android Programming Glossary: encrypteddata
Encryption compatable between Android and C# public String encryptAsBase64 byte clearData byte encryptedData encrypt clearData return net.iharder.base64.Base64.encodeBytes.. clearData return net.iharder.base64.Base64.encodeBytes encryptedData public byte encrypt byte clearData try aesCipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE.. TAG Invalid algorithm CIPHER_ALGORITHM e return null byte encryptedData try encryptedData aesCipher.doFinal clearData catch IllegalBlockSizeException..
android encryption dataToEncrypt return public String decript String encryptedData throws NoSuchAlgorithmException NoSuchPaddingException InvalidKeyException.. IllegalBlockSizeException BadPaddingException if encryptedData.equals String key FMVWf8d_sm#fz Cipher c Cipher.getInstance.. k return new String c.doFinal Base64.decode encryptedData return After running this I get this error on encrypt method..
Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity smsList.get pos .split n String sender splitted 0 String encryptedData for int i 1 i splitted.length i encryptedData splitted i .. 0 String encryptedData for int i 1 i splitted.length i encryptedData splitted i String data sender n StringCryptor.decrypt new String.. n StringCryptor.decrypt new String SmsReceiver.PASSWORD encryptedData Toast.makeText this data Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show catch Exception..
android encryption/decryption with AES kgen.generateKey byte key skey.getEncoded encrypt byte encryptedData encrypt key b decrypt byte decryptedData decrypt key encryptedData.. encrypt key b decrypt byte decryptedData decrypt key encryptedData This should work I use similar code in a project right now...
Encryption compatable between Android and C# CIPHER_ALGORITHM ivParameterSpec new IvParameterSpec rawSecretKey public String encryptAsBase64 byte clearData byte encryptedData encrypt clearData return net.iharder.base64.Base64.encodeBytes encryptedData public byte encrypt byte clearData try aesCipher.init.. encryptAsBase64 byte clearData byte encryptedData encrypt clearData return net.iharder.base64.Base64.encodeBytes encryptedData public byte encrypt byte clearData try aesCipher.init Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE secretKey ivParameterSpec catch InvalidKeyException.. null catch InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e Log.e TAG Invalid algorithm CIPHER_ALGORITHM e return null byte encryptedData try encryptedData aesCipher.doFinal clearData catch IllegalBlockSizeException e Log.e TAG Illegal block size e return null..
android encryption e e.printStackTrace return new String c.doFinal Base64.decode dataToEncrypt return public String decript String encryptedData throws NoSuchAlgorithmException NoSuchPaddingException InvalidKeyException IllegalBlockSizeException BadPaddingException.. NoSuchAlgorithmException NoSuchPaddingException InvalidKeyException IllegalBlockSizeException BadPaddingException if encryptedData.equals String key FMVWf8d_sm#fz Cipher c Cipher.getInstance AES SecretKeySpec k new SecretKeySpec Base64.decode key AES.. k new SecretKeySpec Base64.decode key AES c.init Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE k return new String c.doFinal Base64.decode encryptedData return After running this I get this error on encrypt method 01 27 14 50 51.698 ERROR ACTIVITY 782
Read inbox messages of a particular number and display them in an activity parent View view int pos long id try String splitted smsList.get pos .split n String sender splitted 0 String encryptedData for int i 1 i splitted.length i encryptedData splitted i String data sender n StringCryptor.decrypt new String SmsReceiver.PASSWORD.. splitted smsList.get pos .split n String sender splitted 0 String encryptedData for int i 1 i splitted.length i encryptedData splitted i String data sender n StringCryptor.decrypt new String SmsReceiver.PASSWORD encryptedData Toast.makeText this.. i encryptedData splitted i String data sender n StringCryptor.decrypt new String SmsReceiver.PASSWORD encryptedData Toast.makeText this data Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show catch Exception e e.printStackTrace public void onClick View v ContentResolver..
android encryption/decryption with AES 128 sr 192 and 256 bits may not be available SecretKey skey kgen.generateKey byte key skey.getEncoded encrypt byte encryptedData encrypt key b decrypt byte decryptedData decrypt key encryptedData This should work I use similar code in a project right..