android Programming Glossary: cx
Android FingerPaint Undo/Redo implementation 6 mCanvas new Canvas mPath new Path paths.add mPath cx 400 DrawActivity.scale cy 30 DrawActivity.scale circleRadius.. circleRadius 20 DrawActivity.scale xleft cx 10 DrawActivity.scale xright cx 10 DrawActivity.scale xtop cy.. DrawActivity.scale xleft cx 10 DrawActivity.scale xright cx 10 DrawActivity.scale xtop cy 10 DrawActivity.scale xbottom..
How to get Boot_Complete intent in HTC when i use 'poweroff' for reboot? is running public static boolean ServiceRunning Context cx ActivityManager manager ActivityManager cx.getSystemService.. Context cx ActivityManager manager ActivityManager cx.getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE for RunningServiceInfo.. just start it public static void ServiceCheck Context cx if ServiceRunning cx false Intent svc new Intent . Servicename..
Android: how to warp images? HEIGHT mVerts 0 null 0 null private void warp float cx float cy final float K 10000 float src mOrig float dst mVerts.. 0 i COUNT 2 i 2 float x src i 0 float y src i 1 float dx cx x float dy cy y float dd dx dx dy dy float d FloatMath.sqrt.. skia index i dist d pull pull if pull 1 dst i 0 cx dst i 1 cy else dst i 0 x dx pull dst i 1 y dy pull private..
how to resume an interrupted download Setup connection. URL url new URL strUrl 0 URLConnection cx url.openConnection cx.connect Setup streams and buffers. int.. url new URL strUrl 0 URLConnection cx url.openConnection cx.connect Setup streams and buffers. int lengthFile cx.getContentLength.. cx.connect Setup streams and buffers. int lengthFile cx.getContentLength InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream..
Problems using Rhino on Android of my code that hits the exception looks like this Context cx Context.enter cx.setLanguageVersion Context.VERSION_1_7 Scriptable.. the exception looks like this Context cx Context.enter cx.setLanguageVersion Context.VERSION_1_7 Scriptable scope cx.initStandardObjects.. cx.setLanguageVersion Context.VERSION_1_7 Scriptable scope cx.initStandardObjects try Object result cx.evaluateReader scope..
Android:Crash: Binary XML file line : Error inflating class (using SurfaceView) private Paint paint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG int cx cy offx offy public MySurfaceView Context context super context.. paint.setStrokeWidth 3 paint.setColor Color.WHITE cx 0 cy 0 offx 10 offy 10 @Override public void surfaceChanged.. method stub canvas.drawRGB 0 0 0 canvas.drawCircle cx cy 3 paint cx offx if cx getWidth cx 0 offx 1 cx offx cy..
Draw circle in android [closed] on the bitmap canvas Canvas c new Canvas bmp c.drawCircle cx cy radius paint setting to imageview img.setBackgroundDrawable..
Android FingerPaint Undo/Redo implementation mPaint.setStrokeWidth 6 outercirclePaint.setStrokeWidth 6 mCanvas new Canvas mPath new Path paths.add mPath cx 400 DrawActivity.scale cy 30 DrawActivity.scale circleRadius 20 DrawActivity.scale xleft cx 10 DrawActivity.scale xright.. new Path paths.add mPath cx 400 DrawActivity.scale cy 30 DrawActivity.scale circleRadius 20 DrawActivity.scale xleft cx 10 DrawActivity.scale xright cx 10 DrawActivity.scale xtop cy 10 DrawActivity.scale xbottom cy 10 DrawActivity.scale public.. DrawActivity.scale cy 30 DrawActivity.scale circleRadius 20 DrawActivity.scale xleft cx 10 DrawActivity.scale xright cx 10 DrawActivity.scale xtop cy 10 DrawActivity.scale xbottom cy 10 DrawActivity.scale public void colorChanged int color..
How to get Boot_Complete intent in HTC when i use 'poweroff' for reboot? Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON And you can then check if the service is running public static boolean ServiceRunning Context cx ActivityManager manager ActivityManager cx.getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE for RunningServiceInfo service manager.getRunningServices.. if the service is running public static boolean ServiceRunning Context cx ActivityManager manager ActivityManager cx.getSystemService Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE for RunningServiceInfo service manager.getRunningServices Integer.MAX_VALUE if.. return true return false And if it isn't just start it public static void ServiceCheck Context cx if ServiceRunning cx false Intent svc new Intent . Servicename cx.startService svc Log.i Service Check Service Starting..
Android: how to warp images? canvas.concat mMatrix canvas.drawBitmapMesh mBitmap WIDTH HEIGHT mVerts 0 null 0 null private void warp float cx float cy final float K 10000 float src mOrig float dst mVerts for int i 0 i COUNT 2 i 2 float x src i 0 float y src i 1.. float K 10000 float src mOrig float dst mVerts for int i 0 i COUNT 2 i 2 float x src i 0 float y src i 1 float dx cx x float dy cy y float dd dx dx dy dy float d FloatMath.sqrt dd float pull K dd 0.000001f pull d 0.000001f android.util.Log.d.. dd float pull K dd 0.000001f pull d 0.000001f android.util.Log.d skia index i dist d pull pull if pull 1 dst i 0 cx dst i 1 cy else dst i 0 x dx pull dst i 1 y dy pull private int mLastWarpX 9999 don't match a touch coordinate private..
how to resume an interrupted download file offset where the disconnection occurred Here's the code Setup connection. URL url new URL strUrl 0 URLConnection cx url.openConnection cx.connect Setup streams and buffers. int lengthFile cx.getContentLength InputStream input new BufferedInputStream.. disconnection occurred Here's the code Setup connection. URL url new URL strUrl 0 URLConnection cx url.openConnection cx.connect Setup streams and buffers. int lengthFile cx.getContentLength InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream.. URL url new URL strUrl 0 URLConnection cx url.openConnection cx.connect Setup streams and buffers. int lengthFile cx.getContentLength InputStream input new BufferedInputStream url.openStream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream strUrl..
Problems using Rhino on Android line 53 Main 1 line 22 The bit of my code that hits the exception looks like this Context cx Context.enter cx.setLanguageVersion Context.VERSION_1_7 Scriptable scope cx.initStandardObjects try Object result cx.evaluateReader.. line 53 Main 1 line 22 The bit of my code that hits the exception looks like this Context cx Context.enter cx.setLanguageVersion Context.VERSION_1_7 Scriptable scope cx.initStandardObjects try Object result cx.evaluateReader scope.. hits the exception looks like this Context cx Context.enter cx.setLanguageVersion Context.VERSION_1_7 Scriptable scope cx.initStandardObjects try Object result cx.evaluateReader scope new InputStreamReader data exception here filename 0 null..
Android:Crash: Binary XML file line : Error inflating class (using SurfaceView) SurfaceHolder.Callback private MySurfaceThread thread private Paint paint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG int cx cy offx offy public MySurfaceView Context context super context TODO Auto generated constructor stub init public MySurfaceView.. make sure we get key events paint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE paint.setStrokeWidth 3 paint.setColor Color.WHITE cx 0 cy 0 offx 10 offy 10 @Override public void surfaceChanged SurfaceHolder arg0 int arg1 int arg2 int arg3 TODO Auto.. @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas TODO Auto generated method stub canvas.drawRGB 0 0 0 canvas.drawCircle cx cy 3 paint cx offx if cx getWidth cx 0 offx 1 cx offx cy offy if cy getHeight cy 0 offy 1 cy offy Here is the main.xml..
Draw circle in android [closed]