android Programming Glossary: east
How to build a mall map for Android and the selected place the mall located in the middle east I heard about Google indoor maps but I think I can't use it..
Polygon Touch detection Google Map API V2 and b can't both be above or below pt.y and a or b must be east of pt.x double m aY bY aX bX Rise over run double bee aX m..
calculate acceleration in reference to true north A_W is an array of dimention 3 A_W 0 is acceleration due east. A_W 1 is acceleration due north. Here is some code to compute..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch of raw gravity vector with magnetic field values points east float m_NormNorthVector Normalised vector pointing to magnetic.. first calculate the horizontal vector that points due east float East_x m_NormMagFieldValues 1 m_NormGravityVector 2 m_NormMagFieldValues..
Rotate MapView in Android according to the compass i.e. if the phone is pointing east the map will be oriented so that the east side of the map is.. is pointing east the map will be oriented so that the east side of the map is on top . Previous answers that I have found..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) 4 locations that are in radius meter of the north west east and south of your central point in your java code and then check..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION space World coordinates have Y facing north X facing east and Z facing up Thus a device's neutral orientation is lying..
Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android your heading from the hardware compass. This is in degrees east of magnetic north b bearing the bearing from your location to.. location to the destination location. This is in degrees east of true north. myLocation.bearingTo destLocation c declination.. from the magnetometer accelermometer is in degrees east of true magnetic north 180 to 180 so you need to get the difference..
Android phone orientation overview including compass values 3 array has values 0 Azimuth the compass bearing east of magnetic north values 1 Pitch rotation around x axis is the.. longitude couple with an optional altitude . X is the easting co ordinate Y is the northing co ordinate. Z points to the..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates to calculate if the device is accelerating north east south west etc I have been working around this issue during..
Limit Scrolling on offline maps, in Android BoundingBoxE6 bbox new BoundingBoxE6 limit north limit east limit south limit west mapView.setScrollableAreaLimit bbox ..
How to build a mall map for Android in the mall and compute the shortest path between his position and the selected place the mall located in the middle east I heard about Google indoor maps but I think I can't use it what do I need to make a one for that mall can I make it 3 D..
Polygon Touch detection Google Map API V2 if aY pY bY pY aY pY bY pY aX pX bX pX return false a and b can't both be above or below pt.y and a or b must be east of pt.x double m aY bY aX bX Rise over run double bee aX m aY y mx b double x pY bee m algebra is neat return x pX ..
calculate acceleration in reference to true north the same acceleration vector in the world coordinate system. A_W is an array of dimention 3 A_W 0 is acceleration due east. A_W 1 is acceleration due north. Here is some code to compute it assumes gravity and magnetic contain output from their..
Android Compass that can Compensate for Tilt and Pitch are available float m_NormEastVector normalised cross product of raw gravity vector with magnetic field values points east float m_NormNorthVector Normalised vector pointing to magnetic north boolean m_OrientationOK set true if m_azimuth_radians.. break if m_NormGravityVector null m_NormMagFieldValues null first calculate the horizontal vector that points due east float East_x m_NormMagFieldValues 1 m_NormGravityVector 2 m_NormMagFieldValues 2 m_NormGravityVector 1 float East_y m_NormMagFieldValues..
Rotate MapView in Android app where one of the features is that the map will rotate according to the compass i.e. if the phone is pointing east the map will be oriented so that the east side of the map is on top . Previous answers that I have found suggested over.. the map will rotate according to the compass i.e. if the phone is pointing east the map will be oriented so that the east side of the map is on top . Previous answers that I have found suggested over writing the onDraw method in mapView however..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) and more accurate filter on data It is better to calculate 4 locations that are in radius meter of the north west east and south of your central point in your java code and then check easily by less than and more than sqlite operators to determine..
Different values between sensors TYPE_ACCELEROMETER/TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_ORIENTATION compute the azimuth etc. values. Vectors are in device coordinate space World coordinates have Y facing north X facing east and Z facing up Thus a device's neutral orientation is lying flat on its back on a table with the top of the device facing..
Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android out. For anyone else trying to do this you need a heading your heading from the hardware compass. This is in degrees east of magnetic north b bearing the bearing from your location to the destination location. This is in degrees east of true.. east of magnetic north b bearing the bearing from your location to the destination location. This is in degrees east of true north. myLocation.bearingTo destLocation c declination the difference between true north and magnetic north The.. between true north and magnetic north The heading that is returned from the magnetometer accelermometer is in degrees east of true magnetic north 180 to 180 so you need to get the difference between north and magnetic north for your location...
Android phone orientation overview including compass whenever a SensorEvent of TYPE_ORIENTATION is generated the values 3 array has values 0 Azimuth the compass bearing east of magnetic north values 1 Pitch rotation around x axis is the phone leaning forward or back values 2 Roll rotation around.. to the way locations on the planet are given as a latitude longitude couple with an optional altitude . X is the easting co ordinate Y is the northing co ordinate. Z points to the sky and represents altitude. The phones co ordinate system..
Transforming accelerometer's data from device's coordinates to real world coordinates so I can use the acceleration vector in real worlds coordinates to calculate if the device is accelerating north east south west etc I have been working around this issue during the past few days. At first I thought that it shound't be difficult..
Limit Scrolling on offline maps, in Android