

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:52

android Programming Glossary: cur.movetonext

Read all SMS from a particular sender


smsBuilder.append int_Type smsBuilder.append n n while cur.moveToNext if cur.isClosed cur.close cur null else smsBuilder.append..

Android application with phone book synchronization?


null null null null if cur.getCount 0 while cur.moveToNext String id cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts._ID..

Android - Querying the SMS ContentProvider?


getContentResolver .query uriSMSURI null null null null cur.moveToNext String protocol cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex protocol if..

Android - Autocomplete with contacts


values. namesArray i name idsArray i contactid i while cur.moveToNext private long search String name Lookup name in the contact..

How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android?


artist if albums.contains album albums.add album while cur.moveToNext return albums I use this list of albums in a ListActivity but..

How to get image path from images stored on sd card


null null startManagingCursor cur cur.moveToFirst while cur.moveToNext String str cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME..

Get list of photo galleries on Android


Iterate through rows from Sqlite-query


How to remove a contact programmatically in android


null null null null while cur.moveToNext try String lookupKey cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY..

Delete calendar entries


.query eventsUri null null null null while cur.moveToNext long id cur.getLong cur.getColumnIndex _id Log.d TAG ID id..

Listen to outgoing SMS or sent box


it point to the first record which is the last SMS sent cur.moveToNext String content cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex body use cur.getColumnNames..

How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button?


false textView.append r n cur.getString 1 r n cur.moveToNext Read data from blob field cur.moveToFirst byteImage2 cur.getBlob..

How to get contact email id?


null null null null if cur.getCount 0 while cur.moveToNext String id cur.getString cur .getColumnIndex BaseColumns._ID..

Android: get call history of contact


null null null null if cur.getCount 0 while cur.moveToNext id_contact cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts._ID..

Android: Detect SMS Outgoing, Incorrect Count


getContentResolver .query uriSMSURI null null null null cur.moveToNext String protocol cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex protocol if.. getContentResolver .query uriSMSURI null null null null cur.moveToNext String id cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex _id share improve..

Deleting (Raw) Contacts in Android 2.x


null null null null int count 0 while cur.moveToNext try String contactId cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.RawContacts._ID..

getting null pointer exception?


indexPhoneType cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow Phone.TYPE while cur.moveToNext int i 1 String id cur.getString indexID HERE LIES NULL POINTER.. do that like name new String cur.getCount String s while cur.moveToNext int i 1 String id cur.getString indexID name i cur.getString.. new String cur.getCount s new String cur.getCount while cur.moveToNext int i 1 String id cur.getString indexID name i 1 cur.getString..

Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times


Cursor cur getContentResolver .query u null null null null cur.moveToNext this will make it point to the first record which is the last..

Practical way to find out if SMS has been sent


.query uriSMSURI null null null null cur.moveToNext String protocol cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex protocol ..

Read all SMS from a particular sender


smsBuilder.append strbody smsBuilder.append longDate smsBuilder.append int_Type smsBuilder.append n n while cur.moveToNext if cur.isClosed cur.close cur null else smsBuilder.append no result end if catch SQLiteException ex Log.d SQLiteException..

Android application with phone book synchronization?


Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI null null null null if cur.getCount 0 while cur.moveToNext String id cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts._ID String name cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex..

Android - Querying the SMS ContentProvider?


msg Uri uriSMSURI Uri.parse content sms Cursor cur getContentResolver .query uriSMSURI null null null null cur.moveToNext String protocol cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex protocol if protocol null Log.d SMS SMS SEND int threadId cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex..

Android - Autocomplete with contacts


cur.getString idColumn Do something with the values. namesArray i name idsArray i contactid i while cur.moveToNext private long search String name Lookup name in the contact list that we've put in an array int indexOfName Arrays.binarySearch..

How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android?


album name artist artist Album album new Album albumId name artist if albums.contains album albums.add album while cur.moveToNext return albums I use this list of albums in a ListActivity but I also want to get the thumbnails of the Albums. I know I..

How to get image path from images stored on sd card


.query MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI null null null null startManagingCursor cur cur.moveToFirst while cur.moveToNext String str cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME Log.e ######### str this..

Get list of photo galleries on Android


Iterate through rows from Sqlite-query


How to remove a contact programmatically in android


cr getContentResolver Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI null null null null while cur.moveToNext try String lookupKey cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath..

Delete calendar entries


content com.android.calendar events Cursor cur getContentResolver .query eventsUri null null null null while cur.moveToNext long id cur.getLong cur.getColumnIndex _id Log.d TAG ID id Uri eventUri ContentUris.withAppendedId eventsUri id iNumRowsDeleted..

Listen to outgoing SMS or sent box


.query uriSMSURI null null null null this will make it point to the first record which is the last SMS sent cur.moveToNext String content cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex body use cur.getColumnNames to get a list of all available columns... each..

How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button?


null null null null null null cur.moveToFirst while cur.isAfterLast false textView.append r n cur.getString 1 r n cur.moveToNext Read data from blob field cur.moveToFirst byteImage2 cur.getBlob cur.getColumnIndex picture Т bmImage.setImageBitmap BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..

How to get contact email id?


Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI null null null null if cur.getCount 0 while cur.moveToNext String id cur.getString cur .getColumnIndex BaseColumns._ID contactName cur .getString cur .getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME..

Android: get call history of contact


Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI null null null null if cur.getCount 0 while cur.moveToNext id_contact cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts._ID name_contact cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex..

Android: Detect SMS Outgoing, Incorrect Count


HIT ON CHANGE Uri uriSMSURI Uri.parse content sms Cursor cur getContentResolver .query uriSMSURI null null null null cur.moveToNext String protocol cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex protocol if protocol null count Log.v SMSTEST SMS SENT count count String..

Deleting (Raw) Contacts in Android 2.x


Cursor cur cr.query ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI null null null null int count 0 while cur.moveToNext try String contactId cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.RawContacts._ID count cr.delete ContactsContract.RawContacts.CONTENT_URI..

getting null pointer exception?


ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME int indexPhoneType cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow Phone.TYPE while cur.moveToNext int i 1 String id cur.getString indexID HERE LIES NULL POINTER EXCEPTION name i cur.getString indexName HERE TOO phoneType.. question Initialize String name before using it. You can do that like name new String cur.getCount String s while cur.moveToNext int i 1 String id cur.getString indexID name i cur.getString indexName phoneType i cur.getString indexPhoneType System.out.println.. int indexPhoneType cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow Phone.TYPE name new String cur.getCount s new String cur.getCount while cur.moveToNext int i 1 String id cur.getString indexID name i 1 cur.getString indexName phoneType i 1 cur.getString indexPhoneType..

Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times


super.onChange selfChange querySMS protected void querySMS Cursor cur getContentResolver .query u null null null null cur.moveToNext this will make it point to the first record which is the last SMS sent String type cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex type..

Practical way to find out if SMS has been sent


Uri uriSMSURI Uri.parse content sms Cursor cur this.getContentResolver .query uriSMSURI null null null null cur.moveToNext String protocol cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex protocol if protocol null the message is sent out just now else the..