

python Programming Glossary: sit

Using subprocess.Popen for Process with Large Output


lot to stderr and nothing to stdout then your process will sit waiting for data on stdout that isn't coming while the program.. stdout that isn't coming while the program you're running sits there waiting for the stuff it wrote to stderr to be read which..

How do scripting languages use sockets?


before it returns results to the client. Apache will sit there and hang a bit waiting for this to complete. If you're..

Render anti-aliased text on transparent surface in pygame


class with alpha transparency. lorem Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed aliquet tellus eros eu.. metus a semper consectetur est lectus varius erat sit amet ultrices tortor nisi id justo. Aliquam elementum vestibulum.. rhoncus diam quam mollis nisi vitae semper mi massa sit amet tellus. Vivamus congue commodo ornare. Morbi et mi non..

Matplotlib: Aligning y-ticks to the left


np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ticks Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicin g elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.. You will just need to add a pad . See matplotlib ticks position relative to axis yax ax.get_yaxis yax.set_tick_params pad.. np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ticks Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicin g elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt..

can't figure out serving static images in django dev environment


landscapes 160.jpg In settings.py I have MEDIA_ROOT 'C siteURL galleries ' MEDIA_URL 'http some good URL galleries ' In.. some good URL galleries ' In file system there is a file C siteURL galleries landscapes 160.jpg and I do have the same file.. . Using your example MEDIA_ROOT needs to be set to 'C siteURL galleries ' like you wrote. MEDIA_ROOT is going to be used..

Preventing window overlap in GTK


always on top is not enough as the other windows just sit behind my info bar instead of stopping at its edge. In short..

How can I monitor Tkinter buttons when Python is busy?


from a RS 232 port. However if no input arrives it will sit in a loop for ever. I am trying to implement an ˜Abandon Test..

MSN with Python


plans to create a simple bot for a game I run and have it sit on MSN and answer queries. I want to use Python to do this and..

What Python way would you suggest to check whois database records?


some tips or should I just do it the opensource way sit down and code something by myself python sysadmin whois share..

Why my code not correctly split every page in a scanned pdf?


3.pdf Original I have a scanned pdf where two paper pages sit side by side in a pdf page. I would like to split the pdf page..

Python difflib: highlighting differences inline?


the differences on the same line a lorem ipsum dolor sit amet b lorem foo ipsum dolor amet lorem ins foo ins ipsum dolor.. foo ipsum dolor amet lorem ins foo ins ipsum dolor del sit del amet While difflib.HtmlDiff appears to do this sort of inline.. output sm difflib.SequenceMatcher None lorem ipsum dolor sit amet lorem foo ipsum dolor amet show_diff sm 'lorem ins foo..

Whats the difference between Python decorators and Decorator Pattern?


string if __name__ '__main__' string 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.' print function string # plain functioon print decorator..

Thread synchronization, Python


set them to block. Then the reader threads will simply sit and wait for data and respond immediately. Locks are used when..