python Programming Glossary: site.addsitedir
Creating a secondary site-packages directory (and loading packages from .pth files therein) up on sys.path with the following contents import site site.addsitedir ' usr local lib python2.7' When Python is starting an attempt..
In Python script, how do I set PYTHONPATH? systems on Windows . You can also add directories using site.addsitedir and that method will also take into account .pth files existing..
How to modularize a Python application improve this question Adding to sys.path usually using site.addsitedir is quite common and not particularly frowned upon. Certainly..
Trying to get Pyramid running under Apache + mod_wsgi but it's failing load.wsgi VirtualHost Here's my load.wsgi import site site.addsitedir ' opt pyramid lib python2.7 site packages' from pyramid.paster.. under a virtualenv in opt pyramid This is why I have the site.addsitedir in my load.wsgi. And in case it's needed apache2 V Server version..
Nested .pth Files or Loading Extra site-dirs from a Network are automatically added to sys.path without needing to run site.addsitedir or sys.path.append each time I import said packages. Is there..
How to add a Python import path using a .pth file credits or license for more information. import site sys site.addsitedir 'test' sys.path 3 ' tmp test' ' tmp test foo' ' tmp test bar'..
Could not import settings 'myproject.settings' (Is it on sys.path?): No module named pinax __file__ os.chdir pwd sys.path pwd sys.path # Append paths site.addsitedir envpath # now start django from django.core.handlers.wsgi import..