to add window ??token null is not for an application??with getApplication() as context and their implicit reference to the outer class can be equally dangerous. The second solution is to use the Application context...
How do I make a dotted/dashed line in Android?
Clear back stack using fragments 0 i fm.getBackStackEntryCount i fm.popBackStack But could equally have used something like FragmentManager.popBackStack String..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory developer to get more than their fair share or something equally retarded. So there is this nice little piece of code that calculates..
Drawing mirrored bitmaps in android to the Right a bitmap of five copies of a character equally spaced every 45px in a walk cycle. I planned to draw each frame..
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? getCheckedItemPositions . Note also that a call to ListView.setItemChecked invokes the above. In other words it could equally be called setItemActivated . Prior to Honeycomb we had to implement workarounds to reflect state_checked in our list items...
not decrypting what I crypted is simple what am I doing wrong I need to conform to this data and it has to be able to crypt decrypt properly and equally. I'd like a proposal on the most light weight solution possible with least copy pasting... pseudocode won't do the trick..
Android: How to prevent image from being scaled in ImageView or ImageButton? weight This will be useful for example to create a 4 button toolbar at the top of the screen where the buttons are equally spaced but the images inside the buttons keep getting streched even if I use scaleType center which should prevent scaling..
Linear Layout and weight in Android padding 10dip weight 1 LinearLayout should create two buttons that are horizontally aligned and share the space equally. The problem is the two buttons don't grow to fill the space. The result is something like this I would like the buttons..
XML Table layout? Two EQUAL-width rows filled with equally width buttons? Table layout Two EQUAL width rows filled with equally width buttons Hi heres a part from my XML for LAND format TableLayout android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width.. THIS IS THE LONG BUTTON the CENTER of the table isnt in the middle of the screen anymore and so the buttons are not equally width... xml android table width share improve this question To have buttons in rows where buttons are the same size..
How to use multiple listviews in a single activity on android? parts with 2 listviews ... good job . Note that the ListViews are embedded in their own LinearLayouts which are each equally weighted. LinearLayout android layout_weight 1 android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width fill_parent ListView..
is it possible to evenly distribute buttons across the width of an android linearlayout
Ubuntu - Error: Failed to create the SD card hardware profile no no Error Failed to create the SD card. Attempting to follow instructions for using mksdcard was equally unproductive I think my basic lack of linux experience may be causing me a problem here. When I try to use mksdcard it just..
Grid of images inside ScrollView the first image of the new row BELOW the tallest image of the last row. To get the images horizontally centered or in equally spaced columns you'll have to go through even more pain. Maybe AbsoluteLayout is better. Either way kind of a pain. Good..
Position Video Inside a VideoView but it doesn't center the video. It just crops the bottom part of the video instead of the top and the bottom equally. I have a relative layout containing the VideoView with the gravity of the VideoView set to center. android layout videoview..
2-column TableLayout with 50% exactly for each column as 1 on the child views I have been in similar scenarios when I also wanted to distribute the given space equally between two child views but failed to do so since the child with wider content also became wider within its parent than..
android: relative layout two buttons occupy all the available horizontal space two buttons in it with texts hello and world respectively. i want these two buttons to lie adjacent to each other and equally occupy the whole horizontal space available. i tried the following but didnt get expected output RelativeLayout xmlns android..
How does one create Buttons with Equal Widths? wraps contents Setting the layout_weight to 1 and the layout_width to 0dip on all the buttons causes them to stretch equally to fill the entire screen width. For what I want such buttons are simply too big especially on large screens. xml version..
Compile with Proguard gives SimException UNEXPECTED TOP-LEVEL EXCEPTION release though. On top of all this you shouldn't specify keepattributes LocalVariableTable LocalVariableTypeTable and equally keepparameternames if you do obfuscate this by itself might get you into troubles as well . Note that the second implies..
Dialog throwing "Unable to add window ??token null is not for an application??with getApplication() as context above showed the case of a static reference but inner classes and their implicit reference to the outer class can be equally dangerous. The second solution is to use the Application context. This context will live as long as your application is..
How do I make a dotted/dashed line in Android?
Clear back stack using fragments fm getActivity .getSupportFragmentManager for int i 0 i fm.getBackStackEntryCount i fm.popBackStack But could equally have used something like FragmentManager.popBackStack String name FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE Which will pop..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory developer at Google decided that this was bad and allowed the developer to get more than their fair share or something equally retarded. So there is this nice little piece of code that calculates the native memory usage incurred by bitmaps and possibly..
Drawing mirrored bitmaps in android my bitmaps. I have a sprite sheet of my character walking to the Right a bitmap of five copies of a character equally spaced every 45px in a walk cycle. I planned to draw each frame by drawing a tiny section of my sprite sheet bitmap at a..