android Programming Glossary: cur.getint
Read all SMS from a particular sender strAddress cur.getString index_Address int intPerson cur.getInt index_Person String strbody cur.getString index_Body long.. long longDate cur.getLong index_Date int int_Type cur.getInt index_Type smsBuilder.append smsBuilder.append strAddress..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? Datenbank.DB_NAME cbListCheck.setChecked cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex Datenbank.DB_STATE 0 false true share..
Android - Querying the SMS ContentProvider? protocol if protocol null Log.d SMS SMS SEND int threadId cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex thread_id Log.d SMS SMS SEND ID threadId.. outbox threadId null null null null c.moveToNext int p cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex person Log.d SMS SMS SEND person p getContentResolver.. null null else Log.d SMS SMS RECIEVE int threadIdIn cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex thread_id getContentResolver .delete Uri.parse..
Android Create Playlist uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt 0 cur.close ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put.. uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt 0 cur.close ContentValues values new ContentValues resolver.delete.. uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt 0 cur.close ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put..
How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android? MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST int albumId cur.getInt albumIdIndex String name cur.getString albumIndex String artist..
Read all SMS from a particular sender date int index_Type cur.getColumnIndex type do String strAddress cur.getString index_Address int intPerson cur.getInt index_Person String strbody cur.getString index_Body long longDate cur.getLong index_Date int int_Type cur.getInt index_Type.. cur.getInt index_Person String strbody cur.getString index_Body long longDate cur.getLong index_Date int int_Type cur.getInt index_Type smsBuilder.append smsBuilder.append strAddress smsBuilder.append intPerson smsBuilder.append strbody ..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView?
Android - Querying the SMS ContentProvider? String protocol cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex protocol if protocol null Log.d SMS SMS SEND int threadId cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex thread_id Log.d SMS SMS SEND ID threadId Cursor c getContentResolver .query Uri.parse content sms outbox.. Cursor c getContentResolver .query Uri.parse content sms outbox threadId null null null null c.moveToNext int p cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex person Log.d SMS SMS SEND person p getContentResolver .delete Uri.parse content sms conversations threadId.. .delete Uri.parse content sms conversations threadId null null else Log.d SMS SMS RECIEVE int threadIdIn cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex thread_id getContentResolver .delete Uri.parse content sms conversations threadIdIn null null However..
Android Create Playlist external YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID Cursor cur resolver.query uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt 0 cur.close ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.PLAY_ORDER Integer.valueOf.. external YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID Cursor cur resolver.query uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt 0 cur.close ContentValues values new ContentValues resolver.delete uri MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.AUDIO_ID audioId.. external YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID Cursor cur resolver.query uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt 0 cur.close ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.PLAY_ORDER Integer.valueOf..
How do I get Album Thumbnails in Android? MediaStore.Audio.Media.ALBUM int artistIndex cur.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST int albumId cur.getInt albumIdIndex String name cur.getString albumIndex String artist cur.getString artistIndex LogUtil.i TAG albumid albumId..