

python Programming Glossary: slider

Closing pyplot windows


can do so by referring to this handle. I can also create a slider widget by doing the following axsliderA axes 0.12 0.85 0.16.. I can also create a slider widget by doing the following axsliderA axes 0.12 0.85 0.16 0.075 sA Slider axsliderA 'A' 1 1.0 valinit.. following axsliderA axes 0.12 0.85 0.16 0.075 sA Slider axsliderA 'A' 1 1.0 valinit 0.5 sA.on_changed update The first line creates..

Compare files line by line to see if they are the same, if so output them


order it is sorted in is alphanumeric and I want to use a slider method. By that I mean if file1 x is file2 x move the slider.. method. By that I mean if file1 x is file2 x move the slider down or up depending on whether one value is greater than the.. file1 x where x can be any index from the line. python slider analytics match string matching share improve this question..

Finding matches in two files and outputting them


order it is sorted in is alphanumeric and I want to use a slider method. By that I mean if file1 x is file2 x move the slider.. method. By that I mean if file1 x is file2 x move the slider down or up depending on whether one value is greater than the.. along with other values using an index method. python slider analytics match share improve this question A starting point..

How to detect motion between two PIL images? (wxPython webcam integration example included)


In the long run I would like to setup a sensitivity slider so if you are able to guide me in the direction I'm sure I can..

Interactive matplotlib plot with two sliders


matplotlib plot with two sliders I used matplotlib to create some plot which depends on 8 variables... links or a link with a plot example with just two sliders python keyboard matplotlib interactive share improve this.. addition to what @triplepoint mentioned have a look at the slider widget. There's an example on the matplotlib examples page ...

Java raw audio output


if fpw null try int fPW Integer.parseInt fpw JSlider slider bp.getFramesPerWavelengthSlider slider.setValue fPW catch.. fpw JSlider slider bp.getFramesPerWavelengthSlider slider.setValue fPW catch NumberFormatException useDefault boolean.. addHarmonic harmonic.setSelected addHarmonic Provides the slider for determining the # of frames per wavelength primarily to..

Closing pyplot windows


doing the following axsliderA axes 0.12 0.85 0.16 0.075 sA Slider axsliderA 'A' 1 1.0 valinit 0.5 sA.on_changed update The first.. ax.set_ylabel 'Y' axsliderA axes 0.12 0.85 0.16 0.075 sA Slider axsliderA 'A' 1 1.0 valinit 0.5 sA.on_changed update axsliderB.. update axsliderB axes 0.43 0.85 0.16 0.075 sB Slider axsliderB 'B' 30 30.0 valinit 2 sB.on_changed update axsliderC..

Interactive matplotlib plot with two sliders


across. from pylab import from matplotlib.widgets import Slider Button RadioButtons ax subplot 111 subplots_adjust left 0.25.. axamp axes 0.25 0.15 0.65 0.03 axisbg axcolor sfreq Slider axfreq 'Freq' 0.1 30.0 valinit f0 samp Slider axamp 'Amp' 0.1.. sfreq Slider axfreq 'Freq' 0.1 30.0 valinit f0 samp Slider axamp 'Amp' 0.1 10.0 valinit a0 def update val amp samp.val..