android Programming Glossary: enum
Determine if running on a rooted device String LOG_TAG ExecShell.class.getName public static enum SHELL_CMD check_su_binary new String system xbin which su String..
How do I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android available regarding screen size. I did find the ScreenSize enum in grep code here However this does not seem available to me..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? on the UI thread. Make a note of the check for the enum TrafficStats.UNSUPPORTED. While my experience with the TrafficStats..
Android ListView headers ArrayAdapter Item private LayoutInflater mInflater public enum RowType LIST_ITEM HEADER_ITEM public TwoTextArrayAdapter Context..
Retrieving Android API version programmatically is available in android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT The enum corresponding to this int is in the android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES..
Defining custom attrs color boolean dimension float integer string fraction enum normally implicitly defined flag normally implicitly defined.. to multiple types by using e.g. format reference color . enum attributes can be defined as follows attr name my_enum_attr.. . enum attributes can be defined as follows attr name my_enum_attr enum name value1 value 1 enum name value2 value 2 attr..
Android Swipe on List implements View.OnTouchListener public static enum Action LR Left to Right RL Right to Left TB Top to bottom BT..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime the values for the attribute attr name typeface format enum enum name roboto value 0 enum name robotoCondensed value 1 attr.. values for the attribute attr name typeface format enum enum name roboto value 0 enum name robotoCondensed value 1 attr Tell.. attr name typeface format enum enum name roboto value 0 enum name robotoCondensed value 1 attr Tell Android that the class..
Android: application-wide font-size preference FONT_STYLE .commit and FontStyle is public enum FontStyle Small Small Medium
Android: What are the recommended configurations for Proguard? android.util.AttributeSet int keepclassmembers enum public static values public static valueOf java.lang.String.. android.util.AttributeSet int #Maintain enums keepclassmembers enum public static values public static valueOf.. int #Maintain enums keepclassmembers enum public static values public static valueOf java.lang.String..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android Log.w LocationCollector Failed to get a location private enum LocationQuality BAD ACCEPTED GOOD public String toString if..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android your request and execute it public class RestClient public enum RequestMethod GET POST private ArrayList NameValuePair params..
Running task periodicaly(once a day/once a week) will execute your custom code. As a final note there are enum values for the timing of the Alarm including daily half daily..
How to configue static IP, netmask ,gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x . Where IpAssignment is an Enum either STAIC DHCP or NONE . and linkProperties is the object.. NoSuchFieldException IllegalAccessException setEnumField wifiConf assign ipAssignment public static void setIpAddress.. true Object out f.get obj return out public static void setEnumField Object obj String value String name throws SecurityException..
Passing enum or object through an intent (the best solution) slows down the program. What are my options Can I pass an Enum As an an aside is there a way to pass parameters to an Activity.. what they need from the central location. Can I pass an Enum Since there is no putExtra that takes an Enum no. As an an aside.. I pass an Enum Since there is no putExtra that takes an Enum no. As an an aside is there a way to pass parameters to an Activity..
Android: How to put an Enum in a Bundle? How to put an Enum in a Bundle How do you add an Enum object to an Android Bundle.. How to put an Enum in a Bundle How do you add an Enum object to an Android Bundle android share improve this question..
Determine if running on a rooted device @author Kevin Kowalewski public class ExecShell private static String LOG_TAG ExecShell.class.getName public static enum SHELL_CMD check_su_binary new String system xbin which su String command SHELL_CMD String command this.command command..
How do I get the ScreenSize programmatically in android information about the current device density. Nothing is available regarding screen size. I did find the ScreenSize enum in grep code here However this does not seem available to me for 4.0 SDK. Is there a way to get this information android..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? to initialize our private variables as well as schedule a callback on the UI thread. Make a note of the check for the enum TrafficStats.UNSUPPORTED. While my experience with the TrafficStats class has been without a hitch the official Google documentation..
Android ListView headers a list of Item public class TwoTextArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter Item private LayoutInflater mInflater public enum RowType LIST_ITEM HEADER_ITEM public TwoTextArrayAdapter Context context List Item items super context 0 items mInflater..
Retrieving Android API version programmatically android documentation the SDK level integer the phone is running is available in android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT The enum corresponding to this int is in the android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES class. Code example int currentapiVersion android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT..
