

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:50

android Programming Glossary: ctxt

Android AlarmManager after reboot


int PERIOD 5000 @Override public void onReceive Context ctxt Intent i scheduleAlarms ctxt static void scheduleAlarms Context.. public void onReceive Context ctxt Intent i scheduleAlarms ctxt static void scheduleAlarms Context ctxt AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager.. i scheduleAlarms ctxt static void scheduleAlarms Context ctxt AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager ctxt.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE..

PowerManager wakelock not waking device up from service


lockStatic public static void startYourService Context ctxt Intent i STATIC getLock ctxt.getApplicationContext .acquire.. void startYourService Context ctxt Intent i STATIC getLock ctxt.getApplicationContext .acquire ctxt.startService i public YourService.. i STATIC getLock ctxt.getApplicationContext .acquire ctxt.startService i public YourService String name super name setIntentRedelivery..

Get battery level and state in Android


BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context ctxt Intent intent int level intent.getIntExtra BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL..

Accessing SharedPreferences through static methods


static SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences Context ctxt return ctxt.getSharedPreferences FILE 0 and this is in your.. SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences Context ctxt return ctxt.getSharedPreferences FILE 0 and this is in your activity YourClass.this.getSharedPreferences..

TimePicker in PreferenceScreen


Integer.parseInt pieces 1 public TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet attrs super ctxt attrs setPositiveButtonText Set.. TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet attrs super ctxt attrs setPositiveButtonText Set setNegativeButtonText Cancel..

Custom preference, targetSdkVersion=“11”: missing indent?


Integer.parseInt pieces 1 public TimePreference Context ctxt this ctxt null public TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet.. pieces 1 public TimePreference Context ctxt this ctxt null public TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet attrs this.. Context ctxt this ctxt null public TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet attrs this ctxt attrs 0 public TimePreference Context..

android AlarmManager not waking phone up


Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH 1 Intent intent new Intent ctxt AlarmReceiver.class intent.putExtra alarm alarm PendingIntent.. alarm PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast ctxt alarm.id intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT alarmManager.set..

How do I start an Activity when my Widget is clicked?


AppWidgetProvider @Override public void onReceive Context ctxt Intent intent if intent.getAction null ctxt.startService new.. Context ctxt Intent intent if intent.getAction null ctxt.startService new Intent ctxt ToggleService.class else super.onReceive.. if intent.getAction null ctxt.startService new Intent ctxt ToggleService.class else super.onReceive ctxt intent @Override..

Android AlarmManager after reboot


PollReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver private static final int PERIOD 5000 @Override public void onReceive Context ctxt Intent i scheduleAlarms ctxt static void scheduleAlarms Context ctxt AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager ctxt.getSystemService.. private static final int PERIOD 5000 @Override public void onReceive Context ctxt Intent i scheduleAlarms ctxt static void scheduleAlarms Context ctxt AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager ctxt.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent.. 5000 @Override public void onReceive Context ctxt Intent i scheduleAlarms ctxt static void scheduleAlarms Context ctxt AlarmManager mgr AlarmManager ctxt.getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent i new Intent ctxt ScheduledService.class..

PowerManager wakelock not waking device up from service


LOCK_NAME lockStatic.setReferenceCounted true return lockStatic public static void startYourService Context ctxt Intent i STATIC getLock ctxt.getApplicationContext .acquire ctxt.startService i public YourService String name super name.. true return lockStatic public static void startYourService Context ctxt Intent i STATIC getLock ctxt.getApplicationContext .acquire ctxt.startService i public YourService String name super name setIntentRedelivery true @Override.. public static void startYourService Context ctxt Intent i STATIC getLock ctxt.getApplicationContext .acquire ctxt.startService i public YourService String name super name setIntentRedelivery true @Override public int onStartCommand Intent..

Get battery level and state in Android


batteryTxt private BroadcastReceiver mBatInfoReceiver new BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context ctxt Intent intent int level intent.getIntExtra BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL 0 batteryTxt.setText String.valueOf level @Override..

Accessing SharedPreferences through static methods


context to it. In your case this is inside a public class public static SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences Context ctxt return ctxt.getSharedPreferences FILE 0 and this is in your activity YourClass.this.getSharedPreferences YourClass.this.getApplicationContext.. In your case this is inside a public class public static SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences Context ctxt return ctxt.getSharedPreferences FILE 0 and this is in your activity YourClass.this.getSharedPreferences YourClass.this.getApplicationContext..

TimePicker in PreferenceScreen


int getMinute String time String pieces time.split return Integer.parseInt pieces 1 public TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet attrs super ctxt attrs setPositiveButtonText Set setNegativeButtonText Cancel @Override protected View onCreateDialogView.. String pieces time.split return Integer.parseInt pieces 1 public TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet attrs super ctxt attrs setPositiveButtonText Set setNegativeButtonText Cancel @Override protected View onCreateDialogView picker new TimePicker..

Custom preference, targetSdkVersion=“11”: missing indent?


int getMinute String time String pieces time.split return Integer.parseInt pieces 1 public TimePreference Context ctxt this ctxt null public TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet attrs this ctxt attrs 0 public TimePreference Context ctxt.. String time String pieces time.split return Integer.parseInt pieces 1 public TimePreference Context ctxt this ctxt null public TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet attrs this ctxt attrs 0 public TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet.. return Integer.parseInt pieces 1 public TimePreference Context ctxt this ctxt null public TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet attrs this ctxt attrs 0 public TimePreference Context ctxt AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super ctxt attrs..

android AlarmManager not waking phone up


alarmTime.set Calendar.SECOND 0 if alarmTime.before now alarmTime.add Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH 1 Intent intent new Intent ctxt AlarmReceiver.class intent.putExtra alarm alarm PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast ctxt alarm.id intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT.. intent new Intent ctxt AlarmReceiver.class intent.putExtra alarm alarm PendingIntent sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast ctxt alarm.id intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT alarmManager.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP alarmTime.getTimeInMillis sender..

How do I start an Activity when my Widget is clicked?


what should I change here... public class AppWidget extends AppWidgetProvider @Override public void onReceive Context ctxt Intent intent if intent.getAction null ctxt.startService new Intent ctxt ToggleService.class else super.onReceive ctxt.. extends AppWidgetProvider @Override public void onReceive Context ctxt Intent intent if intent.getAction null ctxt.startService new Intent ctxt ToggleService.class else super.onReceive ctxt intent @Override public void onUpdate Context.. @Override public void onReceive Context ctxt Intent intent if intent.getAction null ctxt.startService new Intent ctxt ToggleService.class else super.onReceive ctxt intent @Override public void onUpdate Context context AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager..