android Programming Glossary: contact_id
Android Contact Picker With Checkbox long id getListView .getCheckedItemIds i get the checked contact_id instead of position phoneNumber new String id.length for int..
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put contact_id 1 values.put contact_name contactName values.put number_type..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put contact_id 1 values.put contact_name contactName values.put number_type.. String currTime this.db.execSQL insert into TABLE_NAME contact_id contact_name number_type contact_number duration date current_time.. TABLE TABLE_NAME id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT contact_id INTEGER contact_name VARCHAR 50 number_type VARCHAR 50 contact_number..
Android Autocomplete textview and Cursoradapter public String getOrganizationForContact int contact_id Cursor c String org null c getContentResolver .query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI.. contact_id null if c null c.moveToFirst org c.getString 0 c.close return..
Get attachment from unread MMS messages uriAddr null null null null if curAddr.moveToNext String contact_id curAddr.getString curAddr.getColumnIndex contact_id String.. String contact_id curAddr.getString curAddr.getColumnIndex contact_id String address curAddr.getString curAddr.getColumnIndex address.. i values i curPart.getString i String contact_idd curPart.getString 0 if values 3 .equals image jpeg values..
How to get nick name from phone number in android [duplicate] the nickname to a phone number. This is how you select the contact_id out of given phone number String projection ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTACT_ID..
Android Contact Picker With Checkbox share improve this question I use this code in onClick long id getListView .getCheckedItemIds i get the checked contact_id instead of position phoneNumber new String id.length for int i 0 i id.length i phoneNumber i getPhoneNumber id i get phonenumber..
How to implement a ContentObserver for call logs .format dateId String numType cursor.getString numTypeId ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put contact_id 1 values.put contact_name contactName values.put number_type numType values.put contact_number contactNumber values.put..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database .format dateId String numType cursor.getString numTypeId ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put contact_id 1 values.put contact_name contactName values.put number_type numType values.put contact_number contactNumber values.put.. cName String numType String cNum String dur String date String currTime this.db.execSQL insert into TABLE_NAME contact_id contact_name number_type contact_number duration date current_time cont values cId cName numType cNum dur date currTime.. public void onCreate SQLiteDatabase db db.execSQL CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT contact_id INTEGER contact_name VARCHAR 50 number_type VARCHAR 50 contact_number VARCHAR 50 duration TIME date DATE current_time TIME..
Android Autocomplete textview and Cursoradapter new String ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.COMPANY public String getOrganizationForContact int contact_id Cursor c String org null c getContentResolver .query ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI ORGANIZATION_PROJECTION ContactsContract.Data.MIMETYPE.. AND ContactsContract.Data.CONTACT_ID new String ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE contact_id null if c null c.moveToFirst org c.getString 0 c.close return org PS I haven't tried this code but a very similar one...
Get attachment from unread MMS messages content mms id addr Cursor curAddr getContentResolver .query uriAddr null null null null if curAddr.moveToNext String contact_id curAddr.getString curAddr.getColumnIndex contact_id String address curAddr.getString curAddr.getColumnIndex address String.. .query uriAddr null null null null if curAddr.moveToNext String contact_id curAddr.getString curAddr.getColumnIndex contact_id String address curAddr.getString curAddr.getColumnIndex address String selectionPart new String mid ' id ' Cursor curPart.. null values new String columns.length for int i 0 i curPart.getColumnCount i values i curPart.getString i String contact_idd curPart.getString 0 if values 3 .equals image jpeg values 3 .equals image bmp values 3 .equals image gif values 3 .equals..
How to get nick name from phone number in android [duplicate] null EDIT Ah and now as I see you want to map the nickname to a phone number. This is how you select the contact_id out of given phone number String projection ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTACT_ID Cursor phoneCursor this.getContentResolver..