android Programming Glossary: cur.getstring
Read all SMS from a particular sender index_Type cur.getColumnIndex type do String strAddress cur.getString index_Address int intPerson cur.getInt index_Person String.. int intPerson cur.getInt index_Person String strbody cur.getString index_Body long longDate cur.getLong index_Date int int_Type..
Android application with phone book synchronization? null if cur.getCount 0 while cur.moveToNext String id cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts._ID String name.. ContactsContract.Contacts._ID String name cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME .. if Integer.parseInt cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? view.findViewById tvListText.setText cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex Datenbank.DB_NAME cbListCheck.setChecked..
Android - Querying the SMS ContentProvider? null null null null cur.moveToNext String protocol cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex protocol if protocol null Log.d SMS SMS SEND..
Android - Autocomplete with contacts cursor if cur.getCount 0 do Get the field values name cur.getString nameColumn contactid Long.parseLong cur.getString idColumn.. name cur.getString nameColumn contactid Long.parseLong cur.getString idColumn Do something with the values. namesArray i name ..
get contact info from android contact picker numbers for the specified contact. if Integer.parseInt cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER..
Get list of photo galleries on Android do Get the field values bucket cur.getString bucketColumn date cur.getString dateColumn Do something with.. the field values bucket cur.getString bucketColumn date cur.getString dateColumn Do something with the values. Log.i ListingImages..
Iterate through rows from Sqlite-query
How to remove a contact programmatically in android null null null while cur.moveToNext try String lookupKey cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY Uri..
Listen to outgoing SMS or sent box which is the last SMS sent cur.moveToNext String content cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex body use cur.getColumnNames to get a list..
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? while cur.isAfterLast false textView.append r n cur.getString 1 r n cur.moveToNext Read data from blob field cur.moveToFirst..
How to get contact email id? null if cur.getCount 0 while cur.moveToNext String id cur.getString cur .getColumnIndex BaseColumns._ID contactName cur .getString..
Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times to the first record which is the last SMS sent String type cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex type String body cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex.. type cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex type String body cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex body content of sms String add cur.getString.. cur.getColumnIndex body content of sms String add cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex address phone num if type.equals 1 if add.equals..
Practical way to find out if SMS has been sent null null null null cur.moveToNext String protocol cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex protocol if protocol null the message is..
Read all SMS from a particular sender body int index_Date cur.getColumnIndex date int index_Type cur.getColumnIndex type do String strAddress cur.getString index_Address int intPerson cur.getInt index_Person String strbody cur.getString index_Body long longDate cur.getLong.. type do String strAddress cur.getString index_Address int intPerson cur.getInt index_Person String strbody cur.getString index_Body long longDate cur.getLong index_Date int int_Type cur.getInt index_Type smsBuilder.append smsBuilder.append..
Android application with phone book synchronization? cr.query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI null null null null if cur.getCount 0 while cur.moveToNext String id cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts._ID String name cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME.. 0 while cur.moveToNext String id cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts._ID String name cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME if Integer.parseInt cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER.. String name cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME if Integer.parseInt cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER 0 Query phone here. Covered next Cursor pCur cr.query ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? view.findViewById CheckBox cbListCheck CheckBox view.findViewById tvListText.setText cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex Datenbank.DB_NAME cbListCheck.setChecked cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex Datenbank.DB_STATE 0 false true..
Android - Querying the SMS ContentProvider? content sms Cursor cur getContentResolver .query uriSMSURI null null null null cur.moveToNext String protocol cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex protocol if protocol null Log.d SMS SMS SEND int threadId cur.getInt cur.getColumnIndex thread_id Log.d..
Android - Autocomplete with contacts Check that there are actually any contacts returned by the cursor if cur.getCount 0 do Get the field values name cur.getString nameColumn contactid Long.parseLong cur.getString idColumn Do something with the values. namesArray i name idsArray.. by the cursor if cur.getCount 0 do Get the field values name cur.getString nameColumn contactid Long.parseLong cur.getString idColumn Do something with the values. namesArray i name idsArray i contactid i while cur.moveToNext private long..
get contact info from android contact picker Use a WHERE conditional to get the phone numbers for the specified contact. if Integer.parseInt cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER 0 Cursor pCur cr.query ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI..
Get list of photo galleries on Android int dateColumn cur.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN do Get the field values bucket cur.getString bucketColumn date cur.getString dateColumn Do something with the values. Log.i ListingImages bucket bucket date_taken.. cur.getColumnIndex MediaStore.Images.Media.DATE_TAKEN do Get the field values bucket cur.getString bucketColumn date cur.getString dateColumn Do something with the values. Log.i ListingImages bucket bucket date_taken date while cur.moveToNext share..
Iterate through rows from Sqlite-query
How to remove a contact programmatically in android cur cr.query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI null null null null while cur.moveToNext try String lookupKey cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.LOOKUP_KEY Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_LOOKUP_URI..
Listen to outgoing SMS or sent box null null null this will make it point to the first record which is the last SMS sent cur.moveToNext String content cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex body use cur.getColumnNames to get a list of all available columns... each field that compounds a SMS..
How to store images in sqlite database on click event of button? cur myDb.query emp1 null null null null null null cur.moveToFirst while cur.isAfterLast false textView.append r n cur.getString 1 r n cur.moveToNext Read data from blob field cur.moveToFirst byteImage2 cur.getBlob cur.getColumnIndex picture Т bmImage.setImageBitmap..
How to get contact email id? cr.query ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI null null null null if cur.getCount 0 while cur.moveToNext String id cur.getString cur .getColumnIndex BaseColumns._ID contactName cur .getString cur .getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME..
Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times null null null null cur.moveToNext this will make it point to the first record which is the last SMS sent String type cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex type String body cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex body content of sms String add cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex.. it point to the first record which is the last SMS sent String type cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex type String body cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex body content of sms String add cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex address phone num if type.equals 1 if.. type cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex type String body cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex body content of sms String add cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex address phone num if type.equals 1 if add.equals Test.SENDER String bodys body.split 7 if bodys 0 .equals..
Practical way to find out if SMS has been sent content sms Cursor cur this.getContentResolver .query uriSMSURI null null null null cur.moveToNext String protocol cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex protocol if protocol null the message is sent out just now else the message is received just now..