

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:26

android Programming Glossary: contacturi

How do I display a contact's photo from the contact's id?


. public Bitmap getByteContactPhoto String contactId Uri contactUri ContentUris.withAppendedId Contacts.CONTENT_URI Long.parseLong.. Long.parseLong contactId Uri photoUri Uri.withAppendedPath contactUri Contacts.Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY Cursor cursor mContext.getContentResolver..

Setting contact custom ringtone, how?


I have tried it like this Uri contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI String PROJECTION new.. '1' Cursor contacts managedQuery contactUri PROJECTION SELECTION null null while contacts.moveToNext String..

Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask


for image downloading and caching. In order to get the contactUri to pass to Picasso I need to make a query to the Contacts Content..

How do I load a contact Photo?


querying for a Contact then loading the Photo So given a contactUri which comes from an Activity result called using startActivityForResult.. loadContact ContentResolver contentResolver Uri contactUri contactUri content com.android.contacts data 1557 ContactInfo.. loadContact ContentResolver contentResolver Uri contactUri contactUri content com.android.contacts data 1557 ContactInfo contactInfo..

How can I set a ringtone for an individual contact on Android?


which is a read write column for this purpose. Uri contactUri ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put ContactsContract.Contacts.CUSTOM_RINGTONE.. newRingtoneUri.toString context.getContentResolver .update contactUri values where args Furthermore you may find this discussion useful..

How to get contacts from native phonebook in android


ArrayList Person contactList new ArrayList Person Uri contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI String PROJECTION new..

Android - Update a contact


Cursor cursor if cursor.getString 5 null Uri contactUri ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI.. cursor.getInt 0 return Uri.withAppendedPath contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY .toString..

How do I display a contact's photo from the contact's id?


You can try this function All you need is to pass contact id . public Bitmap getByteContactPhoto String contactId Uri contactUri ContentUris.withAppendedId Contacts.CONTENT_URI Long.parseLong contactId Uri photoUri Uri.withAppendedPath contactUri Contacts.Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY.. contactUri ContentUris.withAppendedId Contacts.CONTENT_URI Long.parseLong contactId Uri photoUri Uri.withAppendedPath contactUri Contacts.Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY Cursor cursor mContext.getContentResolver .query photoUri new String Contacts.Photo.DATA15..

Setting contact custom ringtone, how?


a specific contact So how do I use the method ContactsContract.Contacts.CUSTOM_RINGTONE I have tried it like this Uri contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI String PROJECTION new String ContactsContract.Contacts._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME.. String SELECTION ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER '1' Cursor contacts managedQuery contactUri PROJECTION SELECTION null null while contacts.moveToNext String Name contacts.getString contacts.getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.DISPLAY_NAME..

Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask


inside AsyncTask So I am trying to use the Picasso Library for image downloading and caching. In order to get the contactUri to pass to Picasso I need to make a query to the Contacts Content Provider . Since I don't want to block the main UI thread..

How do I load a contact Photo?


but so far have come up empty. Does anyone have an example of querying for a Contact then loading the Photo So given a contactUri which comes from an Activity result called using startActivityForResult new Intent Intent.ACTION_PICK ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI.. ContactAccessor Retrieves the contact information. public ContactInfo loadContact ContentResolver contentResolver Uri contactUri contactUri content com.android.contacts data 1557 ContactInfo contactInfo new ContactInfo Load the display name for the.. Retrieves the contact information. public ContactInfo loadContact ContentResolver contentResolver Uri contactUri contactUri content com.android.contacts data 1557 ContactInfo contactInfo new ContactInfo Load the display name for the specified person..

How can I set a ringtone for an individual contact on Android?


use ContactsContract.Contacts which has a column CUSTOM_RINGTONE which is a read write column for this purpose. Uri contactUri ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put ContactsContract.Contacts.CUSTOM_RINGTONE newRingtoneUri.toString context.getContentResolver..

How to get contacts from native phonebook in android


code but it works perfectly public List Person getContactList ArrayList Person contactList new ArrayList Person Uri contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI String PROJECTION new String ContactsContract.Contacts._ID ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME..

Android - Update a contact


an uri pointing to the contact's photo private String loadContactPhoto Cursor cursor if cursor.getString 5 null Uri contactUri ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI cursor.getInt 0 return Uri.withAppendedPath contactUri.. ContentUris.withAppendedId ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI cursor.getInt 0 return Uri.withAppendedPath contactUri ContactsContract.Contacts.Photo.CONTENT_DIRECTORY .toString return null Returns a list of all phone numbers that belong..