android Programming Glossary: downloadfile
ListFragment does not accept my layout i .getOfferImage null offers.get i .setOfferImage downloadFile offers.get i .getOfferImageUrl topOffers.add offers.get i .. setListAdapter adapter setListShown true public Bitmap downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl..
how to create own download manager in android 2.2 this when the downloader must be fired DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute the url to the file you.. must be fired DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute the url to the file you want to download The AsyncTask..
Download a file programatically on Android called createNewFile or anything. private static void downloadFile String url File outputFile try URL u new URL url URLConnection..
android - save image from web server and set it as wallpaper picture. here is my existing code. Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl..
Android Download Zip to SD card? @throws Exception Read write exception static private void downloadFile String from String to throws Exception HttpURLConnection conn..
Image download code works for all image format, issues with PNG format rendering file is downloaded in button press int i r.nextInt 4 downloadFile imageUrl png i .png Log.i im url imageUrl png i .png Bitmap.. .png Log.i im url imageUrl png i .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl.. can use a Drawable instead of Bitmap Here is the code void downloadFile String fileUrl try InputStream is InputStream new URL fileUrl..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? looper @Override public void handleMessage Message msg downloadFile showNotification getResources .getString R.string.notification_catalog_downloaded.. provide binding so return null return null public void downloadFile downloadFile this.downloadUrl fileName void showNotification.. so return null return null public void downloadFile downloadFile this.downloadUrl fileName void showNotification String message..
Download files and store them locally with Phonegap/jQuery Mobile Android and iOS Apps Use here is an example function downloadFile window.requestFileSystem LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT 0 function..
calling image from server in android it like this to download that particular Image. GetImage.downloadFile pictures file83915.jpg new ImageDownloaded @Override public.. GetImage class is public class GetImage public static void downloadFile final String fileUrl final ImageDownloaded img AsyncTask String.. row.findViewById if thumb null GetImage.downloadFile myCustomObject.getImagePath new ImageDownloaded @Override public..
change background image of Framelayout via URL new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View view downloadFile imageUrl image .png Log.i im url imageUrl image .png Bitmap.. .png Log.i im url imageUrl image .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl..
how to create own download manager in android 2.2 execute this when the downloader must be fired DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute the url to.. the downloader must be fired DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute the url to the file you want to download.. can easily modify the UI thread from here private class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask String Integer String @Override protected..
How to add ProgressDialog the download but I don't know how to do that. public class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask Void Long Boolean DownloadFile Context context.. class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask Void Long Boolean DownloadFile Context context DropboxAPI mApi String dropboxpath String sdpath.. improve this question Do it this way public final class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask Void Long Boolean private Context context..
Android Webview app won't let video player go full screen .setProgressStyle ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute url initSlider.. DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute url initSlider initAdmob When when file..
Android write to sd card folder android.util.Log public class Downloader public void DownloadFile String fileURL String fileName try File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? findViewById start.setOnClickListener this DownloadFile data data package_name databases п к базе данн по мол ани data.. n byteImage2.length r n cur.close myDb.close public void DownloadFile Bitmap bitmap1 null bitmap1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile sdcard..
Android: How to run asynctask from different class file? import android.widget.TextView public class DownloadFile extends Activity public static final int DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS.. is appended startDownload private void startDownload new DownloadFileAsync .execute fileURL @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog.. return mProgressDialog default return null class DownloadFileAsync extends AsyncTask String String String @Override protected..
how to play audio file from server in android a .mp3 file form server then try this.. private class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask String Integer String @Override protected..
ListFragment does not accept my layout new ArrayList OfferModel 4 for int i 0 i 4 i if offers.get i .getOfferImage null offers.get i .setOfferImage downloadFile offers.get i .getOfferImageUrl topOffers.add offers.get i LazyAdapter adapter new LazyAdapter getActivity adapter.setData.. adapter new LazyAdapter getActivity adapter.setData topOffers setListAdapter adapter setListShown true public Bitmap downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e e.printStackTrace return..
how to create own download manager in android 2.2 ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL execute this when the downloader must be fired DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute the url to the file you want to download The AsyncTask will look like this usually.. execute this when the downloader must be fired DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute the url to the file you want to download The AsyncTask will look like this usually subclasses of AsyncTask are declared..
Download a file programatically on Android outputFile has just been created using new File path I haven't called createNewFile or anything. private static void downloadFile String url File outputFile try URL u new URL url URLConnection conn u.openConnection int contentLength conn.getContentLength..
android - save image from web server and set it as wallpaper after download but the wallpaper has change to the downloaded picture. here is my existing code. Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch..
Android Download Zip to SD card? to download @param to Local path where to store the file @throws Exception Read write exception static private void downloadFile String from String to throws Exception HttpURLConnection conn HttpURLConnection new URL from .openConnection conn.setDoInput..
