

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:11:26

android Programming Glossary: contact_name

Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view


String contact1 String contact2 CheckBox checkBox String contact_name static final String TAG In AddContacts @SuppressWarnings deprecation.. ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER contact_name cursor .getString cursor .getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME.. ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME nameNumberArray i contact_name phoneNumber i while cursor.moveToNext final String FROM..

How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs


new ContentValues values.put contact_id 1 values.put contact_name contactName values.put number_type numType values.put contact_number..

Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


new ContentValues values.put contact_id 1 values.put contact_name contactName values.put number_type numType values.put contact_number.. this.db.execSQL insert into TABLE_NAME contact_id contact_name number_type contact_number duration date current_time cont .. id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT contact_id INTEGER contact_name VARCHAR 50 number_type VARCHAR 50 contact_number VARCHAR 50..

How to filter results of AutoCompleteTextView?


String Phone.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.NUMBER int to new int R.id.contact_name R.id.contact_phoneNo adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.simple_contact_textview.. android layout_height wrap_content android id @ id contact_name android textColor #FF000000 android textSize 20sp android text..

Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view


AddNumber EditText number1 EditText number2 EditText number3 String contact1 String contact2 CheckBox checkBox String contact_name static final String TAG In AddContacts @SuppressWarnings deprecation @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. do phoneNumber cursor .getString cursor .getColumnIndex ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER contact_name cursor .getString cursor .getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME nameNumberArray i contact_name phoneNumber.. contact_name cursor .getString cursor .getColumnIndex ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME nameNumberArray i contact_name phoneNumber i while cursor.moveToNext final String FROM nameNumberArray 0 nameNumberArray 1 final int TO R.id.contact_name..

How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs


String numType cursor.getString numTypeId ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put contact_id 1 values.put contact_name contactName values.put number_type numType values.put contact_number contactNumber values.put duration duration values.put..

Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database


String numType cursor.getString numTypeId ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put contact_id 1 values.put contact_name contactName values.put number_type numType values.put contact_number contactNumber values.put duration duration values.put.. String numType String cNum String dur String date String currTime this.db.execSQL insert into TABLE_NAME contact_id contact_name number_type contact_number duration date current_time cont values cId cName numType cNum dur date currTime 1 return true.. SQLiteDatabase db db.execSQL CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT contact_id INTEGER contact_name VARCHAR 50 number_type VARCHAR 50 contact_number VARCHAR 50 duration TIME date DATE current_time TIME cont INTEGER @Override..

How to filter results of AutoCompleteTextView?


null null null startManagingCursor cursor String from new String Phone.DISPLAY_NAME Phone.NUMBER int to new int R.id.contact_name R.id.contact_phoneNo adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.simple_contact_textview cursor from to edt_Contact.setAdapter.. background #FFFFFFFF TextView android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android id @ id contact_name android textColor #FF000000 android textSize 20sp android text Name TextView TextView android layout_width wrap_content..