Defining custom attrs another resource id e.g @color my_color @layout my_layout color boolean dimension float integer string fraction enum normally implicitly defined flag normally implicitly defined You can set the format to multiple types by using e.g. format.. flag normally implicitly defined You can set the format to multiple types by using e.g. format reference color . enum attributes can be defined as follows attr name my_enum_attr enum name value1 value 1 enum name value2 value 2 attr flag.. format to multiple types by using e.g. format reference color . enum attributes can be defined as follows attr name my_enum_attr enum name value1 value 1 enum name value2 value 2 attr flag attributes are similar except the values need to be defined..
Android Swipe on List import android.view.View public class SwipeDetector implements View.OnTouchListener public static enum Action LR Left to Right RL Right to Left TB Top to bottom BT Bottom to Top None when no action was detected private static..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime document under res values attrs.xml and add resources Define the values for the attribute attr name typeface format enum enum name roboto value 0 enum name robotoCondensed value 1 attr Tell Android that the class CustomButton can be styled and.. under res values attrs.xml and add resources Define the values for the attribute attr name typeface format enum enum name roboto value 0 enum name robotoCondensed value 1 attr Tell Android that the class CustomButton can be styled and which.. and add resources Define the values for the attribute attr name typeface format enum enum name roboto value 0 enum name robotoCondensed value 1 attr Tell Android that the class CustomButton can be styled and which attributes it supports..
Android: application-wide font-size preference public void setFontStyle FontStyle style edit .putString FONT_STYLE .commit and FontStyle is public enum FontStyle Small Small Medium Medium Large Large..
Android: What are the recommended configurations for Proguard? keepclasseswithmembernames class public init android.content.Context android.util.AttributeSet int keepclassmembers enum public static values public static valueOf java.lang.String keep class implements android.os.Parcelable public static final.. keepclasseswithmembers class public init android.content.Context android.util.AttributeSet int #Maintain enums keepclassmembers enum public static values public static valueOf java.lang.String #To keep parcelable classes to serialize.. class public init android.content.Context android.util.AttributeSet int #Maintain enums keepclassmembers enum public static values public static valueOf java.lang.String #To keep parcelable classes to serialize deserialize objects..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android sendUpdate locationToString bestLocation else Log.w LocationCollector Failed to get a location private enum LocationQuality BAD ACCEPTED GOOD public String toString if this GOOD return Good else if this ACCEPTED return Accepted..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android return key.getString status Use this class to build your request and execute it public class RestClient public enum RequestMethod GET POST private ArrayList NameValuePair params private ArrayList NameValuePair headers private String url..
Running task periodicaly(once a day/once a week) the background. The Alarm triggers a broadcast receiver which will execute your custom code. As a final note there are enum values for the timing of the Alarm including daily half daily and many more although you can just set an actual value. A..
How to configue static IP, netmask ,gateway programmatically on Android 3.x or 4.x SSID is stored in get from . Where IpAssignment is an Enum either STAIC DHCP or NONE . and linkProperties is the object store ipaddress gateway DNS etc... linkAddress is Ip address.. wifiConf throws SecurityException IllegalArgumentException NoSuchFieldException IllegalAccessException setEnumField wifiConf assign ipAssignment public static void setIpAddress InetAddress addr int prefixLength WifiConfiguration wifiConf.. Field f obj.getClass .getDeclaredField name f.setAccessible true Object out f.get obj return out public static void setEnumField Object obj String value String name throws SecurityException NoSuchFieldException IllegalArgumentException IllegalAccessException..
Passing enum or object through an intent (the best solution) classes to be passed serializable but as I understand this slows down the program. What are my options Can I pass an Enum As an an aside is there a way to pass parameters to an Activity Constructor from an Intent android share improve this.. data member. Have your activities or other components get what they need from the central location. Can I pass an Enum Since there is no putExtra that takes an Enum no. As an an aside is there a way to pass parameters to an Activity Constructor.. components get what they need from the central location. Can I pass an Enum Since there is no putExtra that takes an Enum no. As an an aside is there a way to pass parameters to an Activity Constructor from an Intent Activities should not be..
Android: How to put an Enum in a Bundle? How to put an Enum in a Bundle How do you add an Enum object to an Android Bundle android share improve this question Just pass it as.. How to put an Enum in a Bundle How do you add an Enum object to an Android Bundle android share improve this question Just pass it as int from ordinal . Restore it from..