

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:59

android Programming Glossary: cxt

Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device


Drawable scaleDrawable Drawable d int width Activity cxt BitmapDrawable bd BitmapDrawable d double oldWidth bd.getBitmap.. oldWidth scaleFactor Drawable drawable new BitmapDrawable cxt.getResources MainScreen.getResizedBitmap bd.getBitmap newHeight..

External AsyncTask class with ProgressDialog [Update: and returning back?]


new ProgressDialog context public AsyncClass Context cxt context cxt @Override protected void onPreExecute dialog.setTitle.. context public AsyncClass Context cxt context cxt @Override protected void onPreExecute dialog.setTitle Please.. context ProgressDialog dialog public AsyncClass Context cxt context cxt dialog new ProgressDialog context @Override protected..

Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android


mScroller.setAccessible true Scroller scroll new Scroller cxt Field scrollDuration scroll.getClass .getDeclaredField mDuration.. mPager scroll catch Exception e Toast.makeText cxt something happened Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show It doesn't change..

Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter


Called TAG Log.VERBOSE documentNewView new DocumentNewView cxt display customViewPager documentNewView.setPdfContext new PdfContext..

Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device


1280x720 images and using this code to scale it. public static Drawable scaleDrawable Drawable d int width Activity cxt BitmapDrawable bd BitmapDrawable d double oldWidth bd.getBitmap .getWidth double scaleFactor width oldWidth int newHeight.. int d.getIntrinsicHeight scaleFactor int newWidth int oldWidth scaleFactor Drawable drawable new BitmapDrawable cxt.getResources MainScreen.getResizedBitmap bd.getBitmap newHeight newWidth BitmapDrawable bd2 BitmapDrawable drawable return..

External AsyncTask class with ProgressDialog [Update: and returning back?]


Void String Void private Context context ProgressDialog dialog new ProgressDialog context public AsyncClass Context cxt context cxt @Override protected void onPreExecute dialog.setTitle Please wait dialog.show @Override protected Void doInBackground.. Void private Context context ProgressDialog dialog new ProgressDialog context public AsyncClass Context cxt context cxt @Override protected void onPreExecute dialog.setTitle Please wait dialog.show @Override protected Void doInBackground Void..... AsyncClass extends AsyncTask Void String Void private Context context ProgressDialog dialog public AsyncClass Context cxt context cxt dialog new ProgressDialog context @Override protected void onPreExecute dialog.setTitle Please wait dialog.show..

Slowing speed of Viewpager controller in android


Field mScroller mPager.getClass .getDeclaredField mScroller mScroller.setAccessible true Scroller scroll new Scroller cxt Field scrollDuration scroll.getClass .getDeclaredField mDuration scrollDuration.setAccessible true scrollDuration.set scroll.. true scrollDuration.set scroll 1000 mScroller.set mPager scroll catch Exception e Toast.makeText cxt something happened Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show It doesn't change anything yet no exceptions occur android share improve this..

Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter


int position CommonLogic .logMessage Instantiate Item Called TAG Log.VERBOSE documentNewView new DocumentNewView cxt display customViewPager documentNewView.setPdfContext new PdfContext CodecDocument codecDocument documentNewView.open uris..