

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:06

android Programming Glossary: encoder

How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial?


framebuffer directly into the phone hardware H.264 video encoder and retrieve a pre encoded video stream of whatever is on the..

Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec


space looks incorrect atm using the camera's default on encoder's side . public class AvcEncoder private MediaCodec mediaCodec.. 0 catch Throwable t t.printStackTrace Changing the encoder type to video mp4 apparently solves the framerate problem but.. information was also coming from outData and I assumed the encoder would format this correctly. If this is not the case how should..

How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android


use as a POST request body you'll need a MIME multipart encoder typically org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity . Unfortunately..

How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device


clean room implementation of javasound which offers an MP3 encoder plugin here http www.tritonus.org plugins.html Secondly I would..

Base64 encoder and decoder


encoder and decoder Is there a base 64 decoder and encoder for a string.. encoder and decoder Is there a base 64 decoder and encoder for a string in Android java android base64 encoder decoder.. and encoder for a string in Android java android base64 encoder decoder share improve this question See android.util.Base64..

NoSuchMethodError using commonc codec in Android application


up in the end and made my own copying the code from Base64 encoder decoder It's only just over a hundred lines or so. share improve..

Android Process Scheduling


a system with two runnable tasks a text editor and a video encoder. The text editor is I O bound because it spends nearly all its.. the editor to respond immediately. Conversely the video encoder is processor bound. Aside from reading the raw data stream from.. from the disk and later writing the resulting video the encoder spends all its time applying the video codec to the raw data...

Lame MP3 Encoder compile for Android


Encoder compile for Android I want to compile the lame encoder for Android. How can I find the tutorials for Lame and its compiling.. I'll just copy the content below porting compiling lame encoder to Android ARM arch using Android NDK I was looking for a mp3.. presets.c quantize.c reservoir.c tables.c util.c VbrTag.c encoder.c gain_analysis.c lame.c newmdct.c psymodel.c quantize_pvt.c..

Android - Include native StageFright features in my own project


setInt32 kKeyColorFormat colorFormat sp MediaSource encoder OMXCodec Create client.interface enc_meta true image_source.. new MPEG4Writer sdcard screenshot.mp4 writer addSource encoder you can add an audio source here if you want to encode audio..

How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial?


it's possible on some hardware to pipe the phone hardware framebuffer directly into the phone hardware H.264 video encoder and retrieve a pre encoded video stream of whatever is on the phone screen. Outstanding. Unfortunately I only know this..

Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec


the framerate extremely fast playback . Also the color space looks incorrect atm using the camera's default on encoder's side . public class AvcEncoder private MediaCodec mediaCodec private BufferedOutputStream outputStream public AvcEncoder.. false outputBufferIndex mediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer bufferInfo 0 catch Throwable t t.printStackTrace Changing the encoder type to video mp4 apparently solves the framerate problem but since the main goal is to make a streaming service this is.. but I was hoping this would not be necessary since that information was also coming from outData and I assumed the encoder would format this correctly. If this is not the case how should I arrange the different types of NALU's in my file stream..

How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android


To create a multipart form data encoded form submission for use as a POST request body you'll need a MIME multipart encoder typically org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity . Unfortunately this is not bundled by Android so if you want it you'll..

How to encode a WAV to a mp3 on a Android device


share improve this question Pure Java Look into Tritonus's clean room implementation of javasound which offers an MP3 encoder plugin here http www.tritonus.org plugins.html Secondly I would suggest looking into jzoom's libraries JLayer or JLayerME..

Base64 encoder and decoder


encoder and decoder Is there a base 64 decoder and encoder for a string in Android java android base64 encoder decoder share.. encoder and decoder Is there a base 64 decoder and encoder for a string in Android java android base64 encoder decoder share improve this question See android.util.Base64 It.. encoder and decoder Is there a base 64 decoder and encoder for a string in Android java android base64 encoder decoder share improve this question See android.util.Base64 It seems that this was added in API version 8 or android..

NoSuchMethodError using commonc codec in Android application


Android Process Scheduling


a new process. The Scheduling Policy in Action Consider a system with two runnable tasks a text editor and a video encoder. The text editor is I O bound because it spends nearly all its time waiting for user key presses no matter how fast the.. Despite this when it does receive a key press the user expects the editor to respond immediately. Conversely the video encoder is processor bound. Aside from reading the raw data stream from the disk and later writing the resulting video the encoder.. is processor bound. Aside from reading the raw data stream from the disk and later writing the resulting video the encoder spends all its time applying the video codec to the raw data. It does not have any strong time constraints on when it runs..

Lame MP3 Encoder compile for Android


MP3 Encoder compile for Android I want to compile the lame encoder for Android. How can I find the tutorials for Lame and its compiling for Android platform. Thanks android audio mp3 share.. for a while and only available on some dodgy Chinese sites. I'll just copy the content below porting compiling lame encoder to Android ARM arch using Android NDK I was looking for a mp3 encoding application in Android Market and found very few.. bitstream.c fft.c id3tag.c mpglib_interface.c presets.c quantize.c reservoir.c tables.c util.c VbrTag.c encoder.c gain_analysis.c lame.c newmdct.c psymodel.c quantize_pvt.c set_get.c takehiro.c vbrquantize.c version.c include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY..

Android - Include native StageFright features in my own project


enc_meta setInt32 kKeyIFramesInterval kIFramesIntervalSec enc_meta setInt32 kKeyColorFormat colorFormat sp MediaSource encoder OMXCodec Create client.interface enc_meta true image_source sp MPEG4Writer writer new MPEG4Writer sdcard screenshot.mp4.. enc_meta true image_source sp MPEG4Writer writer new MPEG4Writer sdcard screenshot.mp4 writer addSource encoder you can add an audio source here if you want to encode audio as well sp MediaSource audioEncoder OMXCodec Create client.interface..