

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:13:03

android Programming Glossary: emulator's

Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20


to accept input from laptop's keyboard. But only using the emulator's own 'soft' keyboard that appears when an input field is focused.. in SDK rev 20. I explicitly enabled keyboard support in my emulator's config.ini file and that worked Add hw.keyboard yes To ~ .android..

Where does Android emulator store SQLite database?


doesn't map to a directory on your hard drive. The emulator's disk image is stored as an image file which you can manage through..

How to get the Android Emulator's IP address?


traffic is routed through your development machine so the emulator's external IP is whatever IP has been assigned to that machine.. device at Since you were asking only about the emulator's IP what is it you're trying to do share improve this answer..

Android SMS receiver not working [closed]


my head wrapped around most of it. While monitoring the emulator's logcat the log events never come up and debugging breakpoints..

Trying to draw textured triangles on device fails, but the emulator works. Why?


it's been loaded into OpenGL ES Maybe I can compare the emulator's loaded texture with the actual device's loaded texture I did..

How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE)


INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE How do I increase emulator's storage android android emulator emulator avd share improve..

Shared library missing in android.


you can run it from the AVD Manager UI or you can use the emulator's command line interface. If you are developing in Eclipse you..

Changing the Android emulator locale automatically


the emulator after startup Running a key sequence via the emulator's telnet interface that would open the settings app and change..

Android emulator: How to monitor network traffic?


emulator tcpdump emulator.cap avd my_avd to write all the emulator's traffic to a local file on your PC In both cases you can then..

Android Emulator's launch options don't work in Eclipse plugin?


options don't work in Eclipse plugin I need to change the emulator's default time zone. It worked in command line with timezone option...

Created contacts not showing up on HTC Evo


app or the Motoblur contacts app. They appear in the emulator's default ie Google contacts app though. I know that the problem..



improve this question You need to increase the Android emulator's memory capacity. There are two ways for that Right click the..

Android - Unable to get the gps location on the emulator


from LocationManager . You can trigger location update on emulator's gps module by following command adb e emu geo fix 50 50 share..

how do you save android emulator snapshot?


know how to use this feature This would greatly reduce the emulator's load time But I can't find a way to tell the emulator to do..

Android— PhoneGap/WebView ignores viewport meta tags?


though even at 2x the page is not being scaled to the emulator's width... I'd have to set that to something like initial scale..

upload picture to emulator gallery


picture to emulator gallery I want to add picture in emulator's gallery. But i am not able to do this. How to do this any clue..

java.net.ConnectException: localhost/ - Connection refused


Machine QEMU therefore here or localhost will be emulator's own loopback address. Refer Emulator Networking share improve..

Causing OutOfMemoryError in Frame by Frame Animation in Android


instead of the emulator. You can also try tweaking the emulator's available RAM size but this is just guessing. There are ways..

Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20


20 from 18 and since the upgrade the emulator doesn't seem to accept input from laptop's keyboard. But only using the emulator's own 'soft' keyboard that appears when an input field is focused . I've tried reinstalling the SDK tools and the whole SDK.. is enabled by default it doesn't seem to be that way in SDK rev 20. I explicitly enabled keyboard support in my emulator's config.ini file and that worked Add hw.keyboard yes To ~ .android avd emulator device name .avd config.ini Similarly add..

Where does Android emulator store SQLite database?


share improve this question The filesystem of the emulator doesn't map to a directory on your hard drive. The emulator's disk image is stored as an image file which you can manage through either Eclipse look for the G1 looking icon in the toolbar..

How to get the Android Emulator's IP address?


refer to the emulator as 'localhost' or Web traffic is routed through your development machine so the emulator's external IP is whatever IP has been assigned to that machine by your provider. The development machine can always be reached..

Android SMS receiver not working [closed]


I'm just getting into Android development but I think I have my head wrapped around most of it. While monitoring the emulator's logcat the log events never come up and debugging breakpoints are never hit so I have a feeling it's somewhere in my intent..

Trying to draw textured triangles on device fails, but the emulator works. Why?


2 Is there anyway to dump the contents of the texture once it's been loaded into OpenGL ES Maybe I can compare the emulator's loaded texture with the actual device's loaded texture I did try with a different texture the default android icon and again..

How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE)


for one of my projects couple of classes only Installation error INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE How do I increase emulator's storage android android emulator emulator avd share improve this question I was searching for the answer to this question..

Shared library missing in android.


click Create AVD . Once you've finished creating the AVD you can run it from the AVD Manager UI or you can use the emulator's command line interface. If you are developing in Eclipse you can configure a Run Configuration to start the AVD and install..

Changing the Android emulator locale automatically


startup Changing the locale settings in some SQLite DB on the emulator after startup Running a key sequence via the emulator's telnet interface that would open the settings app and change the locale Manually starting the emulator for each platform..

Android emulator: How to monitor network traffic?


SD card perhaps e.g. tcpdump s0 w sdcard emulator.cap . Run emulator tcpdump emulator.cap avd my_avd to write all the emulator's traffic to a local file on your PC In both cases you can then analyse the pcap file with tcpdump or Wireshark as normal...

Android Emulator's launch options don't work in Eclipse plugin?


Emulator's launch options don't work in Eclipse plugin I need to change the emulator's default time zone. It worked in command line with timezone option. But when I tried it in eclipse android's launch options...

Created contacts not showing up on HTC Evo


API. The contacts I've added don't appear in the Sense contacts app or the Motoblur contacts app. They appear in the emulator's default ie Google contacts app though. I know that the problem with motoblur is that per moto's website the blur contacts..



development process a lot less frustrating. android share improve this question You need to increase the Android emulator's memory capacity. There are two ways for that Right click the root of your Android Project go to Run As and then go to Run..

Android - Unable to get the gps location on the emulator


how do you save android emulator snapshot?


save to and restore from an emulator snapshot. Does anyone know how to use this feature This would greatly reduce the emulator's load time But I can't find a way to tell the emulator to do so. Thanks. android android emulator share improve this question..

Android— PhoneGap/WebView ignores viewport meta tags?


changes nothing on my device Samsung Epic running 2.2.1 . Still though even at 2x the page is not being scaled to the emulator's width... I'd have to set that to something like initial scale 2.5 . android html webview phonegap share improve this..

upload picture to emulator gallery


picture to emulator gallery I want to add picture in emulator's gallery. But i am not able to do this. How to do this any clue Though i have gone through a answer posted in stack over..

java.net.ConnectException: localhost/ - Connection refused


Causing OutOfMemoryError in Frame by Frame Animation in Android


I would at least recommend trying this on a real device instead of the emulator. You can also try tweaking the emulator's available RAM size but this is just guessing. There are ways to use BitmapFactory.inPreferredConfig to load bitmaps in a..