Image download code works for all image format, issues with PNG format rendering 4 files with name like png0.png png1.png png2.png so different file is downloaded in button press int i r.nextInt 4 downloadFile imageUrl png i .png Log.i im url imageUrl png i .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null.. button press int i r.nextInt 4 downloadFile imageUrl png i .png Log.i im url imageUrl png i .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch.. I dont know it will be a solution for you or not But you can use a Drawable instead of Bitmap Here is the code void downloadFile String fileUrl try InputStream is InputStream new URL fileUrl .getContent Drawable d Drawable.createFromStream is src name..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? extends Handler public ServiceHandler Looper looper super looper @Override public void handleMessage Message msg downloadFile showNotification getResources .getString R.string.notification_catalog_downloaded VVS stopSelf msg.arg1 @Override public.. .show @Override public IBinder onBind Intent intent We don't provide binding so return null return null public void downloadFile downloadFile this.downloadUrl fileName void showNotification String message String title In this sample we'll use the.. public IBinder onBind Intent intent We don't provide binding so return null return null public void downloadFile downloadFile this.downloadUrl fileName void showNotification String message String title In this sample we'll use the same text for..
Download files and store them locally with Phonegap/jQuery Mobile Android and iOS Apps ios phonegap jquery mobile share improve this question Use here is an example function downloadFile window.requestFileSystem LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT 0 function onFileSystemSuccess fileSystem fileSystem.root.getFile dummy.html..
calling image from server in android your image URLs list from your server or any source then used it like this to download that particular Image. GetImage.downloadFile pictures file83915.jpg new ImageDownloaded @Override public void imageDownloaded Bitmap result image.setImageBitmap result.. @Override public void imageDownloadedFailed Where the GetImage class is public class GetImage public static void downloadFile final String fileUrl final ImageDownloaded img AsyncTask String Void Bitmap task new AsyncTask String Void Bitmap @Override.. thumb myCustomObject.getBitmap final ImageView image ImageView row.findViewById if thumb null GetImage.downloadFile myCustomObject.getImagePath new ImageDownloaded @Override public void imageDownloaded Bitmap result myCustomObject.setBmp..
change background image of Framelayout via URL getImgListener View.OnClickListener getImgListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View view downloadFile imageUrl image .png Log.i im url imageUrl image .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null .. public void onClick View view downloadFile imageUrl image .png Log.i im url imageUrl image .png Bitmap bmImg void downloadFile String fileUrl URL myFileUrl null try myFileUrl new URL fileUrl catch MalformedURLException e TODO Auto generated catch..
how to create own download manager in android 2.2 100 mProgressDialog.setProgressStyle ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL execute this when the downloader must be fired DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute the url to the file you want to download The AsyncTask will look like.. ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL execute this when the downloader must be fired DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute the url to the file you want to download The AsyncTask will look like this usually subclasses of AsyncTask.. AsyncTask are declared inside the activity class. that way you can easily modify the UI thread from here private class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask String Integer String @Override protected String doInBackground String... sUrl try URL url new URL sUrl..
How to add ProgressDialog is taking a few seconds. I want to add a ProgressDialog for the download but I don't know how to do that. public class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask Void Long Boolean DownloadFile Context context DropboxAPI mApi String dropboxpath String sdpath int pos.. for the download but I don't know how to do that. public class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask Void Long Boolean DownloadFile Context context DropboxAPI mApi String dropboxpath String sdpath int pos int s ArrayList String folder throws DropboxException.. null android android asynctask progressdialog share improve this question Do it this way public final class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask Void Long Boolean private Context context private ProgressDialog progressDialog public DownloadFile Context..
Android Webview app won't let video player go full screen false mProgressDialog.setMax 100 mProgressDialog .setProgressStyle ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute url initSlider initAdmob When when file was chosen @Override protected.. 100 mProgressDialog .setProgressStyle ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL DownloadFile downloadFile new DownloadFile downloadFile.execute url initSlider initAdmob When when file was chosen @Override protected void onActivityResult int..
Android write to sd card folder import import android.os.Environment import android.util.Log public class Downloader public void DownloadFile String fileURL String fileName try File root Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory URL u new URL fileURL HttpURLConnection..
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? textView TextView findViewById start Button findViewById start.setOnClickListener this DownloadFile data data package_name databases п к базе данн по мол ани data data com.examples.aMySQL2 databases MyDB.db п к базе данн.. byteImage2 0 byteImage2.length textView.append r n byteImage2.length r n cur.close myDb.close public void DownloadFile Bitmap bitmap1 null bitmap1 BitmapFactory.decodeFile sdcard Nick saranka.jpg weather.png bmImage.setImageBitmap bitmap1..
Android: How to run asynctask from different class file? android.os.Bundle import android.os.Environment import android.util.Log import android.widget.TextView public class DownloadFile extends Activity public static final int DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS 0 private ProgressDialog mProgressDialog private static.. file program with asynctask... tv.append nYo this line is appended startDownload private void startDownload new DownloadFileAsync .execute fileURL @Override protected Dialog onCreateDialog int id switch id case DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS mProgressDialog.. mProgressDialog.setCancelable true return mProgressDialog default return null class DownloadFileAsync extends AsyncTask String String String @Override protected void onPreExecute super.onPreExecute showDialog DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS..
how to play audio file from server in android Exception e TODO handle exception and if you want to download a .mp3 file form server then try this.. private class DownloadFile extends AsyncTask String Integer String @Override protected String doInBackground String... url int count try URL url new..