

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:09

android Programming Glossary: environment.getdatadirectory

Memory leak in Android when trying to send a form with image to PHP server


File sd Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File data Environment.getDataDirectory if sd.canWrite sd data String destinationFolderPath sd getString..

Moving my db to sd card not working


except that I get a redline under sd . Any ideas File data Environment.getDataDirectory if sd.canWrite String currentDBPath data application.package..

Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1


2 .show flag true else Sorry StatFs stat new StatFs Environment.getDataDirectory .getPath long bytesAvailable long stat.getBlockSize long..

Data directory has no read/write permission in Android


read write permissions System.out.println DAta can write Environment.getDataDirectory .canWrite System.out.println DAta can read Environment.getDataDirectory.. .canWrite System.out.println DAta can read Environment.getDataDirectory .canRead So please suggest me how to provide permissions for.. like as below private void writeToSDCard try File lroot Environment.getDataDirectory if lroot.canWrite File lfile new File lroot samplefile.txt..

android internal phone storage


Shamelessly stolen from the Android settings app File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize..

Making a database backup to SDCard on Android


doInBackground final String... args File dbFile new File Environment.getDataDirectory data com.mypkg databases mydbfile.db File exportDir new File..

How to get image path from images stored on sd card


directories names also I have seen this code File images Environment.getDataDirectory File imagelist images.listFiles new FilenameFilter public boolean..

How can I pull databases off my android onto my desktop?


File sd Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File data Environment.getDataDirectory if sd.canWrite String currentDBPath data com.yourcompany.yourapp..

Get free space on internal memory


and here is the solution found at android git File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize..

Database handling stoped working on Android 2.2.1 (Desire HD 1.72.405.3)


on Android 2.2.1 for Desire HD. I exchanged this path with Environment.getDataDirectory data YOUR_PACKAGE databases DB_NAME I ™ll try to pin point the..

Android Get Application's 'Home' Data Directory


specify the whole path in the constructor. I see there are Environment.getDataDirectory returns data Environment.getRootDirectory returns system etc..

OutOfMemoryError : When receiving XML response of 2.3 MB


EntityUtils.toByteArray entity File fl new File Environment.getDataDirectory .toString data context.getPackageName FOLDER_NAME if fl.exists.. FOLDER_NAME if fl.exists fl.mkdir String PATH Environment.getDataDirectory .toString data context.getPackageName FOLDER_NAME update.xml..

Android get free size of internal/external memory


1048576 Log.e Available MB megAvailable File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat2 new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat2.getBlockSize.. static String getAvailableInternalMemorySize File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize.. public static String getTotalInternalMemorySize File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize..

Memory leak in Android when trying to send a form with image to PHP server


image to send create the file to send the image File sd Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File data Environment.getDataDirectory if sd.canWrite sd data String destinationFolderPath sd getString R.string.app_dir String destinationImageName photo_..

Moving my db to sd card not working


and move my database file to my sdcard. I have no problems except that I get a redline under sd . Any ideas File data Environment.getDataDirectory if sd.canWrite String currentDBPath data application.package databases name String backupDBPath name File currentDB new..

Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1


Toast.makeText BuildInukshk_4.this No Memory Available 2 .show flag true else Sorry StatFs stat new StatFs Environment.getDataDirectory .getPath long bytesAvailable long stat.getBlockSize long stat.getAvailableBlocks long megAvailable bytesAvailable 1024..

Data directory has no read/write permission in Android


I m using Android 1.5 my data directory doesn't have the read write permissions System.out.println DAta can write Environment.getDataDirectory .canWrite System.out.println DAta can read Environment.getDataDirectory .canRead So please suggest me how to provide permissions.. permissions System.out.println DAta can write Environment.getDataDirectory .canWrite System.out.println DAta can read Environment.getDataDirectory .canRead So please suggest me how to provide permissions for the data directory. What I'm trying to do is to create a file.. and add some content to it in the Data storage of the emulator like as below private void writeToSDCard try File lroot Environment.getDataDirectory if lroot.canWrite File lfile new File lroot samplefile.txt FileWriter lfilewriter new FileWriter lfile BufferedWriter..

android internal phone storage


to call the Unix statfs system call on it. Shamelessly stolen from the Android settings app File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat.getAvailableBlocks return..

Making a database backup to SDCard on Android


on worker thread separate from UI thread protected Boolean doInBackground final String... args File dbFile new File Environment.getDataDirectory data com.mypkg databases mydbfile.db File exportDir new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory if exportDir.exists..

How to get image path from images stored on sd card


Log.e ######### str this seems as if returns the directories names also I have seen this code File images Environment.getDataDirectory File imagelist images.listFiles new FilenameFilter public boolean accept File dir String name return name.endsWith .jpg..

How can I pull databases off my android onto my desktop?


debug UI for it private void backupDb throws IOException File sd Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory File data Environment.getDataDirectory if sd.canWrite String currentDBPath data com.yourcompany.yourapp databases yourapp.db String backupDBPath yourapp_logs yourapp.db..

Get free space on internal memory


this thread . there is so much info here on SO. googled a bit and here is the solution found at android git File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat.getAvailableBlocks return..

Database handling stoped working on Android 2.2.1 (Desire HD 1.72.405.3)


databases I guess it is possible that this path isn ™t valid on Android 2.2.1 for Desire HD. I exchanged this path with Environment.getDataDirectory data YOUR_PACKAGE databases DB_NAME I ™ll try to pin point the issue when I had the chance to test on the actual phone myself...

Android Get Application's 'Home' Data Directory


file existence for instance using the File class I need to specify the whole path in the constructor. I see there are Environment.getDataDirectory returns data Environment.getRootDirectory returns system etc but nothing related to getting the app's 'home' directory...

OutOfMemoryError : When receiving XML response of 2.3 MB


HttpEntity entity r.getEntity InputStream in new ByteArrayInputStream EntityUtils.toByteArray entity File fl new File Environment.getDataDirectory .toString data context.getPackageName FOLDER_NAME if fl.exists fl.mkdir String PATH Environment.getDataDirectory .toString.. File Environment.getDataDirectory .toString data context.getPackageName FOLDER_NAME if fl.exists fl.mkdir String PATH Environment.getDataDirectory .toString data context.getPackageName FOLDER_NAME update.xml FileOutputStream f new FileOutputStream PATH byte buffer new..

Android get free size of internal/external memory


long stat.getBlockCount long megAvailable bytesAvailable 1048576 Log.e Available MB megAvailable File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat2 new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat2.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat2.getAvailableBlocks String.. .equals android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED public static String getAvailableInternalMemorySize File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long availableBlocks stat.getAvailableBlocks return.. return formatSize availableBlocks blockSize public static String getTotalInternalMemorySize File path Environment.getDataDirectory StatFs stat new StatFs path.getPath long blockSize stat.getBlockSize long totalBlocks stat.getBlockCount return formatSize..