android Programming Glossary: e1
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM context getDeviceId 1 catch GeminiMethodNotFoundException e1 Call here for next manufacturer's predicted method name if.. for next manufacturer's predicted method name if you wish e1.printStackTrace telephonyInfo.isSIM1Ready telephonyManager.getSimState.. context getSimState 1 catch GeminiMethodNotFoundException e1 Call here for next manufacturer's predicted method name if..
Caching images and displaying try posts json.getJSONArray TAG_POSTS catch JSONException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace try looping.. catch JSONException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace try looping through All Contacts for int i..
How to stop scrolling in a Gallery Widget? as shown below private boolean isScrollingLeft MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 return e2.getX e1.getX @Override public boolean.. MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 return e2.getX e1.getX @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent.. e1.getX @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY int kEvent if..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY try right to.. e2 float velocityX float velocityY try right to left if e1.getX e2.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY.. 0 return true left to right else if e2.getX e1.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY..
How to load a Java class dynamically on android/dalvik? data 0 len Foo foo Foo c.newInstance catch IOException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace catch.. catch IOException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace catch IllegalAccessException e TODO Auto generated..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] gallery @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY return gallery.onFling.. float velocityX float velocityY return gallery.onFling e1 e2 velocityX velocityY android listview gallery share improve..
Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures return true @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY boolean result.. velocityY boolean result false try float diffY e2.getY e1.getY float diffX e2.getX e1.getX if Math.abs diffX Math.abs.. try float diffY e2.getY e1.getY float diffX e2.getX e1.getX if Math.abs diffX Math.abs diffY if Math.abs diffX SWIPE_THRESHOLD..
how to implement both ontouch and also onfling in a same listview? @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY My fling event.. gDetector @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY return super.onFling.. e2 float velocityX float velocityY return super.onFling e1 e2 velocityX velocityY @Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android REDIRECTED_SERVERPORT catch UnknownHostException e1 e1.printStackTrace catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace .. REDIRECTED_SERVERPORT catch UnknownHostException e1 e1.printStackTrace catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace bt.setOnClickListener.. e1 e1.printStackTrace catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener..
Smooth scrolling in Android @Override public boolean onScroll MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float distanceX float distanceY beware it can.. return true @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float vX float vY mScroller.fling getScrollX..
Android - basic gesture detection public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY int dx int e2.getX.. e2 float velocityX float velocityY int dx int e2.getX e1.getX don't accept the fling if it's too short as it may conflict.. @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY try if Math.abs..
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM getDeviceId 0 telephonyInfo.imeiSIM2 getDeviceIdBySlot context getDeviceId 1 catch GeminiMethodNotFoundException e1 Call here for next manufacturer's predicted method name if you wish e1.printStackTrace telephonyInfo.isSIM1Ready telephonyManager.getSimState.. 1 catch GeminiMethodNotFoundException e1 Call here for next manufacturer's predicted method name if you wish e1.printStackTrace telephonyInfo.isSIM1Ready telephonyManager.getSimState TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY telephonyInfo.isSIM2Ready.. getSimState 0 telephonyInfo.isSIM2Ready getSIMStateBySlot context getSimState 1 catch GeminiMethodNotFoundException e1 Call here for next manufacturer's predicted method name if you wish e1.printStackTrace return telephonyInfo private..
Caching images and displaying string from URL JSONObject json jParser.getJSONFromUrl s try posts json.getJSONArray TAG_POSTS catch JSONException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace try looping through All Contacts for int i 0 i posts.length i JSONObject.. jParser.getJSONFromUrl s try posts json.getJSONArray TAG_POSTS catch JSONException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace try looping through All Contacts for int i 0 i posts.length i JSONObject c posts.getJSONObject i Storing..
How to stop scrolling in a Gallery Widget? right or right to left and call the appropriate dpad event as shown below private boolean isScrollingLeft MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 return e2.getX e1.getX @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float.. the appropriate dpad event as shown below private boolean isScrollingLeft MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 return e2.getX e1.getX @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY int kEvent if isScrollingLeft.. isScrollingLeft MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 return e2.getX e1.getX @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY int kEvent if isScrollingLeft e1 e2 Check if scrolling left kEvent KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling return false class MyGestureDetector extends SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY try right to left if e1.getX e2.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX.. @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY try right to left if e1.getX e2.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY activeFeature activeFeature items.size 1 activeFeature.. 1 items.size 1 smoothScrollTo activeFeature getMeasuredWidth 0 return true left to right else if e2.getX e1.getX SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY activeFeature activeFeature 0 activeFeature 1 0 smoothScrollTo..
How to load a Java class dynamically on android/dalvik? in.close DexFile d Class c defineClass net.webvm.FooImpl data 0 len Foo foo Foo c.newInstance catch IOException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace catch IllegalAccessException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace.. net.webvm.FooImpl data 0 len Foo foo Foo c.newInstance catch IOException e1 TODO Auto generated catch block e1.printStackTrace catch IllegalAccessException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch InstantiationException..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] gallery public MyGestureDetector Gallery gallery gallery @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY return gallery.onFling e1 e2 velocityX velocityY android listview gallery.. public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY return gallery.onFling e1 e2 velocityX velocityY android listview gallery share improve this question After reading this post I have implemented..
Android: How to handle right to left swipe gestures 100 @Override public boolean onDown MotionEvent e return true @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY boolean result false try float diffY e2.getY e1.getY float diffX e2.getX.. onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY boolean result false try float diffY e2.getY e1.getY float diffX e2.getX e1.getX if Math.abs diffX Math.abs diffY if Math.abs diffX SWIPE_THRESHOLD Math.abs velocityX.. e2 float velocityX float velocityY boolean result false try float diffY e2.getY e1.getY float diffX e2.getX e1.getX if Math.abs diffX Math.abs diffY if Math.abs diffX SWIPE_THRESHOLD Math.abs velocityX SWIPE_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD if..
how to implement both ontouch and also onfling in a same listview? public class MyGestureDetector extends SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY My fling event return flase P.S is it possible to comment the onclicklistener.. context this this.context context this.gDetector gDetector @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY return super.onFling e1 e2 velocityX velocityY @Override public boolean.. @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY return super.onFling e1 e2 velocityX velocityY @Override public boolean onSingleTapConfirmed MotionEvent e return super.onSingleTapConfirmed e..
Connecting 2 Emulator instances In Android InetAddress.getByName serverIpAddress socket new Socket serverAddr REDIRECTED_SERVERPORT catch UnknownHostException e1 e1.printStackTrace catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick.. InetAddress.getByName serverIpAddress socket new Socket serverAddr REDIRECTED_SERVERPORT catch UnknownHostException e1 e1.printStackTrace catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View.. socket new Socket serverAddr REDIRECTED_SERVERPORT catch UnknownHostException e1 e1.printStackTrace catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace bt.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v try EditText et EditText findViewById..
Smooth scrolling in Android mGD new GestureDetector getContext new SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public boolean onScroll MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float distanceX float distanceY beware it can scroll to infinity scrollBy int distanceX int distanceY return.. can scroll to infinity scrollBy int distanceX int distanceY return true @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float vX float vY mScroller.fling getScrollX getScrollY int vX int vY 0 int mMaxScrollX 0 int mMaxScrollY..
Android - basic gesture detection new GestureDetector this new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY int dx int e2.getX e1.getX don't accept the fling if it's too short as it.. public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY int dx int e2.getX e1.getX don't accept the fling if it's too short as it may conflict with a button push if Math.abs dx MAJOR_MOVE Math.abs.. event class MyGestureDetector extends SimpleOnGestureListener @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY try if Math.abs e1.getY e2.getY SWIPE_MAX_OFF_PATH return false right..